blob: c5ae41236991218781e71aca32e9e98a2d468696 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
export default {
route: {
dashboard: '首页',
introduction: '简述',
documentation: '文档',
guide: '引导页',
permission: '权限测试页',
pagePermission: '页面权限',
directivePermission: '指令权限',
icons: '图标',
components: '组件',
componentIndex: '介绍',
tinymce: '富文本编辑器',
markdown: 'Markdown',
jsonEditor: 'JSON编辑器',
dndList: '列表拖拽',
splitPane: 'Splitpane',
avatarUpload: '头像上传',
dropzone: 'Dropzone',
sticky: 'Sticky',
countTo: 'CountTo',
componentMixin: '小组件',
backToTop: '返回顶部',
dragDialog: '拖拽 Dialog',
dragSelect: '拖拽 Select',
dragKanban: '可拖拽看板',
charts: '图表',
keyboardChart: '键盘图表',
lineChart: '折线图',
mixChart: '混合图表',
example: '综合实例',
nested: '路由嵌套',
menu1: '菜单1',
'menu1-1': '菜单1-1',
'menu1-2': '菜单1-2',
'menu1-2-1': '菜单1-2-1',
'menu1-2-2': '菜单1-2-2',
'menu1-3': '菜单1-3',
menu2: '菜单2',
Table: 'Table',
dynamicTable: '动态Table',
dragTable: '拖拽Table',
inlineEditTable: 'Table内编辑',
complexTable: '综合Table',
treeTable: '树形表格',
customTreeTable: '自定义树表',
tab: 'Tab',
form: '表单',
createArticle: '创建文章',
editArticle: '编辑文章',
articleList: '文章列表',
errorPages: '错误页面',
page401: '401',
page404: '404',
errorLog: '错误日志',
excel: 'Excel',
exportExcel: 'Export Excel',
selectExcel: 'Export Selected',
uploadExcel: 'Upload Excel',
zip: 'Zip',
exportZip: 'Export Zip',
theme: '换肤',
clipboardDemo: 'Clipboard',
i18n: '国际化',
externalLink: '外链'
navbar: {
logOut: '退出登录',
dashboard: '首页',
github: '项目地址',
screenfull: '全屏',
theme: '换肤',
size: '布局大小'
login: {
title: '系统登录',
logIn: '登录',
username: '账号',
password: '密码',
any: '随便填',
thirdparty: '第三方登录',
thirdpartyTips: '本地不能模拟,请结合自己业务进行模拟!!!'
documentation: {
documentation: '文档',
github: 'Github 地址'
permission: {
roles: '你的权限',
switchRoles: '切换权限'
guide: {
description: '引导页对于一些第一次进入项目的人很有用,你可以简单介绍下项目的功能。本 Demo 是基于',
button: '打开引导'
components: {
documentation: '文档',
tinymceTips: '富文本是管理后台一个核心的功能,但同时又是一个有很多坑的地方。在选择富文本的过程中我也走了不少的弯路,市面上常见的富文本都基本用过了,最终权衡了一下选择了Tinymce。更详细的富文本比较和介绍见',
dropzoneTips: '由于我司业务有特殊需求,而且要传七牛 所以没用第三方,选择了自己封装。代码非常的简单,具体代码你可以在这里看到 @/components/Dropzone',
stickyTips: '当页面滚动到预设的位置会吸附在顶部',
backToTopTips1: '页面滚动到指定位置会在右下角出现返回顶部按钮',
backToTopTips2: '可自定义按钮的样式、show/hide、出现的高度、返回的位置 如需文字提示,可在外部使用Element的el-tooltip元素',
imageUploadTips: '由于我在使用时它只有vue@1版本,而且和mockjs不兼容,所以自己改造了一下,如果大家要使用的话,优先还是使用官方版本。'
table: {
dynamicTips1: '固定表头, 按照表头顺序排序',
dynamicTips2: '不固定表头, 按照点击顺序排序',
dragTips1: '默认顺序',
dragTips2: '拖拽后顺序',
title: '标题',
importance: '重要性',
type: '类型',
remark: '点评',
search: '搜索',
add: '添加',
export: '导出',
reviewer: '审核人',
id: '序号',
date: '时间',
author: '作者',
readings: '阅读数',
status: '状态',
actions: '操作',
edit: '编辑',
publish: '发布',
draft: '草稿',
delete: '删除',
cancel: '取 消',
confirm: '确 定',
name: '名称',
serviceUrl: '服务地址',
brokerServiceUrl: 'broker服务地址',
tenant: '租户',
namespace: '名称空间',
role: '角色',
clusters: '集群',
addRole: '增加角色',
addCluster: '增加集群',
config: '配置',
policies: '策略',
description: '说明',
update: '更新',
topic: '主题',
stats: '统计',
partition: '分区',
cluster: '集群',
subscription: '订阅',
unsubscription: '取消订阅',
grant: '授权',
limit: '限制',
schemas: '模型',
brokers: '代理',
internalConfig: '内部配置',
runtimeConfig: '运行配置',
dynamicConfig: '动态配置',
healthCheck: '健康检查',
functions: '函数',
start: '启动',
stop: '停止',
restart: '重启',
trigger: '触发器',
configName: '配置名称',
configValue: '配置值',
sources: '源',
builtin: '内建',
sinks: 'Sink',
quotas: '配额',
monitor: '监控',
allowedClusters: 'Allowed Clusters',
adminRoles: 'Admin Roles'
errorLog: {
tips: '请点击右上角bug小图标',
description: '现在的管理后台基本都是spa的形式了,它增强了用户体验,但同时也会增加页面出问题的可能性,可能一个小小的疏忽就导致整个页面的死锁。好在 Vue 官网提供了一个方法来捕获处理异常,你可以在其中进行错误处理或者异常上报。',
documentation: '文档介绍'
excel: {
export: '导出',
selectedExport: '导出已选择项',
placeholder: '请输入文件名(默认excel-list)'
zip: {
export: '导出',
placeholder: '请输入文件名(默认file)'
theme: {
change: '换肤',
documentation: '换肤文档',
tips: 'Tips: 它区别于 navbar 上的 theme-pick, 是两种不同的换肤方法,各自有不同的应用场景,具体请参考文档。'
tagsView: {
refresh: '刷新',
close: '关闭',
closeOthers: '关闭其它',
closeAll: '关闭所有'
tabs: {
config: 'CONFIG',
broker: 'BROKER',
bookie: 'BOOKIE',
namespace: 'NAMESPACE',
overview: 'OVERVIEW',
topic: 'TOPIC',
policies: 'POLICIES',
configuration: 'CONFIGURATION',
failuredomains: 'FAILURE DOMAINS',
isolationpolicies: 'ISOLATION POLICIES'
common: {
dangerZone: 'Danger Zone',
actions: 'Actions',
clusterLabel: 'Cluster',
namespacesLabel: 'Namespaces',
regex: 'Regex',
inMsg: 'In - msg/s',
outMsg: 'Out - msg/s',
inBytes: 'In - bytes/s',
outBytes: 'Out - bytes/s',
storageSize: 'Storage Size',
enabled: 'Enabled',
disabled: 'Disabled'
tenant: {
label: 'Tenant',
name: 'Tenant Name',
searchTenant: 'Search Tenants',
newTenant: 'New Tenant',
deleteTenant: 'Delete Tenant',
nameLabel: 'Tenant Name',
adminRolesLabel: 'Admin Roles',
allowedClustersLabel: 'Allowed Clusters',
selectTenantMessage: 'Please select tenant',
deleteTenantMessage: 'Are you sure you want to delete this tenant?',
tenantInfo: 'Tenant Info',
allowedClustersContent: 'This is Allowed Clusters Content',
adminRolesContent: 'This is Admin Roles Content',
permissions: 'Permissions',
newRole: '+ New Role'
namespace: {
label: 'Namespace',
name: 'Namespace Name',
namespaceNumber: 'Namespace Number',
newNamespace: 'New Namespace',
deleteNamespace: 'Delete Namespace',
inputNamespaceMessage: 'Please input namespace',
newTopic: 'New Topic',
searchTopics: 'Search Topics',
deleteNamespaceMessage: 'Are you sure you want to delete this namespace?',
policy: {
label: 'Policy',
name: 'Policy Name',
cluster: 'Clusters',
replicatedCluster: 'Replicated Clusters',
replicatedClustersContent: 'This is replicatedClustersContent',
authorization: 'Authorization',
authorizationContent: 'This is authorizationContent',
selectRole: 'Please select role',
deleteRole: 'Delete Role',
addRole: 'Add Role',
subscriptionAuthentication: 'Subscription Authentication',
subscriptionAuthenticationMode: 'Subscription Authentication Mode',
subscriptionAuthenticationModeContent: 'This is subscriptionAuthenticationModeContent',
storage: 'Storage',
replicationFactor: 'Replication Factor',
replicationFactorContent: 'This is replicationFactorContent',
ensembelSize: 'Ensembel Size',
inputEnsemble: 'Please input ensembel',
writeQuorumSize: 'Write Quorum Size',
inputWriteQuorumSize: 'Please input Write Quorum Size',
readQuorumSize: 'Read Quorum Size',
inputReadQuorumSize: 'Please input Read Quorum Size',
markDeleteRate: 'Mark Delete Rate',
markDeleteRateContent: 'This is markDeleteRateContent',
inputDeleteMaxRate: 'Please input Delete Max Rate',
encryptionRequire: 'Encryption Require',
encryptionRequireContent: 'This is encryptionRequireContent',
deduplication: 'Deduplication',
deduplicationContent: 'This is deduplicationContent',
backlog: 'Backlog',
backlogQuotasLimit: 'Backlog Quotas Limit',
backlogQuotasLimitContent: 'This is backlogQuotasLimitContent',
inputBacklogQuotasLimit: 'Please input Backlog Quotas Limit',
backlogRententionPolicy: 'Backlog Retention Policy',
backlogRententionPolicyContent: 'This is backlogRententionPolicyContent',
inputBacklogRententionPolicyContent: 'Please select backlog rentention policy',
schema: 'Schema',
autoUpdateStrategy: 'AutoUpdate Strategy',
autoUpdateStrategyContent: 'This is autoUpdateStrategyContent',
inputAutoUpdateStrategy: 'Please select backlog autoUpdate strategy',
schemaValidationEnforced: 'Schema Validation Enforced',
schemaValidationEnforcedContent: 'This is schemaValidationEnforcedContent',
cleanupPolicy: 'Cleanup Policy',
messageTTL: 'Message TTL(Unit Second)',
messageTTLContent: 'This is messageTTLContent',
inputMessageTTL: 'Please input Backlog Quotas Limit',
retentionSize: 'Retention Size',
retentionSizeContent: 'This is retentionSizeContent',
inputRententionSize: 'Please input retention size',
retentionTime: 'Retention Time(Unit Minutes)',
retentionTimeContent: 'This is retentionTimeContent',
inputRetentionTime: 'Please input Retention Time',
compactionThreshold: 'Compaction Threshold',
compactionThresholdContent: 'This is compactionThresholdContent',
inputCompactionThreshold: 'Please input compaction threshold',
offloadThreshold: 'Offload Threshold',
offloadThresholdContent: 'This is offloadThresholdContent',
inputOffloadThreshold: 'Please input Offload Threshold',
offloadDeletionLag: 'Offload Deletion Lag',
offloadDeletionLagContent: 'This is offloadDeletionLagContent',
inputOffloadDeleteLag: 'Please input offload delete lag',
throttling: 'Throttling',
maxProducersPerTopic: 'Max Producers Per Topic',
maxProducersPerTopicContent: 'This is maxProducersPerTopicContent',
inputMaxProducersPerTopic: 'Please input max Producers',
maxConsumersPerTopic: 'Max Consumers Per Topic',
maxConsumersPerTopicContent: 'This is maxConsumersPerTopicContent',
inputMaxConsumersForTopic: 'Please input max Consumers for topic',
maxConsumerPerSubscription: 'Max Consumers Per Subscription',
maxConsumerPerSubContent: 'This is maxConsumerPerSubContent',
inputMaxConsumersForSub: 'Please input max consumer for sub',
dispatchRate: 'Dispatch Rate',
dispatchRatePerTopic: 'Dispatch Rate Per Topic',
dispatchRatePerTopicContent: 'This is dispatchRatePerTopicContent',
dispatchRatePerTopicBytes: 'bytes/second',
inputDispatchRateBytes: 'Please input dispatch rate',
dispatchRatePerTopicMessage: 'message/second',
inputDispatchRatePerTopicMessage: 'Please input dispatch rate',
dispatchRatePerTopicPeriod: 'period(Unit second)',
inputDispatchPerTopicPerPeriod: 'Please input dispatch rate',
dispatchRateForSub: 'Dispatch Rate Per Subscription',
dispatchRatePerSubContent: 'This is dispatchRatePerSubContent',
inputDispatchRatePerSubBytes: 'Please input dispatch rate',
dispatchRatePerSubBytes: 'bytes/second',
dispatchRatePerSubMessage: 'message/second',
inputDispatchRatePerSubMessage: 'Please input dispatch rate',
dispatchRatePerSubPeriod: 'period(Unit Second)',
inputDispatchRatePerSubPeriod: 'Please input dispatch rate',
subscribeRatePerConsumer: 'Subscribe Rate Per Consumer',
subscribeRatePerConsumerSub: 'message/second',
inputSubscribeRate: 'Please input subscribe rate',
subscribeRatePerConsumerContent: 'This is subscribeRatePerConsumerContent',
subscribeRatePerConsumerPeriod: 'period(Unit Second)',
antiAffinity: 'Anti Affinity',
antiAffinityGroup: 'Anti Affinity Group',
antiAffinityGroupContent: 'This is antiAffinityGroupContent',
inputAntiAffinityGroup: 'Please input Anti Affinity Group'
clearBacklog: 'Clear Backlog',
bundle: {
label: 'Bundle',
name: 'Bundle Name',
operation: 'Operation',
split: 'Split',
unload: 'Unload',
bundleInfoContent: 'This is Bundle Info'
topic: {
label: 'Topic',
name: 'Topic Name',
topicNumber: 'Topic Number',
newTopic: 'New Topic',
deleteTopic: 'Delete Topic',
delete: 'Delete',
persistent: 'Persistent',
nonPersistent: 'Non-persistent',
partition: 'Partition',
partitions: 'Partitions',
partitionNumber: 'Partition Number',
topicDomain: 'Topic Domain',
addRole: 'Add Role',
producer: {
label: 'Producer',
name: 'Producer Name',
producers: 'Producers',
producerId: 'Producer Id',
producerName: 'Producer Name',
producerNumber: 'Producer Number',
avgMsgSize: 'Avg Msg Size',
address: 'Address',
since: 'Since'
subscription: {
label: 'Subscription',
name: 'Subscription Name',
subscriptions: 'Subscriptions',
type: 'Type',
subscriptionNumber: 'Subscription Number',
msgExpired: 'Msg Expired',
backlog: 'Backlog',
skip: 'SKIP',
skipMessage: 'Messages',
expire: 'EXPIRE',
expireMessage: 'messages older than timestamp (in seconds)',
clear: 'CLEAR',
clearMessage: 'Clear Message',
reset: 'RESET',
resetByTimeMessage: 'Reset By Time',
resetById: 'Reset By Message Id',
messageId: 'Message ID',
mins: 'Mins',
storage: 'STORAGE',
storageSize: 'Storage Size',
entries: 'Entries',
segments: 'Segments'
segment: {
label: 'Segment',
name: 'Segment Name',
ledgerId: 'Ledger Id',
entries: 'Entries',
size: 'Size',
status: 'Status',
offload: 'Offload'
cursor: {
label: 'Cursor',
name: 'Cursor Name',
cursors: 'Cursors',
markDeletePosition: 'Mark Delete Position',
readPosition: 'Read Position',
waitingReadOp: 'Waiting Read Op',
pendingReadOp: 'Pending Read Op',
numberOfEntriesSinceFirstNotAckedMessage: 'Entries Since First Not AckedMessage'
policy: {
label: 'policy',
name: 'Policy Name',
policies: 'Policies',
authentication: 'Authorization',
authorizationContent: 'This is authorizationContent'
consumer: {
label: 'Consumer',
name: 'Consumer Name',
consumers: 'Consumers',
avgMsgSize: 'Avg Msg Size',
address: 'Address',
since: 'Since'
info: 'INFO',
column: 'column',
data: 'data',
terminate: 'terminate',
compactionName: 'COMPACTION',
compaction: 'compaction',
offloadName: 'OFFLOAD',
offload: 'offload',
status: 'STATUS',
unload: 'Unload',
deleteTopicMessage: 'Are you sure you want to delete this topic?',
partitionedTopicName: 'Partitioned Topic Name',
selectRoleMessage: 'Please Select Role',
backlogOpeartion: 'Backlog Operation'
cluster: {
label: 'Cluster',
name: 'Cluster Name',
addCluster: 'Add Cluster',
updateCluster: 'Update Cluster',
deleteCluster: 'Delete Cluster',
searchClusters: 'Search Clusters',
selectCluster: 'Please select cluster',
serviceUrl: 'Service Url',
selectClusterMessage: 'Please select clusters',
webServiceUrlPrefix: 'Http Service Url',
webServiceUrlTlsPrefix: 'Https Service Url',
brokerServiceUrlPrefix: 'Broker Service Url',
brokerServiceUrlTlsPrefix: 'Broker Service Url (TLS)',
deleteClusterMessage: 'Are you sure you want to delete this policy?',
replicatedCluster: 'Replicated Clusters'
broker: {
label: 'Broker',
name: 'Broker Name',
brokerNumber: 'Broker Number',
ownedNamespaceNumber: 'Owned Namespace Number',
throughput: 'Throughput',
bandwidth: 'Bandwidth',
placeholderSelectBroker: 'Please select brokers',
brokerContent: 'This is Broker Content'
bookie: {
label: 'Bookie',
name: 'Bookie Name',
state: 'Bookie state',
storage: 'Bookie storage'
// failure domain
fd: {
label: 'Failure Domain',
failureDomainNumber: 'Failure Domain Number',
createFdTitle: 'Add a New Failure Domain',
name: 'Domain Name',
brokerList: 'Broker List',
selectBrokers: 'Please select brokers',
searchFds: 'Search Failure Domains',
newFd: 'New FailureDomain',
updateFd: 'Update Failure Domain',
deleteFd: 'Delete Failure Domain',
deleteFdMessage: 'Are you sure you want to delete this domain?'
// isolation policies
ip: {
label: 'Policy',
heading: 'Namespace Isolation Policy',
name: 'Policy Name',
searchIps: 'Search Isolation Policies',
selectIp: 'Select Isolation Policy',
newIp: 'New Isolation Policy',
nameLabel: 'Isolation Policy',
numPBLabel: 'Number of Primary Brokers',
numSBLabel: 'Number of Secondary Brokers',
newIpName: 'Please input policy name',
selectNsLabel: 'Select Namespaces',
selectPbLabel: 'Select Brokers',
selectSbLabel: 'Select Brokers',
selectAfpPh: 'Please select auto failover policy',
pbHeading: 'Primary Brokers',
sbHeading: 'Secondary Brokers',
afpHeading: 'Auto Failover Policy',
ptHeading: 'Policy Type',
brokerUsageThresholdLabel: 'Broker Usage Threshold',
brokerUsageThresholdPh: 'Please input broker usage threshold',
minimalAvailableBrokerLabel: 'Minimal Available Brokers',
minimalAvailableBrokerPh: 'Please input minimalAvailableBroker',
deletePolicyMessage: 'Are you sure you want to delete this policy?'