[Pulsar IO][Issue 5633]Support avro schema for debezium connector (#6034)

Fixes #5633 

### Motivation

Currently, some users want to support Avro schema in debezium, so this pr supports this feature.
For Kafka's Avro schema, it depends on the Avro 1.8 version, but Avro version has just been upgraded to 1.9 in pulsar, so shade is needed to avoid finding `addProp` function

### Modifications

* Add a package `kafka-connect-avro-converter-shaded`
* Add class KafkaSchema to converter Kafka's Avro schema to pulsar's schema

### Verifying this change 

Unit test and integration tests
6 files changed
tree: 2bf3d24b7729019055f0bc8b9a1cf2dceba5b96e
  1. distribution/
  2. docker/
  3. tests/