id: admin-api-tutorial title: Tutorial sidebar_label: “Tutorial”

import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';

Admin setup

Each of the three admin interfaces (the pulsar-admin CLI tool, the REST API, and the Java admin API) requires some special setup if you have enabled authentication in your Pulsar instance.

<Tabs groupId="api-choice"
  values={[{"label":"pulsar-admin","value":"pulsar-admin"},{"label":"REST API","value":"REST API"},{"label":"Java","value":"Java"}]}>
<TabItem value="pulsar-admin">

If you have enabled authentication, you need to provide an auth configuration to use the `pulsar-admin` tool. By default, the configuration for the `pulsar-admin` tool is in the [`conf/client.conf`]( file. The following are the available parameters:

|webServiceUrl|The web URL for the cluster.|http://localhost:8080/|
|brokerServiceUrl|The Pulsar protocol URL for the cluster.|pulsar://localhost:6650/|
|authPlugin|The authentication plugin.| |
|authParams|The authentication parameters for the cluster, as a comma-separated string.| |
|useTls|Whether or not TLS authentication will be enforced in the cluster.|false|
|tlsAllowInsecureConnection|Accept untrusted TLS certificate from client.|false|
|tlsTrustCertsFilePath|Path for the trusted TLS certificate file.| |

<TabItem value="REST API">

You can find details for the REST API exposed by Pulsar brokers in the [REST API doc](pathname:///admin-rest-api/?version=@pulsar:version_number@).

If you want to test REST APIs in postman, you can use the REST API JSON files [here](pathname:///swagger/).

<TabItem value="Java">

To use the Java admin API, instantiate a [PulsarAdmin](/api/admin/org/apache/pulsar/client/admin/PulsarAdmin) object, and specify a URL for a Pulsar broker and a [PulsarAdminBuilder](/api/admin/org/apache/pulsar/client/admin/PulsarAdminBuilder) object. The following is a minimal example using `localhost`.

String url = "http://localhost:8080";
// Pass auth-plugin class fully-qualified name if Pulsar-security enabled
String authPluginClassName = "";
// Pass auth-param if auth-plugin class requires it
String authParams = "param1=value1";
boolean tlsAllowInsecureConnection = false;
String tlsTrustCertsFilePath = null;
PulsarAdmin admin = PulsarAdmin.builder()

If you use multiple brokers, you can use multi-host like Pulsar service. For example,

String url = "http://localhost:8080,localhost:8081,localhost:8082";
// Below are the same to the line 2 - line 13 in the code snippet above
// Pass auth-plugin class fully-qualified name if Pulsar-security enabled
String authPluginClassName = "";
// Pass auth-param if auth-plugin class requires it
String authParams = "param1=value1";
boolean tlsAllowInsecureConnection = false;
String tlsTrustCertsFilePath = null;
PulsarAdmin admin = PulsarAdmin.builder()

