[Client]Allow to override PULSAR_MEM settings via PULSAR_EXTRA_OPS (#13381)

### Motivation

`pulsar-client` runs `conf/pulsar_tools_env.sh` to set `PULSAR_EXTRA_OPTS`. If `PULSAR_EXTRA_OPTS` are given in the command line and contain `-Xmx`, it will be overridden by `PULSAR_MEM`.

### Modifications

Exchange the order of applying env variables. First go the hardcoded PULSAR_MEM settings, then potentially the user settings.
diff --git a/conf/pulsar_tools_env.sh b/conf/pulsar_tools_env.sh
index 0f14977..f16bbca 100755
--- a/conf/pulsar_tools_env.sh
+++ b/conf/pulsar_tools_env.sh
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
 PULSAR_GC=" -client "
 # Extra options to be passed to the jvm
-PULSAR_EXTRA_OPTS="${PULSAR_EXTRA_OPTS} ${PULSAR_MEM} ${PULSAR_GC} ${PULSAR_GC_LOG} -Dio.netty.leakDetectionLevel=disabled"
+PULSAR_EXTRA_OPTS="${PULSAR_MEM} ${PULSAR_GC} ${PULSAR_GC_LOG} -Dio.netty.leakDetectionLevel=disabled ${PULSAR_EXTRA_OPTS}"
 # Add extra paths to the bookkeeper classpath