blob: f586b0f022aa69498a83dc597204bf01c2143dda [file] [log] [blame]
command: 'upload <artifactName>',
desc: 'upload an artifact',
builder: yargs =>
.positional('artifactName', {
type: 'string',
describe: 'artifact name',
demandOption: 'true'
.option('retentionDays', {
alias: 'r',
description: 'retention days',
type: 'number',
default: 1
.option('partSize', {
alias: 'p',
description: 'multi-part file size in bytes. defaults to 256MB',
type: 'number',
default: 256 * 1024 * 1024
.option('chunkSize', {
'upload chunk size in bytes. defaults to 8MB. Maximum size is 8MB.',
type: 'number',
default: 8 * 1024 * 1024
handler: argv => {
const artifactName = argv.artifactName
const ExtendedUploadHttpClient = require('./upload-http-client.js')
const uploadHttpClient = new ExtendedUploadHttpClient({
partSize: argv.partSize,
chunkSize: argv.chunkSize
uploadHttpClient.uploadStream(artifactName, process.stdin, {
retentionDays: argv.retentionDays
command: 'download <artifactName>',
desc: 'download an artifact',
builder: yargs =>
yargs.positional('artifactName', {
type: 'string',
describe: 'artifact name',
demandOption: 'true'
handler: argv => {
const artifactName = argv.artifactName
const ExtendedDownloadHttpClient = require('./download-http-client.js')
const downloadHttpClient = new ExtendedDownloadHttpClient()
downloadHttpClient.downloadStream(artifactName, process.stdout)
command: 'delete <artifactNamePattern>',
desc: 'delete artifacts matching the regex pattern',
builder: yargs =>
yargs.positional('artifactNamePattern', {
type: 'string',
describe: 'artifact name (regex pattern)',
demandOption: 'true'
handler: argv => {
const DeleteHttpClient = require('./delete-http-client.js')
const downloadHttpClient = new DeleteHttpClient()
downloadHttpClient.deleteArtifacts(new RegExp(argv.artifactNamePattern))
.alias('help', 'h').argv