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Similar Product Template With Filter by Item Year support

This example engine is based on Similar Product Tempplate version v0.1.1 and is modified to support filter recommendation by the item property ‘year’.

For example, recommend movies after year 1990.


Please refer to

Development Notes

Sample data

The movie lens 100k data which is in below format:


import ML-100K sample data

Import movielens data using below repository

$ python -m batch_import <Access Key>

Changes to Engine.scala

  1. Added “recommendFromYear” attribute to the Query class. we can pass the “recommendFromYear” attribute from the query request.
case class Query(
  items: List[String],
  num: Int,
  categories: Option[Set[String]],
  whiteList: Option[Set[String]],
  blackList: Option[Set[String]],
  recommendFromYear: Option[Int]
) extends Serializable
  1. Added “year” attribute to the class ItemScore.
case class ItemScore(
  item: String,
  score: Double,
  year: Int
) extends Serializable

Changes to DataSource.scala

  1. Added attribute “year” to the class Item
case class Item(categories: Option[List[String]],year: Int)
  1. In the eventsDb.aggregateProperties, adding year property
  Item(categories = properties.getOpt[List[String]]("categories"),year = properties.get[Int]("year"))

Changes to ALSAlgorihm.scala

  1. In the predict method, passing “recommendFromYear” attribute to the isCandidateItem method
    i = i,
    items = model.items,
    categories = query.categories,
    queryList = queryList,
    whiteList = whiteList,
    blackList = blackList,
    recommendFromYear = query.recommendFromYear
  1. In “isCandidateItem” method, verifying if Item’s year is greater than “recommendFromYear” attribute.
  private def isCandidateItem(
    i: Int,
    items: Map[Int, Item],
    categories: Option[Set[String]],
    queryList: Set[Int],
    whiteList: Option[Set[Int]],
    blackList: Option[Set[Int]],
    recommendFromYear: Option[Int]
  ): Boolean = { &&!_.contains(i)).getOrElse(true) &&
    // discard items in query as well
    (!queryList.contains(i)) &&
    // filter categories
    items(i).year > recommendFromYear.getOrElse(1) && { cat =>
      items(i) { itemCat =>
        // keep this item if has ovelap categories with the query
      }.getOrElse(false) // discard this item if it has no categories
  1. In the predict method, returning year as well as part of ItemScore
    val itemScores = { case (i, s) =>
      new ItemScore(
        item = model.itemIntStringMap(i),
        score = s,
        year = model.items(i).year

    new PredictedResult(itemScores)

Example Request

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{ "items": ["171"], "num": 10, "recommendFromYear":1990 }' \