id: functions-debug-cli title: Debug with Functions CLI sidebar_label: “Debug with Functions CLI”

With Pulsar Functions CLI, you can debug Pulsar Functions with the following subcommands:

  • get
  • status
  • stats
  • list
  • trigger


To get information about a function, you can specify --fqfn as follows.

./bin/pulsar-admin functions get public/default/ExclamationFunctio6

Alternatively, you can specify --name, --namespace and --tenant as follows.

./bin/pulsar-admin functions get \ --tenant public \ --namespace default \ --name ExclamationFunctio6

As shown below, the get command shows input, output, runtime, and other information about the _ExclamationFunctio6_ function.

{ "tenant": "public", "namespace": "default", "name": "ExclamationFunctio6", "className": "org.example.test.ExclamationFunction", "inputSpecs": { "persistent://public/default/my-topic-1": { "isRegexPattern": false } }, "output": "persistent://public/default/test-1", "processingGuarantees": "ATLEAST_ONCE", "retainOrdering": false, "userConfig": {}, "runtime": "JAVA", "autoAck": true, "parallelism": 1 }


To list all Pulsar Functions running under a specific tenant and namespace:

bin/pulsar-admin functions list \ --tenant public \ --namespace default

As shown below, the list command returns three functions running under the public tenant and the default namespace.

ExclamationFunctio1 ExclamationFunctio2 ExclamationFunctio3


To check the current status of a function:

./bin/pulsar-admin functions status \ --tenant public \ --namespace default \ --name ExclamationFunctio6 \

As shown below, the status command shows the number of instances, running instances, the instance running under the _ExclamationFunctio6_ function, received messages, successfully processed messages, system exceptions, the average latency and so on.

{ "numInstances" : 1, "numRunning" : 1, "instances" : [ { "instanceId" : 0, "status" : { "running" : true, "error" : "", "numRestarts" : 0, "numReceived" : 1, "numSuccessfullyProcessed" : 1, "numUserExceptions" : 0, "latestUserExceptions" : [ ], "numSystemExceptions" : 0, "latestSystemExceptions" : [ ], "averageLatency" : 0.8385, "lastInvocationTime" : 1557734137987, "workerId" : "c-standalone-fw-23ccc88ef29b-8080" } } ] }


To get the current stats of a function:

bin/pulsar-admin functions stats \ --tenant public \ --namespace default \ --name ExclamationFunctio6 \

The output is shown as follows:

{ "receivedTotal" : 1, "processedSuccessfullyTotal" : 1, "systemExceptionsTotal" : 0, "userExceptionsTotal" : 0, "avgProcessLatency" : 0.8385, "1min" : { "receivedTotal" : 0, "processedSuccessfullyTotal" : 0, "systemExceptionsTotal" : 0, "userExceptionsTotal" : 0, "avgProcessLatency" : null }, "lastInvocation" : 1557734137987, "instances" : [ { "instanceId" : 0, "metrics" : { "receivedTotal" : 1, "processedSuccessfullyTotal" : 1, "systemExceptionsTotal" : 0, "userExceptionsTotal" : 0, "avgProcessLatency" : 0.8385, "1min" : { "receivedTotal" : 0, "processedSuccessfullyTotal" : 0, "systemExceptionsTotal" : 0, "userExceptionsTotal" : 0, "avgProcessLatency" : null }, "lastInvocation" : 1557734137987, "userMetrics" : { } } } ] }


To trigger a specified function with a supplied value:

./bin/pulsar-admin functions trigger \ --tenant public \ --namespace default \ --name ExclamationFunctio6 \ --topic persistent://public/default/my-topic-1 \ --trigger-value "hello pulsar functions"

This command simulates the execution process of a function and verifies it. As shown below, the trigger command returns the following result:

This is my function!


When using the --topic option, you must specify the entire topic name. Otherwise, the following error occurs.

Function in trigger function has unidentified topic Reason: Function in trigger function has unidentified topic
