
Pulsar is a high-performance, persistent message middleware that supports multiple programming languages and data models. This article focuses on the comparison between Pulsar's Go Client and Java Client in schema compatibility. It focuses on four common schema types: Avro, JSON, Proto, and Proto native schema.

Avro Schema

Avro schema in Go and Java are compatible, but there are some differences in how the schemas are defined. Go typically uses schema definitions, a string JSON, to create schemas. However, Java often uses class types for schema creation. As a result, Java allows non-primitive fields to be nullable by default, while in Go's schema definition, the nullability of fields needs to be explicitly stated. GO:

// Compatible with defining a schema in Java
exampleSchemaDefCompatible := NewAvroSchema(`{"fields":
    "name":"MyAvro","namespace":"schemaNotFoundTestCase","type":"record"}`, nil)
// Not compatible with defining a schema in Java
exampleSchemaDefIncompatible := NewAvroSchema(`{"fields":
    "name":"MyAvro","namespace":"schemaNotFoundTestCase","type":"record"}`, nil)    
Producer := NewAvroSchema(exampleSchemaDef, nil)


public static class Example {
    public String name;
    public int id;

Producer<Example> producer = pulsarClient.newProducer(Schema.AVRO(Example.class))

JSON Schema

The situation with JSON schema is similar to Avro Schema.

// Compatible with defining a schema in Java
exampleSchemaDefCompatible := "{\"type\":\"record\",\"name\":\"Example\",\"namespace\":\"test\"," +
	"\"fields\":[{\"name\":\"ID\",\"type\":\"int\"},{\"name\":\"Name\",\"type\":[\"null\", \"string\"]}]}"

consumerJSCompatible := NewJSONSchema(exampleSchemaDefCompatible, nil)
// Not compatible with defining a schema in Java
exampleSchemaDefIncompatible := "{\"type\":\"record\",\"name\":\"Example\",\"namespace\":\"test\"," +

consumerJSIncompatible := NewJSONSchema(exampleSchemaDefIncompatible, nil)

To achieve compatibility, modify the exampleSchemaDefIncompatible to allow null fields and ensure that the variable names in the Java Example class match the schema definition.

Proto Schema

Proto and ProtoNative schemas exhibit some incompatibility between Go and Java clients. This is because Avro Proto currently does not provide full compatibility between Java and Go.

message TestMessage {
    string stringField = 1;
    int32 intField = 2;

Defining a schema in Java can be parsed by a class.

protoSchemaDef = "{\"type\":\"record\",\"name\":\"TestMessage\",\"namespace\":\"org.apache.pulsar.client.api.schema.proto.Test\",\"fields\":[{\"name\":\"stringField\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"string\",\"\":\"String\"},\"default\":\"\"},{\"name\":\"intField\",\"type\":\"int\",\"default\":0}]}"

Defining a schema in Go needs to write manually.

protoSchemaDef = "{\"type\":\"record\",\"name\":\"Example\",\"namespace\":\"test\"," +

To address the incompatibility between Proto and ProtoNative types, you can follow this approach:

  1. In the Java client, parse the message using the Avro Proto library to obtain the schema definition.
  2. Use this obtained schema definition in the Go client to ensure both clients use the same schema definition.
protoSchemaDef = "{\"type\":\"record\",\"name\":\"TestMessage\",\"namespace\":\"org.apache.pulsar.client.api.schema.proto.Test\",\"fields\":[{\"name\":\"stringField\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"string\",\"\":\"String\"},\"default\":\"\"},{\"name\":\"intField\",\"type\":\"int\",\"default\":0}]}"

  1. Modify the Go Proto Message by adding compatibility extensions. For example, add [(avro_java_string) = "String"] extension to string type fields.
message TestMessage {
    string stringField = 1 [(avro_java_string) = "String"];
    int32 intField = 2;

ProtoNative Schema

Similar to the Proto schema, ProtoNative schemas are also incompatible between Java and Go clients. To address this, you can use a unified schema define and add [(avro_java_string) = "String"] extension to the Go client's Proto message.