1.3.0-rc.0 (#109)

2 files changed
tree: 155c2293a366137f67ac994edd04decd8c956f38
  1. examples/
  2. perf/
  3. src/
  4. tests/
  5. .asf.yaml
  6. .clang-format
  7. .eslintignore
  8. .eslintrc.json
  9. .gitignore
  10. binding.gyp
  11. docker-tests.sh
  12. Gruntfile.js
  13. index.js
  15. license-header.txt
  16. package-lock.json
  17. package.json
  18. pulsar-test-service-start.sh
  19. pulsar-test-service-stop.sh
  20. pulsar-version.txt
  21. README.md
  22. run-unit-tests.sh

Pulsar Node.js client library

The Pulsar Node.js client can be used to create Pulsar producers and consumers in Node.js.


Pulsar Node.js client library is based on the C++ client library. Follow the instructions for C++ library for installing the binaries through RPM, Deb or Homebrew packages.

(Note: you will need to install not only the pulsar-client library but also the pulsar-client-dev library)

Also, this library works only in Node.js 10.x or later because it uses the node-addon-api module to wrap the C++ library.


Compatibility between each version of the Node.js client and the C++ client is as follows:

Node.js clientC++ client or later or later or later

If an incompatible version of the C++ client is installed, you may fail to build or run this library.

How to install

Please install pulsar-client in your project:

$ npm install pulsar-client

Typescript Definitions

$ npm install @types/pulsar-client --save-dev

Sample code

Please refer to examples.

How to build

Install dependent npm modules and build Pulsar client library:

$ git clone https://github.com/apache/pulsar-client-node.git
$ cd pulsar-client-node
$ npm install

Rebuild Pulsar client library:

$ npm run build