blob: d5976395994205fcf55f0939a439909623813bc4 [file] [log] [blame]
var crypto = require('crypto');
var $ = require('./common');
* Generate the LM Hash
function lmhashbuf(inputstr)
/* ASCII --> uppercase */
var x = inputstr.substring(0, 14).toUpperCase();
var xl = Buffer.byteLength(x, 'ascii');
/* null pad to 14 bytes */
var y = new Buffer(14);
y.write(x, 0, xl, 'ascii');
y.fill(0, xl);
/* insert odd parity bits in key */
var halves = [
$.oddpar($.expandkey(y.slice(0, 7))),
$.oddpar($.expandkey(y.slice(7, 14)))
/* DES encrypt magic number "KGS!@#$%" to two
* 8-byte ciphertexts, (ECB, no padding)
var buf = new Buffer(16);
var pos = 0;
var cts = halves.forEach(function(z) {
var des = crypto.createCipheriv('DES-ECB', z, '');
var str = des.update('KGS!@#$%', 'binary', 'binary');
buf.write(str, pos, pos + 8, 'binary');
pos += 8;
/* concat the two ciphertexts to form 16byte value,
* the LM hash */
return buf;
function nthashbuf(str)
/* take MD4 hash of UCS-2 encoded password */
var ucs2 = new Buffer(str, 'ucs2');
var md4 = crypto.createHash('md4');
return new Buffer(md4.digest('binary'), 'binary');
function lmhash(is)
return $.bintohex(lmhashbuf(is));
function nthash(is)
return $.bintohex(nthashbuf(is));
module.exports.nthashbuf = nthashbuf;
module.exports.lmhashbuf = lmhashbuf;
module.exports.nthash = nthash;
module.exports.lmhash = lmhash;