Fixed avro schema decode error in functions (#6662)

Fixes #5503 
From #6445 

# Motivation
In functions, it will encounter ```ClassCastException``` when using the Avro schema for topics.

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException:$Record cannot be cast to io.streamnative.KeyValueSchemaTest$Foo2
	at io.streamnative.KeyValueSchemaTest.testConsumerByPythonProduce(
	at io.streamnative.KeyValueSchemaTest.main(

# Modifications
In functions, when using Avro schema specific the ClassLoader for ReflectDatumReader.

Add integration test ```testAvroSchemaFunction``` in class ```PulsarFunctionsTest```.
2 files changed
tree: c975167af2e95c355acd7bd3620bfc3b080e6f89
  1. distribution/
  2. docker/
  3. tests/