tree: a7d6b3305ecd905364f2a690ac7344ae5d0e1ca0 [path history] [tgz]
  1. data/
  2. project/
  3. src/
  4. .gitignore
  5. build.sbt
  6. engine.json
  8. template.json

E-Commerce Recommendation Template With Weighted Items

This engine template is based on the E-Commerce Recommendation Template v0.1.1. It has been modified so that each item can be given a different weight.

By default, items have a weight of 1.0. Giving an item a weight greater than 1.0 will make them appear more often and can be useful for i.e. promoted products. An item can also be given a weight smaller than 1.0 (but bigger than 0), in which case it will be recommended less often than originally. Weight values smaller than 0.0 are invalid.


Please refer to

Development Notes

Weight constraint event

Item weights are specified by means of a weightedItems constraint type event , which includes the weight for all items which don't have the default weight of 1.0. At any given time, only the last such weightedItems event is taken into account.

The event design has been optimized for the use case where there may be many different items that are to be adjusted by the same percentage, an so it's based on a list of objects, each containing a list of item IDs and their weight:

  "event" : "$set",
  "entityType" : "constraint"
  "entityId" : "weightedItems",
  "properties" : {
    weights: [
        "items": [ "i4", "i14"],
        "weight" : 1.2,
        "items": [ "i11"],
        "weight" : 1.5,
  "eventTime" : "2015-02-17T02:11:21.934Z"

Changes to ALSAlgorithm.scala

  • Added a case class to represent each group items which are given the same weight:
// Item weights are defined according to this structure so that groups of items can be easily changed together
case class WeightsGroup(
  items: Set[String],
  weight: Double
  • Extract the sequence of WeightsGroups defined in the last weightedItems event:
    // Get the latest constraint weightedItems. This comes in the form of a sequence of WeightsGroup
    val groupedWeights = lEventsDb.findSingleEntity(
      appId = ap.appId,
      entityType = "constraint",
      entityId = "weightedItems",
      eventNames = Some(Seq("$set")),
      limit = Some(1),
      latest = true,
      timeout = 200.millis
    ) match {
      case Right(x) =>
        if (x.hasNext)
      case Left(e) =>
        logger.error(s"Error when reading set weightedItems event: ${e}")
  • Transform the sequence of WeightsGroups into a Map[Int, Double] that we can easily query to extract the weight given to an item, using its Int index. For undefined items, their weight is 1.0.
    // Transform groupedWeights into a map of index -> weight that we can easily query
    val weights: Map[Int, Double] = (for {
      group <- groupedWeights
      item <- group.items
      index <- model.itemStringIntMap.get(item)
    } yield (index, group.weight))
  • Adjust scores according to item weights:
            val originalScore = dotProduct(uf, feature.get)
            // Adjusting score according to given item weights
            val adjustedScore = originalScore * weights(i)
            (i, adjustedScore)
  • Pass map of weights to predictNewUser function and adjust scores similarly
  def predictNewUser(
    model: ALSModel,
    query: Query,
    whiteList: Option[Set[Int]],
    blackList: Set[Int],
    weights: Map[Int, Double]): Array[(Int, Double)] = {
          val originalScore = { rf =>
            cosine(rf, feature.get) // feature is defined
          // Adjusting score according to given item weights
          val adjustedScore = originalScore * weights(i)
          (i, adjustedScore)
        model = model,
        query = query,
        whiteList = whiteList,
        blackList = finalBlackList,
        weights = weights

Setting constraint “weightedItems”

You can set the constraint weightedItems by simply sending an event to Event Server.

For example, say, you wanna adjust the score of items “i4”, “i14” with a weight of 1.2 and item “i11” with weight of 1.5:

$ curl -i -X POST http://localhost:7070/events.json?accessKey=zPkr6sBwQoBwBjVHK2hsF9u26L38ARSe19QzkdYentuomCtYSuH0vXP5fq7advo4 \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
  "event" : "$set",
  "entityType" : "constraint"
  "entityId" : "weightedItems",
  "properties" : {
    "weights": [
        "items": ["i4", "i14"],
        "weight": 1.2
        "items": ["i11"],
        "weight": 1.5
  "eventTime" : "2015-02-17T02:11:21.934Z"

Note that only latest set constraint is used (based on eventTime), which means that if you create another new constraint event, the previous constraint won‘t have any effect anymore. For example, after you send the following event, only scores of items “i2” and “i10” will be adjusted by the weights and previous constraint for items “i4”, “i14”," i11" won’t be used anymore.

$ curl -i -X POST http://localhost:7070/events.json?accessKey=<ACCESS KEY> \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
  "event" : "$set",
  "entityType" : "constraint"
  "entityId" : "weightedItems",
  "properties" : {
    "weights": [
        "items": ["i2", "i10"],
        "weight": 1.5
  "eventTime" : "2015-02-20T04:56:78.123Z"

To clear the constraint, simply set empty weights array. i.e:

curl -i -X POST http://localhost:7070/events.json?accessKey=<ACCESS KEY> \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
  "event" : "$set",
  "entityType" : "constraint"
  "entityId" : "weightedItems",
  "properties" : {
    "weights": []
  "eventTime" : "2015-02-20T04:56:78.123Z"

You can also use SDK to send these events as shown in the sample script. script

A has been created to add weight to some of the elements. Usage:

$ python data/ --access_key <your_access_key>