Spark Streaming Pulsar Receiver


Spark Streaming Pulsar Receiver is a custom receiver which enables Apache Spark Streaming to receive data from Pulsar.

An application can receive RDD format data via Spark Streaming Pulsar Receiver and can process it variously.

Using Spark Streaming Pulsar Receiver

Include dependency for Spark Streaming Pulsar Receiver:


Pass an instance of SparkStreamingPulsarReceiver to receiverStream method in JavaStreamingContext:

SparkConf conf = new SparkConf().setMaster("local[*]").setAppName("pulsar-spark");
JavaStreamingContext jssc = new JavaStreamingContext(conf, Durations.seconds(5));

ClientConfiguration clientConf = new ClientConfiguration();
ConsumerConfiguration consConf = new ConsumerConfiguration();
String url = "pulsar://localhost:6650/";
String topic = "persistent://sample/standalone/ns1/topic1";
String subs = "sub1";

JavaReceiverInputDStream<byte[]> msgs = jssc
        .receiverStream(new SparkStreamingPulsarReceiver(clientConf, consConf, url, topic, subs));


You can find a complete example here. In this example, the number of messages which contain “Pulsar” string in received messages is counted.