blob: cfd8acea29efc6c64f3d4eebce0ffbff81f4bb5d [file] [log] [blame]
import * as OctokitTypes from "@octokit/types";
export { EndpointOptions } from "@octokit/types";
export { OctokitResponse } from "@octokit/types";
export { RequestParameters } from "@octokit/types";
export { Route } from "@octokit/types";
export interface PaginateInterface {
* Sends a request based on endpoint options
* @param {object} endpoint Must set `method` and `url`. Plus URL, query or body parameters, as well as `headers`, `mediaType.{format|previews}`, `request`, or `baseUrl`.
* @param {function} mapFn Optional method to map each response to a custom array
<T, R>(options: OctokitTypes.EndpointOptions, mapFn: MapFunction<T, R>): Promise<PaginationResults<R>>;
* Sends a request based on endpoint options
* @param {object} endpoint Must set `method` and `url`. Plus URL, query or body parameters, as well as `headers`, `mediaType.{format|previews}`, `request`, or `baseUrl`.
<T>(options: OctokitTypes.EndpointOptions): Promise<PaginationResults<T>>;
* Sends a request based on endpoint options
* @param {string} route Request method + URL. Example: `'GET /orgs/:org'`
* @param {function} mapFn Optional method to map each response to a custom array
<T, R>(route: OctokitTypes.Route, mapFn: MapFunction<T>): Promise<PaginationResults<R>>;
* Sends a request based on endpoint options
* @param {string} route Request method + URL. Example: `'GET /orgs/:org'`
* @param {object} parameters URL, query or body parameters, as well as `headers`, `mediaType.{format|previews}`, `request`, or `baseUrl`.
* @param {function} mapFn Optional method to map each response to a custom array
<T, R>(route: OctokitTypes.Route, parameters: OctokitTypes.RequestParameters, mapFn: MapFunction<T>): Promise<PaginationResults<R>>;
* Sends a request based on endpoint options
* @param {string} route Request method + URL. Example: `'GET /orgs/:org'`
* @param {object} parameters URL, query or body parameters, as well as `headers`, `mediaType.{format|previews}`, `request`, or `baseUrl`.
<T>(route: OctokitTypes.Route, parameters: OctokitTypes.RequestParameters): Promise<PaginationResults<T>>;
* Sends a request based on endpoint options
* @param {string} route Request method + URL. Example: `'GET /orgs/:org'`
<T>(route: OctokitTypes.Route): Promise<PaginationResults<T>>;
iterator: {
* Get an asynchronous iterator for use with `for await()`,
* @see {link} for await...of
* @param {object} endpoint Must set `method` and `url`. Plus URL, query or body parameters, as well as `headers`, `mediaType.{format|previews}`, `request`, or `baseUrl`.
<T>(EndpointOptions: OctokitTypes.EndpointOptions): AsyncIterableIterator<OctokitTypes.OctokitResponse<PaginationResults<T>>>;
* Get an asynchronous iterator for use with `for await()`,
* @see {link} for await...of
* @param {string} route Request method + URL. Example: `'GET /orgs/:org'`
* @param {object} [parameters] URL, query or body parameters, as well as `headers`, `mediaType.{format|previews}`, `request`, or `baseUrl`.
<T>(route: OctokitTypes.Route, parameters?: OctokitTypes.RequestParameters): AsyncIterableIterator<OctokitTypes.OctokitResponse<PaginationResults<T>>>;
export interface MapFunction<T = any, R = any> {
(response: OctokitTypes.OctokitResponse<PaginationResults<T>>, done: () => void): R[];
export declare type PaginationResults<T = any> = T[];