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  6. engine.json

#PredictionIO: Add Your Own Properties to Returned Items

This small how-to explains how to add user defined properties to items returned by PredictionIO engine. This how-to is based on the Similar Product Engine Template version v0.1.3 To use this how-to you need to be familiar with scala programming language. In this how-to we also suppose you was able to set up and run Similar Product Engine (see their quick start guide).

A full end-to-end example can be found on GitHub.


Suppose you would like to use Similar Product Engine for suggesting your users the videos they can also like. The Similar Product Engine will answer to you with list of IDs for such videos. So, for example REST response from the engine right now looks like the one below


But you want the engine to return more information about every video. Let's think you want add fields title, date, and imdbUrl to every item, so, the resulting REST respose for your case should look similar to the posted below

		"title":"title for movie i12",
		"title":"title for movie i44",


The Main Idea

Recall the DASE Architecture, a PredictionIO engine has 4 main components: Data Source, Data Preparator, Algorithm, and Serving components. To achieve your goal, you will need provide the information about video to engine (using sdk), and then let this information to pass from Data Source through all the engine to the Serving component where the engine will send required information back to your application.


Modify The Item

In file DataSource.scala#L104 you will find class Item defined in the next way

case class Item(categories: Option[List[String]])

At the first, we need simply add required fields to this class

case class Item(
	title: String,
	date: String,
	imdbUrl: String,
	categories: Option[List[String]])

Create The Item Properly

Now, your IDE (or compiler) will say you about all the places where you need make changes to create item properly. For example, DataSource.scala#L52

Item(categories = properties.getOpt[List[String]]("categories"))

You need now to add needed properties to item

	title = properties.get[String]("title"),
	date = properties.get[String]("date"),
	imdbUrl = properties.get[String]("imdbUrl"),
	categories = properties.getOpt[List[String]]("categories"))

Modify The ItemScore

Now, when you've fixed item creation, take a look on class ItemScore from the file Engine.scala

case class ItemScore(
	item: String,
	score: Double
) extends Serializable

Engine will return class PredictedResult which contains property itemScores: Array[ItemScore]. So, since your result items are of classItemScore, you need modify this class too. In our example after modification you will have something similar to below

case class ItemScore(
	item: String,
	title: String,
	date: String,
	imdbUrl: String,
	score: Double
) extends Serializable

Create The ItemScore Properly

Again, now you need to go through all the places where ItemScore is created and fix compiler errors.

Result is initially created by the Algorithm component and then is passed to the Serving component. Take a look on a place where object of class ItemScore is initially created in file ALSAlgorithm.scala#L171.

new ItemScore(
	item = model.itemIntStringMap(i),
	score = s

You code after changes will be similar to posted below

val it = model.items(i)
new ItemScore(
	item = model.itemIntStringMap(i),
	title = it.title,
	date =,
	imdbUrl = it.imdbUrl,
	score = s

Using model.items(i) you can receive corresponding object of the Item class, and now you can access its properties which you created during previous step. Using model.itemIntStringMap(i) you can receive ID of corresponding item.

Modify Script That Supplies Data For The Engine

And this is the final step. You should supply your data to the engine using new format now. To get the idea take a look on this piece of code in our sample python script that creates test.

Creating item before modification.

		"categories" : random.sample(categories, random.randint(1, 4))

Creating item after modification.

		"categories" : random.sample(categories, random.randint(1, 4)),
		"title": "title for movie " + item_id,
		"date": 1935 + random.randint(1, 25),
		"imdbUrl": "" + item_id

Try It!

When you are ready, don't forget to fill application with new data and then

$ pio build
$ pio train
$ pio deploy

Now, you should be able to see desired results by querying engine

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "items": ["i1", "i3"], "num": 10}' http://localhost:8000/queries.json

A full end-to-end example can be found on GitHub.