blob: e3d6ebc4d083a7eeadc46dad39d756813fd31467 [file] [log] [blame]
import * as fs from 'fs'
import * as core from '@actions/core'
import * as github from '@actions/github'
import {Webhooks} from '@octokit/webhooks'
import {Filter, FilterResults} from './filter'
import {File, ChangeStatus} from './file'
import * as git from './git'
import {backslashEscape, shellEscape} from './list-format/shell-escape'
import {csvEscape} from './list-format/csv-escape'
type ExportFormat = 'none' | 'csv' | 'json' | 'shell' | 'escape'
async function run(): Promise<void> {
try {
const workingDirectory = core.getInput('working-directory', {required: false})
if (workingDirectory) {
const token = core.getInput('token', {required: false})
const base = core.getInput('base', {required: false})
const filtersInput = core.getInput('filters', {required: true})
const filtersYaml = isPathInput(filtersInput) ? getConfigFileContent(filtersInput) : filtersInput
const listFiles = core.getInput('list-files', {required: false}).toLowerCase() || 'none'
const initialFetchDepth = parseInt(core.getInput('initial-fetch-depth', {required: false})) || 10
if (!isExportFormat(listFiles)) {
core.setFailed(`Input parameter 'list-files' is set to invalid value '${listFiles}'`)
const filter = new Filter(filtersYaml)
const files = await getChangedFiles(token, base, initialFetchDepth)
const results = filter.match(files)
exportResults(results, listFiles)
} catch (error) {
function isPathInput(text: string): boolean {
return !(text.includes('\n') || text.includes(':'))
function getConfigFileContent(configPath: string): string {
if (!fs.existsSync(configPath)) {
throw new Error(`Configuration file '${configPath}' not found`)
if (!fs.lstatSync(configPath).isFile()) {
throw new Error(`'${configPath}' is not a file.`)
return fs.readFileSync(configPath, {encoding: 'utf8'})
async function getChangedFiles(token: string, base: string, initialFetchDepth: number): Promise<File[]> {
// if base is 'HEAD' only local uncommitted changes will be detected
// This is the simplest case as we don't need to fetch more commits or evaluate current/before refs
if (base === git.HEAD) {
return await git.getChangesOnHead()
if (github.context.eventName === 'pull_request' || github.context.eventName === 'pull_request_target') {
const pr = github.context.payload.pull_request as Webhooks.WebhookPayloadPullRequestPullRequest
if (token) {
return await getChangedFilesFromApi(token, pr)
}'Github token is not available - changes will be detected from PRs merge commit')
return await git.getChangesInLastCommit()
} else {
return getChangedFilesFromGit(base, initialFetchDepth)
async function getChangedFilesFromGit(base: string, initialFetchDepth: number): Promise<File[]> {
const defaultRef = github.context.payload.repository?.default_branch
const beforeSha =
github.context.eventName === 'push' ? (github.context.payload as Webhooks.WebhookPayloadPush).before : null
const ref =
git.getShortName(github.context.ref) ||
(core.warning(`'ref' field is missing in event payload - using current branch, tag or commit SHA`),
await git.getCurrentRef())
const baseRef = git.getShortName(base) || defaultRef
if (!baseRef) {
throw new Error(
"This action requires 'base' input to be configured or 'repository.default_branch' to be set in the event payload"
const isBaseRefSha = git.isGitSha(baseRef)
const isBaseRefSameAsRef = baseRef === ref
// If base is commit SHA we will do comparison against the referenced commit
// Or if base references same branch it was pushed to, we will do comparison against the previously pushed commit
if (isBaseRefSha || isBaseRefSameAsRef) {
if (!isBaseRefSha && !beforeSha) {
core.warning(`'before' field is missing in event payload - changes will be detected from last commit`)
return await git.getChangesInLastCommit()
const baseSha = isBaseRefSha ? baseRef : beforeSha
// If there is no previously pushed commit,
// we will do comparison against the default branch or return all as added
if (baseSha === git.NULL_SHA) {
if (defaultRef && baseRef !== defaultRef) {`First push of a branch detected - changes will be detected against the default branch ${defaultRef}`)
return await git.getChangesSinceMergeBase(defaultRef, ref, initialFetchDepth)
} else {'Initial push detected - all files will be listed as added')
return await git.listAllFilesAsAdded()
}`Changes will be detected against commit (${baseSha})`)
return await git.getChanges(baseSha)
// Changes introduced by current branch against the base branch`Changes will be detected against the branch ${baseRef}`)
return await git.getChangesSinceMergeBase(baseRef, ref, initialFetchDepth)
// Uses github REST api to get list of files changed in PR
async function getChangedFilesFromApi(
token: string,
pullRequest: Webhooks.WebhookPayloadPullRequestPullRequest
): Promise<File[]> {
core.startGroup(`Fetching list of changed files for PR#${pullRequest.number} from Github API`)`Number of changed_files is ${pullRequest.changed_files}`)
const client = new github.GitHub(token)
const pageSize = 100
const files: File[] = []
for (let page = 1; (page - 1) * pageSize < pullRequest.changed_files; page++) {`Invoking listFiles(pull_number: ${pullRequest.number}, page: ${page}, per_page: ${pageSize})`)
const response = await client.pulls.listFiles({
owner: github.context.repo.owner,
repo: github.context.repo.repo,
pull_number: pullRequest.number,
per_page: pageSize
for (const row of {`[${row.status}] ${row.filename}`)
// There's no obvious use-case for detection of renames
// Therefore we treat it as if rename detection in git diff was turned off.
// Rename is replaced by delete of original filename and add of new filename
if (row.status === ChangeStatus.Renamed) {
filename: row.filename,
status: ChangeStatus.Added
// 'previous_filename' for some unknown reason isn't in the type definition or documentation
filename: (<any>row).previous_filename as string,
status: ChangeStatus.Deleted
} else {
// Github status and git status variants are same except for deleted files
const status = row.status === 'removed' ? ChangeStatus.Deleted : (row.status as ChangeStatus)
filename: row.filename,
return files
function exportResults(results: FilterResults, format: ExportFormat): void {'Results:')
const changes = []
for (const [key, files] of Object.entries(results)) {
const value = files.length > 0
core.startGroup(`Filter ${key} = ${value}`)
if (files.length > 0) {
changes.push(key)'Matching files:')
for (const file of files) {`${file.filename} [${file.status}]`)
} else {'Matching files: none')
core.setOutput(key, value)
core.setOutput(`${key}_count`, files.length)
if (format !== 'none') {
const filesValue = serializeExport(files, format)
core.setOutput(`${key}_files`, filesValue)
if (results['changes'] === undefined) {
const changesJson = JSON.stringify(changes)`Changes output set to ${changesJson}`)
core.setOutput('changes', changesJson)
} else {'Cannot set changes output variable - name already used by filter output')
function serializeExport(files: File[], format: ExportFormat): string {
const fileNames = => file.filename)
switch (format) {
case 'csv':
case 'json':
return JSON.stringify(fileNames)
case 'escape':
return' ')
case 'shell':
return' ')
return ''
function isExportFormat(value: string): value is ExportFormat {
return ['none', 'csv', 'shell', 'json', 'escape'].includes(value)