blob: dd2b5527d80b2ef6af8b5347109477abc204e7d6 [file] [log] [blame]
const lightCodeTheme = require("prism-react-renderer/themes/github");
const darkCodeTheme = require("prism-react-renderer/themes/dracula");
const linkifyRegex = require("./plugins/remark-linkify-regex");
const url = "";
const javadocUrl = url + "/api";
const restApiUrl = url + "/admin-rest-api";
const functionsApiUrl = url + "/functions-rest-api";
const sourceApiUrl = url + "/source-rest-api";
const sinkApiUrl = url + "/sink-rest-api";
const packagesApiUrl = url + "/packages-rest-api";
const githubUrl = "";
const baseUrl = "/";
const injectLinkParse = ([, prefix, , name, path]) => {
if (prefix == "javadoc") {
return {
link: javadocUrl + path,
text: name,
} else if (prefix == "github") {
return {
link: githubUrl + "/tree/master/" + path,
text: name,
} else if (prefix == "rest") {
return {
link: restApiUrl + "#" + path,
text: name,
} else if (prefix == "functions") {
return {
link: functionsApiUrl + "#" + path,
text: name,
} else if (prefix == "source") {
return {
link: sourceApiUrl + "#" + path,
text: name,
} else if (prefix == "sink") {
return {
link: sinkApiUrl + "#" + path,
text: name,
} else if (prefix == "packages") {
return {
link: packagesApiUrl + "#" + path,
text: name,
return {
link: path,
text: name,
const injectLinkParseForEndpoint = ([, info]) => {
let [method, path, suffix] = info.split("|");
if (!suffix) {
suffix = path;
let restPath = path.split("/");
const restApiVersion = restPath[2];
const restApiType = restPath[3];
let restBaseUrl = restApiUrl;
if (restApiType == "functions") {
restBaseUrl = functionsApiUrl;
} else if (restApiType == "source") {
restBaseUrl = sourceApiUrl;
} else if (restApiType == "sink") {
restBaseUrl = sinkApiUrl;
let restUrl = "";
if (suffix.indexOf("?version") >= 0) {
restUrl = suffix + "&apiVersion=" + restApiVersion;
} else {
restUrl = suffix + "version=master&apiVersion=" + restApiVersion;
return {
text: method + " " + path,
link: restBaseUrl + "#" + restUrl,
/** @type {import('@docusaurus/types').DocusaurusConfig} */
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"Apache Pulsar is a cloud-native, distributed messaging and streaming platform originally created at Yahoo! and now a top-level Apache Software Foundation project",
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footer: {
style: "dark",
copyright: `Inc.Copyright © ${new Date().getFullYear()} The Apache Software Foundation. All Rights Reserved. Apache, Apache Pulsar and the Apache feather logo are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation.`,
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// Please change this to your repo.
editUrl: `${githubUrl}/edit/master/site2/website-next`,
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blog: {
showReadingTime: true,
// Please change this to your repo.
editUrl: `${githubUrl}/edit/master/site2/website-next`,
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