Tutorial 4 - Multiple Algorithms Engine

At this point you have already had a sense of implementing, deploying, and evaluating a recommendation system with collaborative filtering techniques. However, this technique suffers from a cold-start problem where new items have no user action history. In this tutorial, we introduce a feature-based recommendation technique to remedy this problem by constructing a user-profile for each user. In addition, Prediction.IO infrastructure allows you to combine multiple recommendation systems together in a single engine. For a history-rich items, the engine can use results from the collaborative filtering algorithm, and for history-absent items, the engine returns prediction from the feature-based recommendation algorithm. Moreover, we can ensemble multiple predictions too.

This tutorial guides you toward incorporating a feature-based algorithm into the existing CF-based recommendation engine introduced in tutorials 1, 2 and 3.

All code can be found in the tutorial4/ directory.


In the previous tutorial, we have covered DataSource and Algorithm as crucial parts of an engine. A complete engine workflow looks like the following figure:

     v             v             v
Algo1.train   Algo2.train   Algo3.train
  (Model1)      (Model2)      (Model3)
     v             v             v
Algo1.predict Algo2.predict Algo3.predict <- (Query)
(Prediction1) (Prediction2) (Prediction3)
     v             v             v

Preparator is the class which preprocess the training data which will be used by multiple algorithms. For example, it can be a NLP processor which generates useful n-grams, or it can be some business logics.

Engine is designed to support multiple algorithms. They need to take the same PreparedData as input for model construction, but each algorithm can have its own model class). Algorithm takes a common Query as input and return a Prediction as output.

Finally, the serving layer Serving combines result from multiple algorithms, and possible apply some final business logic before returning.

This tutorial implements a simple Preparator for feature generation, a feature based algorithm, and a serving layer which ensembles multiple predictions.


We have to amend the DataSource to take into account more information from MovieLens, as well as adding some fake data for demonstration. We use the genre of movies as its feature vector. This part is simliar to earlier tutorials.

$ cd $PIO_HOME/examples
$ ../bin/pio run io.prediction.examples.java.recommendations.tutorial4.Runner4a -- data/ml-100k/

where $PIO_HOME is the root directory of the PredictionIO code tree.

You should see

2014-08-26 23:05:01,393 INFO  SparkContext - Job finished: collect at DebugWorkflow.scala:391, took 0.031189835 s
2014-08-26 23:05:01,394 INFO  APIDebugWorkflow$ - Data Set 0
2014-08-26 23:05:01,395 INFO  APIDebugWorkflow$ - Params: Empty
2014-08-26 23:05:01,395 INFO  APIDebugWorkflow$ - TrainingData:
2014-08-26 23:05:01,395 INFO  APIDebugWorkflow$ - [TrainingData: rating.size=100003 genres.size=19 itemInfo.size=1685 userInfo.size=946]
2014-08-26 23:05:01,396 INFO  APIDebugWorkflow$ - TestingData: (count=0)
2014-08-26 23:05:01,396 INFO  APIDebugWorkflow$ - Data source complete
2014-08-26 23:05:01,397 INFO  APIDebugWorkflow$ - Preparator is null. Stop here


As we have read the raw data from DataSource, we can preprocess the raw data into a more useable form. In this tutorial, we generate a feature vector for movies based on its genre.

We need to implement two classes: Preparator and PreparedData. Preparator is a class implementing a method prepare which transform TrainingData into PreparedData; PreparedData is the output and the object being passed to Algorithms for training. PreparedData can be anything, very often it is equivalent to TrainingData, or subclass of it. Here, PreparedData is a subclass of TrainingData, it adds a map from items (movies) to feature vectors. The merit of using subclass is that, it makes the original TrainingData easily accessible.

The Preparator class simply examines item info and extract a feature vector from item info.

After implementing these two classes, you can add them to the workflow and try out if things are really working. Add the preparator class to the engine builder, as shown in Runner4b.java:

return new JavaEngineBuilder<
    TrainingData, EmptyParams, PreparedData, Query, Float, Object> ()
    .preparatorClass(Preparator.class)  // Add the new preparator

And you can test it out with

$ cd $PIO_HOME/examples
$ ../bin/pio run io.prediction.examples.java.recommendations.tutorial4.Runner4b -- data/ml-100k/

You should see

2014-08-26 23:03:12,345 INFO  SparkContext - Job finished: collect at DebugWorkflow.scala:71, took 0.317394663 s
2014-08-26 23:03:12,346 INFO  APIDebugWorkflow$ - Prepared Data Set 0
2014-08-26 23:03:12,346 INFO  APIDebugWorkflow$ - Params: Empty
2014-08-26 23:03:12,347 INFO  APIDebugWorkflow$ - PreparedData: [TrainingData: rating.size=100003 genres.size=19 itemInfo.size=1685 userInfo.size=946 itemFeatures.size=1685 featureCount=19]
2014-08-26 23:03:12,347 INFO  APIDebugWorkflow$ - Preparator complete
2014-08-26 23:03:12,348 INFO  APIDebugWorkflow$ - Algo model construction
2014-08-26 23:03:12,349 INFO  APIDebugWorkflow$ - AlgoList has zero length. Stop here

Feature-Based Algorithm

This algorithm creates a feature profile for every user using the feature vector in PreparedData. More specifically, if a user has rated 5 stars on Toy Story but 1 star on The Crucible, the user profile would reflect that this user likes comedy and animation but dislikes drama.

The movie lens rating is an integer ranged from 1 to 5, we incorporate it into the algorithm with the following parameters:

public class FeatureBasedAlgorithmParams implements JavaParams {
  public final double min;
  public final double max;
  public final double drift;
  public final double scale;

We only consider rating from min to max, and we normalize the rating with this function: f(rating) = (rating - drift) * scale. As each movie is associated with a binary feature vector, the user feature vector is essentially a rating-weighted sum of all movies (s)he rated. After that, we normalize all user feature vector by L-inf norm, this will ensure that user feature is bounded by [-1, 1]. In laymen terms, -1 indicates that the user hates that feature, whilst 1 suggests the opposite. The following is a snippet of the actual code. data is an instance of PreparedData that is passed as an argument to the train function.

for (Integer uid : data.userInfo.keySet()) {
  userFeatures.put(uid, new ArrayRealVector(data.featureCount));
  userActions.put(uid, 0);

for (TrainingData.Rating rating : data.ratings) {
  final int uid = rating.uid;
  final int iid = rating.iid;
  final double rate = rating.rating;

  // Skip features outside the range.
  if (!(params.min <= rate && rate <= params.max)) continue;

  final double actualRate = (rate - params.drift) * params.scale;
  final RealVector userFeature = userFeatures.get(uid);
  final RealVector itemFeature = data.itemFeatures.get(iid);
  userFeature.combineToSelf(1, actualRate, itemFeature);

// Normalize userFeatures by l-inf-norm
for (Integer uid : userFeatures.keySet()) {
  final RealVector feature = userFeatures.get(uid);

Runner4c.java illustrates the engine factory up to this point. We use a default serving class as we only have one algorithm. (We will demonstrate how to combine prediction results from multiple algorithms later in this tutorial). We are able to define an end-to-end engine.

$ cd $PIO_HOME/examples
$ ../bin/pio run io.prediction.examples.java.recommendations.tutorial4.Runner4c -- data/ml-100k/


We can deploy this feature based engine just like tutorial 1. We have an engine JSON, and we register it:

$ cd $PIO_HOME/examples
$ ../bin/pio register --engine-json src/main/java/recommendations/tutorial4/single-algo-engine.json

The script automatically recompiles updated code. You will need to re-run this script if you have update any code in your engine.

Specify Engine Parameters

We use the following JSON files for deployment.

  1. datasource.json:

      "dir" :  "data/ml-100k/",
      "addFakeData": true
  2. algorithms.json:

        "name": "featurebased",
        "params": {
          "min": 1.0,
          "max": 5.0,
          "drift": 3.0,
          "scale": 0.5

    Recall that we support multiple algorithms. This JSON file is actually a list of name-params pair where the name is the identifier of algorithm defined in EngineFactory, and the params value corresponds to the algorithm parameter(s).

Start training

The following command kick-starts the training, which will return an id when the training is completed.

$ ../bin/pio train \
  --engine-json src/main/java/recommendations/tutorial4/single-algo-engine.json \
  --params-path src/main/java/recommendations/tutorial4/single-jsons

Deploy server

As the training is completed, you can deploy a server

$ ../bin/pio deploy --engine-json src/main/java/recommendations/tutorial4/single-algo-engine.json

Try a few things

Fake user -1 (see DataSource.FakeData) loves action movies. If we pass item 27 (Bad Boys), we should get a high rating (i.e. 1). You can use our script bin/cjson to send the JSON request. The first parameter is the JSON request, and the second parameter is the server address.

$ cd $PIO_HOME/examples
$ ../bin/cjson '{"uid": -1, "iid": 27}' http://localhost:8000/queries.json

Fake item -2 is a cold item (i.e. has no rating). But from the data, we know that it is a movie catagorized under “Action” genre, hence, it should also have a high rating with Fake user -1.

$ cd $PIO_HOME/examples
$ ../bin/cjson '{"uid": -1, "iid": -2}' http://localhost:8000/queries.json

However, there is nothing we can do with a cold user. Fake user -3 has no rating history, we know nothing about him. If we request any rating with fake user -3, we will get a NaN. TODO: @Donald “NaN is not a valid double value as per JSON specification. To override this behavior, use GsonBuilder.serializeSpecialFloatingPointValues() method.”

$ cd $PIO_HOME/examples
$ ../bin/cjson '{"uid": -3, "iid": 1}' http://localhost:8000/queries.json

Multiple Algorithms

We have two algorithms available, one is a collaborative filtering algorithm and the other is a feature-based algorithm. Prediction.IO allows you to create an engine that ensembles multiple algorithms prediction, you may use feature-based algorithm for cold-start items (as CF-based algos cannot handle items with no ratings), and use both algorithms for others.

Combining Algorithms Output

Serving is the last step of the pipeline. It takes prediction results from all algorithms, combine them and return. In the current case, we take an average of all valid (i.e. not NaN) predictions. In the extreme case where all algorithms return NaN, we also return NaN. Engine builders need to implement the serve method. We demonstrate with our case:

public Float serve(Query query, Iterable<Float> predictions) {
  float sum = 0.0f;
  int count = 0;

  for (Float v: predictions) {
    if (!v.isNaN()) {
      sum += v;
      count += 1;
  return (count == 0) ? Float.NaN : sum / count;

Complete Engine Factory

EngineFactory.java demonstrates how to specify multiple algorithms in the same engine. When we add algorithms to the builder instance, we also need to specify a String which is served as the identifier. For example, we use “featurebased” for the feature-based algorithm, and “collaborative” for the collaborative-filtering algorithm.

public class EngineFactory implements IJavaEngineFactory {
  public JavaEngine<TrainingData, EmptyParams, PreparedData, Query, Float, Object> apply() {
    return new JavaEngineBuilder<
      TrainingData, EmptyParams, PreparedData, Query, Float, Object> ()
      .addAlgorithmClass("featurebased", FeatureBasedAlgorithm.class)
      .addAlgorithmClass("collaborative", CollaborativeFilteringAlgorithm.class)

Similar to the earlier example, we need to write a JSON for the engine, and register it with PredictionIO. Here's the content:

  "id": "io.prediction.examples.java.recommendations.tutorial4.EngineFactory",
  "version": "0.8.0",
  "name": "FeatureBased Recommendations Engine",
  "engineFactory": "io.prediction.examples.java.recommendations.tutorial4.EngineFactory"

The following script register the engines. Important to note that, the script also copies all related files (jars, resources) of this engine to a permanent storage, if you have updated the engine code or add new dependencies, you need to rerun this command.

$ cd $PIO_HOME/examples
$ ../bin/pio register --engine-json src/main/java/recommendations/tutorial4/multiple-algo-engine.json

Now, we can specify the engine instance by passing the set of parameters to the engine. Our engine can support multiple algorithms, and in addition, it also support multiple instance of the same algorithms. We illustrate with algorithms.json:

    "name": "featurebased",
    "params": {
      "min": 1.0,
      "max": 5.0,
      "drift": 3.0,
      "scale": 0.5
    "name": "featurebased",
    "params": {
      "min": 4.0,
      "max": 5.0,
      "drift": 3.0,
      "scale": 0.5
    "name": "collaborative",
    "params": {
      "threshold": 0.2

This JSON contains three algorithm parameters. The first two correspond to the feature-based algorithm, and the third corresponds to the collaborative filtering algorithm. The first allows all 5 ratings, and the second allows only ratings higher than or equals to 4. This gives a bit more weight on the high-rating features. Once all parameter files are specified, we can start the training phase and start the API server:

$ cd $PIO_HOME/examples
$ ../bin/pio train \
  --engine-json src/main/java/recommendations/tutorial4/multiple-algo-engine.json \
  --params-path src/main/java/recommendations/tutorial4/jsons
2014-08-05 15:41:58,479 INFO  SparkContext - Job finished: collect at DebugWorkflow.scala:569, took 4.168001 s
2014-08-05 15:41:58,479 INFO  APIDebugWorkflow$ - Metrics is null. Stop here
2014-08-05 15:41:59,447 INFO  APIDebugWorkflow$ - Run information saved with ID: 41205x9wSo20Fsxm4Ic8BQ

$ ../bin/pio deploy --engine-json src/main/java/recommendations/tutorial4/multiple-algo-engine.json

By default, the server starts on port 8000. Open it with your browser and you will see all the meta information about this engine instance.

You can submit various queries to the server and see what you get.