Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file

distributed with this work for additional information

regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file

to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

“License”); you may not use this file except in compliance

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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

software distributed under the License is distributed on an


KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the

specific language governing permissions and limitations

under the License.

layout: default


This policy describes restrictions for mailing lists managed by the ASF or hosted on ASF servers.

1) Subscription Information

When a user subscribes to a new mailing list, the following text needs to be included when asking for subscription confirmation:

"By subscribing to this mailing list you agree to the privacy policies of The Apache Software Foundation. The privacy policies can be found at:

The subscriber is fully aware that message may be posted in public and distributed by 3rd parties. The subscriber is also aware, that private message lists will also be read by multiple people with appropriate access rights, for example - but not exclusively - Foundation Members, Board Members, Officers etc.

The subscriber is also fully aware that messages may not be (fully) removed from our archives if there is no strong reason to do so; also, we may decide to only remove parts of a message."

2) Email distribution

Every email sent from our mailing list servers shall have a footer message with the text: "You receive this message because you are subscribed to <listname>. You can unsubscribe any time by sending a blank message to: <listname>-unsubscribe@<subdomain>

3) Message/Data removal

Messages are only edited on rare occassions and when necessary from a privacy perspective.

Messages need to be edited or removed, when personal information according to the GDPR or CCPA is disclosed and need to be removed.

This includes all data which makes it possible to identify a person. For example:

  • full name
  • email address
  • phone number
  • address, city, country of origin
  • ethnicity
  • medical conditions
  • etc

Messages are not considered for removal when data is not related to a person:

  • login names (if it is not a real name)
  • ssh passwords
  • production IP addresses
  • machine names
  • URLs

Please note that any edit to our archives does not automatically edit the archives of 3rd party services which mirror our archives. A requestor will need to contact mirror services themselves.

4) Procedures for archive modifications

A removal request need to be sent to (private, but archived list) or directly sent to Please note that you request will be recorded for future reference.

Please include the following:

  • country of residence, to apply the right data privacy laws
  • the list of messages to be removed or edited

After submitting the request, VP Data Privacy will confirm its receipt and discuss appropriate solutions with the Infrastructure team.

Please note: The Apache Software Foundation is a volunteer organization; we do our best to handle each request as quickly as we can.