Apache Spark Streaming Receiver for Pulsar

This page describes how to use the receiver to read Pulsar topics with Apache Spark stream processing applications.



This spark streaming job is consuming from a Pulsar topic and counting the wordcount in a streaming fashion. The job can write the word count results to stdout or another Pulsar topic.

If you choose local to run, modify PulsarSparkReceiverWordCount.java main code example :

public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
    String serviceUrl = "pulsar://localhost:6650/";
    String topic = "persistent://public/default/test_src";
    String subs = "test_sub";

    SparkConf sparkConf = new SparkConf().setMaster("local[*]").setAppName("Pulsar Spark Example");

    JavaStreamingContext jsc = new JavaStreamingContext(sparkConf, Durations.seconds(60));

    ConsumerConfigurationData<byte[]> pulsarConf = new ConsumerConfigurationData();

    Set<String> set = new HashSet<>();

    SparkStreamingPulsarReceiver pulsarReceiver = new SparkStreamingPulsarReceiver(
        new AuthenticationDisabled());

    JavaReceiverInputDStream<byte[]> lineDStream = jsc.receiverStream(pulsarReceiver);
    JavaPairDStream<String, Integer> result = lineDStream.flatMap(x -> {
      String line = new String(x, Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
      List<String> list = Arrays.asList(line.split(" "));
      return list.iterator();
        .mapToPair(x -> new Tuple2<String, Integer>(x, 1))
        .reduceByKey((x, y) -> x + y);



If you choose spark_submit to run, the steps to run the example:

  1. Start Pulsar Standalone.

    You can follow the instructions to start a Pulsar standalone locally.

    $ bin/pulsar standalone
  2. Build the examples.

    $ cd ${PULSAR_HOME}
    $ mvn clean install -DskipTests
  3. Spark Run the word count example to print results to stdout.

    $ ${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-submit --class org.apache.spark.streaming.receiver.example.SparkStreamingPulsarReceiverExample \
                                     --master local[2] \ 
                                     --packages org.apache.pulsar:pulsar-client:${project.version},org.apache.pulsar:pulsar-spark:${project.version} \
                                     ${PULSAR_HOME}/examples/spark/target/pulsar-spark-examples.jar \ 
                                     pulsar://localhost:6650 test_src test_sub
  4. When you run pulsar Producer data like ProducerSparkReceiverData, You will see similar to print results to stdout, e.g.:
