Add NPE check for PulsarService#getAdminClient (#9782)

### Motivation

If user set incorrect `brokerClientTlsEnabled` config, the `PulsarService#getAdminClient` would throw NPE and the error logs is not clear. For example, start a standalone pulsar with `brokerClientTlsEnabled=true`, some admin APIs that don't involve `PulsarService#getAdminClient` work well, however some admin APIs like `GET /admin/v2/non-persistent/:tenant/:namespace` will throw NPE with following logs:

``` java.lang.NullPointerException

After this PR, the logs became:

``` java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: adminApiUrl is null, isBrokerClientTlsEnabled: true, webServiceAddressTls: null, webServiceAddress: http://localhost:8080

### Modifications

- Check if `adminApiUrl` is null in `PulsarService#getAdminClient` and give a human readable error message.

### Verifying this change

- [ ] Make sure that the change passes the CI checks.

This change is a trivial rework / code cleanup without any test coverage.
diff --git a/pulsar-broker/src/main/java/org/apache/pulsar/broker/ b/pulsar-broker/src/main/java/org/apache/pulsar/broker/
index 25c497c..541d05e 100644
--- a/pulsar-broker/src/main/java/org/apache/pulsar/broker/
+++ b/pulsar-broker/src/main/java/org/apache/pulsar/broker/
@@ -1166,7 +1166,13 @@
         if (this.adminClient == null) {
             try {
                 ServiceConfiguration conf = this.getConfiguration();
-                String adminApiUrl = conf.isBrokerClientTlsEnabled() ? webServiceAddressTls : webServiceAddress;
+                final String adminApiUrl = conf.isBrokerClientTlsEnabled() ? webServiceAddressTls : webServiceAddress;
+                if (adminApiUrl == null) {
+                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Web service address was not set properly "
+                            + ", isBrokerClientTlsEnabled: " + conf.isBrokerClientTlsEnabled()
+                            + ", webServiceAddressTls: " + webServiceAddressTls
+                            + ", webServiceAddress: " + webServiceAddress);
+                }
                 PulsarAdminBuilder builder = PulsarAdmin.builder().serviceHttpUrl(adminApiUrl) //
                                 conf.getBrokerClientAuthenticationPlugin(), //