Pulsar C++ client library

Examples for using the API to publish and consume messages can be found on https://github.com/apache/pulsar/tree/master/pulsar-client-cpp/examples


It‘s recommended to use Protocol Buffer 2.6 because it’s verified by CI, but 3.x also works.

The default supported compression types are:

  • CompressionNone
  • CompressionLZ4

If you want to enable other compression types, you need to install:

If you want to build and run the tests, you need to install GTest. Otherwise, you need to add CMake option -DBUILD_TESTS=OFF.

If you don't want to build Python client since boost-python may not be easy to install, you need to add CMake option -DBUILD_PYTHON_WRAPPER=OFF.

If you want to use ClientConfiguration::setLogConfFilePath, you need to install the Log4CXX and add CMake option -DUSE_LOG4CXX=ON.


Pulsar C++ Client Library has been tested on:

  • Linux
  • Mac OS X
  • Windows x64


Compile within a Docker container

You can compile the C++ client library within a Docker container that already contains all the required dependencies.


Run unit tests:


Compile on Ubuntu Server 16.04

Install all dependencies:

apt-get install -y g++ cmake libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev liblog4cxx-dev \
                libprotobuf-dev libboost-all-dev  libgtest-dev google-mock \
                protobuf-compiler python-setuptools

Compile and install Google Test:

cd /usr/src/gtest
sudo cmake .
sudo make
sudo cp *.a /usr/lib

Compile and install Google Mock:

cd /usr/src/gmock
sudo cmake .
sudo make
sudo cp *.a /usr/lib

Compile Pulsar client library:

cd pulsar/pulsar-client-cpp
cmake .


Client library will be placed in
Tools will be placed in

Compile on Mac OS X

Install all dependencies:

# For openSSL
brew install openssl
export OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/local/opt/openssl/include/
export OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=/usr/local/opt/openssl/

# For Protobuf
brew install protobuf boost boost-python log4cxx jsoncpp
// If you are using python3, you need to install boost-python3

# For gtest
cd $HOME
git clone https://github.com/google/googletest.git
cd googletest
cmake .
make install
# Refer gtest documentation in case you get stuck somewhere

Compile Pulsar client library:

export PULSAR_PATH=<Path where you cloned pulsar repo>
cd ${PULSAR_PATH}/pulsar-client-cpp/
cmake .


Client library will be placed in
Tools will be placed in:

Compile on Windows

Install with vcpkg

It‘s highly recommended to use vcpkg for C++ package management on Windows. It’s easy to install and well supported by Visual Studio (2015/2017/2019) and CMake. See here for quick start.

Take Windows 64-bit library as an example, you only need to run

vcpkg install --feature-flags=manifests --triplet x64-windows

NOTE: For Windows 32-bit library, change x64-windows to x86-windows, see here for more details about the triplet concept in Vcpkg.

The all dependencies, which are specified by vcpkg.json, will be installed in vcpkg_installed/ subdirectory,

With vcpkg, you only need to run two commands:

cmake \
 -B ./build \
 -A x64 \
 -DVCPKG_TRIPLET=x64-windows \
 -S .
cmake --build ./build --config Release

Then all artifacts will be built into build subdirectory.

NOTE: For Windows 32-bit, you need to use -A Win32 and -DVCPKG_TRIPLET=x86-windows.

Install dependencies manually

You need to install dlfcn-win32 in addition.

If you installed the dependencies manually, you need to run

#If all dependencies are in your path, all that is necessary is
${PULSAR_PATH}/pulsar-client-cpp/cmake .

#if all dependencies are not in your path, then passing in a PROTOC_PATH and CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH is necessary
${PULSAR_PATH}/pulsar-client-cpp/cmake -DPROTOC_PATH=C:/protobuf/bin/protoc -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="C:/boost;C:/openssl;C:/zlib;C:/curl;C:/protobuf;C:/googletest;C:/dlfcn-win32" .

#This will generate pulsar-cpp.sln. Open this in Visual Studio and build the desired configurations.


# Source code

# Execution
# Start standalone broker

# Run the tests

# When no longer needed, stop standalone broker

Requirements for Contributors

It's recommended to install LLVM for clang-tidy and clang-format. Pulsar C++ client use clang-format 5.0 to format files, which is a little different with latest clang-format.

We welcome contributions from the open source community, kindly make sure your changes are backward compatible with GCC 4.8 and Boost 1.53.