Documentation for Kafka/Pulsar client wrapper (#795)

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 - title: Adaptors
   dir: adaptors
+  - title: Apache Kafka client wrapper
+    endpoint: KafkaWrapper
   - title: Spark Streaming
     endpoint: PulsarSpark
   - title: Apache Storm
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+title: Pulsar adaptor for Apache Kafka
+tags: [apache, kafka, wrapper]
+Pulsar provides an easy option for applications that are currently written using the
+[Apache Kafka]( Java client API.
+## Using the Pulsar Kafka compatibility wrapper
+In an existing application, change the regular Kafka client dependency and replace it with
+the Pulsar Kafka wrapper:
+  <groupId>org.apache.kafka</groupId>
+  <artifactId>kakfa-clients</artifactId>
+  <version></version>
+Include dependency for Pulsar Kafka wrapper:
+  <groupId>org.apache.pulsar</groupId>
+  <artifactId>pulsar-client-kafka-compat</artifactId>
+  <version>{{ site.current_version }}</version>
+With the new dependency, the existing code should work without any changes. The only
+thing that needs to be adjusted is the configuration, to make sure to point the
+producers and consumers to Pulsar service rather than Kafka and to use a particular
+Pulsar topic.
+## Producer example
+// Topic needs to be a regular Pulsar topic
+String topic = "persistent://sample/standalone/ns/my-topic";
+Properties props = new Properties();
+// Point to a Pulsar service
+props.put("bootstrap.servers", "pulsar://localhost:6650");
+props.put("key.serializer", IntegerSerializer.class.getName());
+props.put("value.serializer", StringSerializer.class.getName());
+Producer<Integer, String> producer = new KafkaProducer<>(props);
+for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+    producer.send(new ProducerRecord<Integer, String>(topic, i, "hello-" + i));
+"Message {} sent successfully", i);
+## Consumer example
+String topic = "persistent://sample/standalone/ns/my-topic";
+Properties props = new Properties();
+// Point to a Pulsar service
+props.put("bootstrap.servers", "pulsar://localhost:6650");
+props.put("", "my-subscription-name");
+props.put("", "false");
+props.put("key.deserializer", IntegerDeserializer.class.getName());
+props.put("value.deserializer", StringDeserializer.class.getName());
+Consumer<Integer, String> consumer = new KafkaConsumer<>(props);
+while (true) {
+    ConsumerRecords<Integer, String> records = consumer.poll(100);
+    records.forEach(record -> {
+"Received record: {}", record);
+    });
+    // Commit last offset
+    consumer.commitSync();
+## Complete Examples
+You can find the complete producer and consumer examples
+[here]({{ site.pulsar_repo }}/pulsar-client-kafka-compat/pulsar-client-kafka-tests/src/test/java/org/apache/pulsar/client/kafka/compat/examples).
+## Compatibility matrix
+Currently the Pulsar Kafka wrapper supports most of the operations offered by the Kafka API.
+#### Producer
+| Producer Method                                                               | Supported | Notes                                                                    |
+| `Future<RecordMetadata> send(ProducerRecord<K, V> record)`                    | Yes       | Currently no support for explicitly set the partition id when publishing |
+| `Future<RecordMetadata> send(ProducerRecord<K, V> record, Callback callback)` | Yes       |                                                                          |
+| `void flush()`                                                                | Yes       |                                                                          |
+| `List<PartitionInfo> partitionsFor(String topic)`                             | No        |                                                                          |
+| `Map<MetricName, ? extends Metric> metrics()`                                 | No        |                                                                          |
+| `void close()`                                                                | Yes       |                                                                          |
+| `void close(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)`                                     | Yes       |                                                                          |
+| Config property                         | Supported | Notes                                                                         |
+| `acks`                                  | Ignored   | Durability and quorum writes are configured at the namespace level            |
+| `batch.size`                            | Ignored   |                                                                               |
+| `block.on.buffer.full`                  | Yes       | If true it will block producer, otherwise give error                          |
+| `bootstrap.servers`                     | Yes       | Needs to point to a single Pulsar service URL                                 |
+| `buffer.memory`                         | Ignored   |                                                                               |
+| ``                             | Ignored   |                                                                               |
+| `compression.type`                      | Yes       | Allows `gzip` and `lz4`. No `snappy`.                                         |
+| ``               | Ignored   |                                                                               |
+| `interceptor.classes`                   | Ignored   |                                                                               |
+| `key.serializer`                        | Yes       |                                                                               |
+| ``                             | Yes       | Controls the group commit time when batching messages                         |
+| ``                          | Ignored   |                                                                               |
+| `` | Ignored   | In Pulsar ordering is maintained even with multiple requests in flight        |
+| `max.request.size`                      | Ignored   |                                                                               |
+| `metric.reporters`                      | Ignored   |                                                                               |
+| `metrics.num.samples`                   | Ignored   |                                                                               |
+| ``              | Ignored   |                                                                               |
+| `partitioner.class`                     | Ignored   |                                                                               |
+| `receive.buffer.bytes`                  | Ignored   |                                                                               |
+| ``                  | Ignored   |                                                                               |
+| ``                    | Ignored   |                                                                               |
+| `retries`                               | Ignored   | Pulsar client retries with exponential backoff until the send timeout expires |
+| `send.buffer.bytes`                     | Ignored   |                                                                               |
+| ``                            | Ignored   |                                                                               |
+| `value.serializer`                      | Yes       |                                                                               |
+#### Consumer
+| Consumer Method                                                                                         | Supported | Notes |
+| `Set<TopicPartition> assignment()`                                                                      | No        |       |
+| `Set<String> subscription()`                                                                            | Yes       |       |
+| `void subscribe(Collection<String> topics)`                                                             | Yes       |       |
+| `void subscribe(Collection<String> topics, ConsumerRebalanceListener callback)`                         | No        |       |
+| `void assign(Collection<TopicPartition> partitions)`                                                    | No        |       |
+| `void subscribe(Pattern pattern, ConsumerRebalanceListener callback)`                                   | No        |       |
+| `void unsubscribe()`                                                                                    | Yes       |       |
+| `ConsumerRecords<K, V> poll(long timeoutMillis)`                                                        | Yes       |       |
+| `void commitSync()`                                                                                     | Yes       |       |
+| `void commitSync(Map<TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata> offsets)`                                       | Yes       |       |
+| `void commitAsync()`                                                                                    | Yes       |       |
+| `void commitAsync(OffsetCommitCallback callback)`                                                       | Yes       |       |
+| `void commitAsync(Map<TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata> offsets, OffsetCommitCallback callback)`       | Yes       |       |
+| `void seek(TopicPartition partition, long offset)`                                                      | No        |       |
+| `void seekToBeginning(Collection<TopicPartition> partitions)`                                           | No        |       |
+| `void seekToEnd(Collection<TopicPartition> partitions)`                                                 | No        |       |
+| `long position(TopicPartition partition)`                                                               | Yes       |       |
+| `OffsetAndMetadata committed(TopicPartition partition)`                                                 | Yes       |       |
+| `Map<MetricName, ? extends Metric> metrics()`                                                           | No        |       |
+| `List<PartitionInfo> partitionsFor(String topic)`                                                       | No        |       |
+| `Map<String, List<PartitionInfo>> listTopics()`                                                         | No        |       |
+| `Set<TopicPartition> paused()`                                                                          | No        |       |
+| `void pause(Collection<TopicPartition> partitions)`                                                     | No        |       |
+| `void resume(Collection<TopicPartition> partitions)`                                                    | No        |       |
+| `Map<TopicPartition, OffsetAndTimestamp> offsetsForTimes(Map<TopicPartition, Long> timestampsToSearch)` | No        |       |
+| `Map<TopicPartition, Long> beginningOffsets(Collection<TopicPartition> partitions)`                     | No        |       |
+| `Map<TopicPartition, Long> endOffsets(Collection<TopicPartition> partitions)`                           | No        |       |
+| `void close()`                                                                                          | Yes       |       |
+| `void close(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)`                                                               | Yes       |       |
+| `void wakeup()`                                                                                         | No        |       |
+| Config property                 | Supported | Notes                                                 |
+| ``                      | Yes       | Maps to a Pulsar subscription name                    |
+| `max.poll.records`              | Ignored   |                                                       |
+| ``          | Ignored   | Messages are "pushed" from broker                     |
+| ``            | Ignored   |                                                       |
+| ``         | Ignored   |                                                       |
+| `bootstrap.servers`             | Yes       | Needs to point to a single Pulsar service URL         |
+| ``            | Yes       |                                                       |
+| ``       | Ignored   | With auto-commit, acks are sent immediately to broker |
+| `partition.assignment.strategy` | Ignored   |                                                       |
+| `auto.offset.reset`             | Ignored   |                                                       |
+| `fetch.min.bytes`               | Ignored   |                                                       |
+| `fetch.max.bytes`               | Ignored   |                                                       |
+| ``             | Ignored   |                                                       |
+| ``           | Ignored   |                                                       |
+| `max.partition.fetch.bytes`     | Ignored   |                                                       |
+| `send.buffer.bytes`             | Ignored   |                                                       |
+| `receive.buffer.bytes`          | Ignored   |                                                       |
+| ``                     | Ignored   |                                                       |
+## Custom Pulsar configurations
+You can configure Pulsar authentication provider directly from the Kafka properties.
+| Config property                        | Default | Notes                                                                                  |
+| `pulsar.authentication.class`          |         | Configure to auth provider. Eg. `org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.auth.AuthenticationTls` |
+| `pulsar.use.tls`                       | `false` | Enable TLS transport encryption                                                        |
+| ``     |         | Path for the TLS trust certificate store                                               |
+| `pulsar.tls.allow.insecure.connection` | `false` | Accept self-signed certificates from brokers                                           |