blob: 2579d1bd78a756d8d95266fb4b68329022a4462a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
const Pulsar = require('../index.js');
(() => {
describe('Consumer', () => {
let client;
beforeAll(() => {
client = new Pulsar.Client({
serviceUrl: 'pulsar://localhost:6650',
operationTimeoutSeconds: 30,
afterAll(async () => {
await client.close();
describe('Create', () => {
test('No Topic', async () => {
await expect(client.subscribe({
subscription: 'sub1',
ackTimeoutMs: 10000,
nAckRedeliverTimeoutMs: 60000,
})).rejects.toThrow('Topic, topics or topicsPattern is required and must be specified as a string when creating consumer');
test('Not String Topic', async () => {
await expect(client.subscribe({
topic: 0,
subscription: 'sub1',
ackTimeoutMs: 10000,
nAckRedeliverTimeoutMs: 60000,
})).rejects.toThrow('Topic, topics or topicsPattern is required and must be specified as a string when creating consumer');
test('Not String TopicsPattern', async () => {
await expect(client.subscribe({
topicsPattern: 0,
subscription: 'sub1',
ackTimeoutMs: 10000,
nAckRedeliverTimeoutMs: 60000,
})).rejects.toThrow('Topic, topics or topicsPattern is required and must be specified as a string when creating consumer');
test('Not Array Topics', async () => {
await expect(client.subscribe({
topics: 0,
subscription: 'sub1',
ackTimeoutMs: 10000,
nAckRedeliverTimeoutMs: 60000,
})).rejects.toThrow('Topic, topics or topicsPattern is required and must be specified as a string when creating consumer');
test('Not String in Array Topics', async () => {
await expect(client.subscribe({
topics: [0, true],
subscription: 'sub1',
ackTimeoutMs: 10000,
nAckRedeliverTimeoutMs: 60000,
})).rejects.toThrow('Topic, topics or topicsPattern is required and must be specified as a string when creating consumer');
test('No Subscription', async () => {
await expect(client.subscribe({
topic: 'persistent://public/default/t1',
ackTimeoutMs: 10000,
nAckRedeliverTimeoutMs: 60000,
})).rejects.toThrow('Subscription is required and must be specified as a string when creating consumer');
test('Not String Subscription', async () => {
await expect(client.subscribe({
topic: 'persistent://public/default/t1',
subscription: 0,
ackTimeoutMs: 10000,
nAckRedeliverTimeoutMs: 60000,
})).rejects.toThrow('Subscription is required and must be specified as a string when creating consumer');
test('Not Exist Tenant', async () => {
await expect(client.subscribe({
topic: 'persistent://no-tenant/namespace/topic',
subscription: 'sub1',
ackTimeoutMs: 10000,
nAckRedeliverTimeoutMs: 60000,
})).rejects.toThrow('Failed to create consumer: TopicNotFound');
test('Not Exist Namespace', async () => {
await expect(client.subscribe({
topic: 'persistent://public/no-namespace/topic',
subscription: 'sub1',
ackTimeoutMs: 10000,
nAckRedeliverTimeoutMs: 60000,
})).rejects.toThrow('Failed to create consumer: TopicNotFound');
test('Not Positive NAckRedeliverTimeout', async () => {
await expect(client.subscribe({
topic: 'persistent://public/default/t1',
subscription: 'sub1',
ackTimeoutMs: 10000,
nAckRedeliverTimeoutMs: -12,
})).rejects.toThrow('NAck timeout should be greater than or equal to zero');
describe('Close', () => {
test('throws error on subsequent calls to close', async () => {
const consumer = await client.subscribe({
topic: 'persistent://public/default/my-topic',
subscription: 'sub1',
subscriptionType: 'Shared',
// Test with listener since it changes the flow of close
// and reproduces an issue
listener() {},
await expect(consumer.close()).resolves.toEqual(null);
await expect(consumer.close()).rejects.toThrow('Failed to close consumer: AlreadyClosed');
describe('Features', () => {
test('Batch index ack', async () => {
const topicName = 'test-batch-index-ack';
const producer = await client.createProducer({
topic: topicName,
batchingEnabled: true,
batchingMaxMessages: 100,
batchingMaxPublishDelayMs: 10000,
let consumer = await client.subscribe({
topic: topicName,
batchIndexAckEnabled: true,
subscription: 'test-batch-index-ack',
// Make sure send 0~5 is a batch msg.
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i += 1) {
const msg = `my-message-${i}`;
data: Buffer.from(msg),
await producer.flush();
// Receive msgs and just ack 0, 1 msgs
const results = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i += 1) {
const msg = await consumer.receive();
for (let i = 0; i < 2; i += 1) {
await consumer.acknowledge(results[i]);
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 200));
// Restart consumer after, just receive 2~5 msg.
await consumer.close();
consumer = await client.subscribe({
topic: topicName,
batchIndexAckEnabled: true,
subscription: 'test-batch-index-ack',
const results2 = [];
for (let i = 2; i < 5; i += 1) {
const msg = await consumer.receive();
// assert no more msgs.
await expect(consumer.receive(1000)).rejects.toThrow(
'Failed to receive message: TimeOut',
test('Regex subscription', async () => {
const topicName1 = 'persistent://public/default/regex-sub-1';
const topicName2 = 'persistent://public/default/regex-sub-2';
const topicName3 = 'non-persistent://public/default/regex-sub-3';
const topicName4 = 'persistent://public/default/no-match-regex-sub-2';
const producer1 = await client.createProducer({
topic: topicName1,
const producer2 = await client.createProducer({
topic: topicName2,
const producer3 = await client.createProducer({
topic: topicName3,
const producer4 = await client.createProducer({
topic: topicName4,
const consumer = await client.subscribe({
topicsPattern: 'persistent://public/default/regex-sub.*',
subscription: 'sub1',
subscriptionType: 'Shared',
regexSubscriptionMode: 'AllTopics',
const num = 10;
for (let i = 0; i < num; i += 1) {
const msg = `my-message-${i}`;
await producer1.send({ data: Buffer.from(msg) });
await producer2.send({ data: Buffer.from(msg) });
await producer3.send({ data: Buffer.from(msg) });
await producer4.send({ data: Buffer.from(msg) });
const results = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 3 * num; i += 1) {
const msg = await consumer.receive();
expect(results.length).toEqual(3 * num);
// assert no more msgs.
await expect(consumer.receive(1000)).rejects.toThrow(
'Failed to receive message: TimeOut',
await producer1.close();
await producer2.close();
await producer3.close();
await producer4.close();
await consumer.close();
test('Dead Letter topic', async () => {
const topicName = 'test-dead_letter_topic';
const dlqTopicName = 'test-dead_letter_topic_customize';
const producer = await client.createProducer({
topic: topicName,
const maxRedeliverCountNum = 3;
const consumer = await client.subscribe({
topic: topicName,
subscription: 'sub-1',
subscriptionType: 'Shared',
deadLetterPolicy: {
deadLetterTopic: dlqTopicName,
maxRedeliverCount: maxRedeliverCountNum,
initialSubscriptionName: 'init-sub-1-dlq',
nAckRedeliverTimeoutMs: 50,
// Send messages.
const sendNum = 5;
const messages = [];
for (let i = 0; i < sendNum; i += 1) {
const msg = `my-message-${i}`;
await producer.send({ data: Buffer.from(msg) });
// Redelivery all messages maxRedeliverCountNum time.
let results = [];
for (let i = 1; i <= maxRedeliverCountNum * sendNum + sendNum; i += 1) {
const msg = await consumer.receive();
if (i % sendNum === 0) {
results.forEach((message) => {
console.log(`Redeliver message ${message.getData().toString()} ${i} times ${message.getRedeliveryCount()} redeliver Count`);
results = [];
// assert no more msgs.
await expect(consumer.receive(100)).rejects.toThrow(
'Failed to receive message: TimeOut',
const dlqConsumer = await client.subscribe({
topic: dlqTopicName,
subscription: 'sub-1',
const dlqResult = [];
for (let i = 0; i < sendNum; i += 1) {
const msg = await dlqConsumer.receive();
// assert no more msgs.
await expect(dlqConsumer.receive(500)).rejects.toThrow(
'Failed to receive message: TimeOut',