Tutorial 1 - Develop and Integrate Algorithm with PredictionIO


These series of tutorials will walk through each components of PredictionIO. We will demonstrate how to develop your machine learning algorithms and prediction engines, deploy them and serve real time prediction queries, develop your metrics to run offline evaluations, and improve prediction engine by using multiple algoritms. We will build a simple Java single machine recommendation engine which predicts item's rating value rated by the user. MovieLens 100k data set will be used as an example.

Execute the following command to download MovieLens 100k to data/ml-100k/.

$ cd $PIO_HOME/examples
$ src/main/java/recommendations/fetch.sh

where $PIO_HOME is the root directory of the PredictionIO code tree.


A prediction Engine consists of the following controller components: DataSource, Preparator, Algorithm, and Serving. Another component Metrics is used to evaluate the Engine.

  • DataSource is responsible for reading data from the source (Eg. database or text file, etc) and prepare the Training Data (TD).
  • Preparator takes the Training Data and generates Prepared Data (PD) for the Algorithm
  • Algorithm takes the Prepared Data to train a Model (M) which is used make Prediction (P) outputs based on input Query (Q).
  • Serving serves the input Query with Algorithm's Prediction outputs.

An Engine Factory is a factory which returns an Engine with the above components defined.

To evaluate a prediction Engine:

  • DataSource can also generate Test Data which is a list of input Query and Actual (A) result.
  • Metrics computes the Metric Result (MR) by comparing the Prediction output with the Actual result. PredictionIO feeds the input Query to the Engine to get the Prediction outputs which are compared with Actual results.

As you can see, the controller components (DataSource, Preparator, Algorithm, Serving and Metrics) are the building blocks of the data pipeline and the data types (Training Data, Prepared Data, Model, Query, Prediction and Actual) defines the types of data being passed between each component.

Note that if the Algorithm can directly use Training Data without any pre-processing, the Prepared Data can be the same as Training Data and a default Identity Preparator can be used, which simply passes the Training Data as Prepared Data.

Also, if there is only one Algorithm in the Engine, and there is no special post-processing on the Prediction outputs, a default First Serving can be use, which simply uses the Algorithm's Prediction output to serve the query.

In this first tutorial, we will demonstrate how to build an simple Item Recommendation Engine with the DataSource and Algorithm components. You can find all sources code of this tutorial in the directory src/main/java/recommendations/tutorial1/.

Step 1. Define the data class type

For this Item Recommendation Engine, the data class types are defined as the following:

  • Training Data (TD): List of user ID, item ID and ratings, as defined in TrainingData.java.

    public class TrainingData implements Serializable {
      public List<Rating> ratings;
      public TrainingData(List<Rating> ratings) {
        this.ratings = ratings;
      public static class Rating implements Serializable {
        public int uid; // user ID
        public int iid; // item ID
        public float rating;
        public Rating(int uid, int iid, float rating) {
          this.uid = uid;
          this.iid = iid;
          this.rating = rating;
  • Input Query (Q): User ID and item ID, as defined in the Query.java.

    public class Query implements Serializable {
      public int uid; // user ID
      public int iid; // item ID
      public Query(int uid, int iid) {
        this.uid = uid;
        this.iid = iid;
  • Prediction output (P): Predicted preference value. Primitive class Float can be used.

  • Prepared Data (PD): Because the algorithm can directly use the TrainingData, the same TrainingData is used and no need to define Prepared Data separately.

  • Model (M): Because it's data type returned by the Algorithm component, We will define this when we implement the algorithm.

  • Actual (A): in this tutorial, we are not going to do evaluation which will be explained in later tutorials. We can simply use Object type for it.

As you can see, if the data is simple field, you may use primitive class type such as Integer, Float. If your data contain multiple fields, you may define your own class (such as Query in this tutorial). The requirement is that the data class must implement the Serializable interface.

Step 2. Implement DataSource

The DataSource component is responsible for reading data from the source (Eg. database or text file, etc) and prepare the Training Data (TD).

In this tutorial, the DataSource component needs one parameter which specifies the path of file containing the rating data.

Note that each controller component (DataSource, Preparator, Algorithm, Serving and Metrics) is restricted to having empty constructor or constructor which takes exactly one argument which must implement the io.prediction.controller.java.JavaParams interface.

We can define the DataSource parameter class as following (in DataSourceParams.java):

public class DataSourceParams implements JavaParams {
  public String filePath; // file path

  public DataSourceParams(String path) {
    this.filePath = path;

The DataSource component must extend io.prediction.controller.java.LJavaDataSource:

public abstract class LJavaDataSource<DSP extends Params,DP,TD,Q,A>

LJavaDataSource stands for Local Java DataSource, meaning that it is a Java DataSource component which can be run in single machine, which requires the following type parameters:

  • DSP: DataSource Parameters class, which is the DataSourceParams class we just defined above.
  • DP: Data Parameters class. It is used to describe the generated Training Data and the Test Data Query and Actual, which is used by Metrics during evaluation. Because we are not going to demonstrate evaluation in this first tutorial. Object type can be used.
  • TD: Training Data class, which is the TrainingData class defined in step 1.
  • Q: Input Query class, which is the Query class defined in step 1.
  • A: Actual result class, which is the Object class defined in step 1.
public class DataSource extends LJavaDataSource<
  DataSourceParams, Object, TrainingData, Query, Object> {
    // ...

The only function you need to implement is LJavaDataSource's read() method.

public abstract Iterable<scala.Tuple3<DP,TD,Iterable<scala.Tuple2<Q,A>>>> read()

The read() method should read data from the source (Eg. database or text file, etc) and return the Training Data (TD) and Test Data (Iterable<scala.Tuple2<Q,A>>) with a Data Parameters (DP) associated with this Training and Test Data Set.

Note that the read() method's return type is Iterable because it could return one or more of Training and Test Data Set. For example, we may want to evaluate the engine with multiple iterations of random training and test split. In this case, each set corresponds to each split.

Because we are going to only demonstrate deploying Engine in this first tutorial, the read() will only return one set of Training Data and the Test Data will simply an empty list.

You could find the implementation of read() in DataSource.java. It reads comma or tab delimited rating file and return TrainingData.

Step 3. Implement Algorithm

In this tutorial, a simple item based collaborative filtering algorithm is implemented for demonstration purpose. This algorithm computes the item similarity score between each item and returns a Model which consists of the item similarity scores and users' rating history. The item similarity scores and users' rating history will be used to compute the predicted rating value of an item by the user.

This algorithm takes a threshold as parameter and discard any item pairs with similarity score lower than this threshold. The algorithm parameters class is defined in AlgoParams.java:

public class AlgoParams implements JavaParams {
  public double threshold;

  public AlgoParams(double threshold) {
    this.threshold = threshold;

The Model generated by the algorithm is defined in Model.java:

public class Model implements Serializable {
  public Map<Integer, RealVector> itemSimilarity;
  public Map<Integer, RealVector> userHistory;

  public Model(Map<Integer, RealVector> itemSimilarity,
    Map<Integer, RealVector> userHistory) {
    this.itemSimilarity = itemSimilarity;
    this.userHistory = userHistory;

The Algorithm component must extend io.prediction.controller.java.LJavaAlgorithm.

public abstract class LJavaAlgorithm<AP extends Params,PD,M,Q,P>

Similar to LJavaDataSource, LJavaAlgorithm stands for Local Java Algorithm, meaning that it is a Java Algorithm component which can be run in single machine, which requires the following type parameters:

  • AP: Algorithm Parameters class, which is the AlgoParams class we just defined above.
  • PD: Prepared Data class, which is the same as the TrainingData class as described in step 1.
  • M: Model class, which is the Model class defined above.
  • Q: Input Query class, which is the Query class defined in step 1.
  • P: Prediction output class, which is the Float class defined in step 1.
public class Algorithm extends
  LJavaAlgorithm<AlgoParams, TrainingData, Model, Query, Float> {
  // ...

You need to implement two methods of LJavaAlgorithm:

  • train method:

    public abstract M train(PD pd)

The train method produces a Model of type M from Prepared Data of type PD.

  • predict method:

    public abstract P predict(M model, Q query)

The predict method produces a Prediction of type P from a Query of type Q and trained Model of type M.

You could find the implementation of these methods in Algorithm.java.

Step 4. Implement Engine Factory

PredictionIO framework requires an Engine Factory which returns an Engine with the controller components defined.

The Engine Factory must implement the io.prediction.controller.java.IJavaEngineFactory interface and implements the apply() method (as shown in EngineFactory.java):

public class EngineFactory implements IJavaEngineFactory {
  public JavaSimpleEngine<TrainingData, Object, Query, Float, Object> apply() {
    return new JavaSimpleEngineBuilder<
      TrainingData, Object, Query, Float, Object> ()
      .preparatorClass() // Use default Preparator
      .addAlgorithmClass("MyRecommendationAlgo", Algorithm.class)
      .servingClass() // Use default Serving

To build an Engine, we need to define the class of each component. A JavaEngineBuilder is used for this purpose. In this tutorial, because the Prepared Data is the same as Training Data, we can use JavaSimpleEngineBuilder.

As you can see, we specify the class the DataSource and Algorithm we just implemented in above steps.

To deploy engine, we also need a serving layer. For JavaSimpleEngine with single algorithm, we can use the default Serving component by simply calling the method servingClass() without specifying any class name. Building a custom Serving components will be explained in later tutorials.

Note that an Engine can contain different algorithms. This will be demonstrated in later tutorials.

The addAlgorithmClass() method requires the name of algorithm ( “MyRecommendationAlgo” in this case) which will be used later when we specify the parameters for this algorithm.

Step 5. Compile and Register Engine

We have implemented all the necessary blocks to deploy this Item Recommendation Engine. Next, we need to register this Item Recommendation Engine into PredictionIO.

An engine manifest engine.json is needed to describe the Engine:

  "id": "io.prediction.examples.java.recommendations.tutorial1.EngineFactory",
  "version": "0.8.0",
  "name": "Simple Recommendations Engine",
  "engineFactory": "io.prediction.examples.java.recommendations.tutorial1.EngineFactory"

The engineFactory is the class name of the EngineFactory class created above. The id and version will be referenced later when we run the engine.

Execute the following command to compile and register the engine:

$ cd $PIO_HOME/examples
$ ../bin/pio register --engine-json src/main/java/recommendations/tutorial1/engine.json

The register command takes the engine JSON file (with the --engine-json parameter). Note that you need to register the engine again if you have modified and re-compiled the codes.

Step 6. Specify Parameters for the Engine

Our DataSource and Algorithm classes require parameters, which can be specified with JSON files.

In this tutorial, the DataSourceParams has a parameter which is the file path of the ratings file. The JSON is defined as following (params/datasource.json):

{ "filePath": "data/ml-100k/u.data" }

Note that the key name (filePath) must be the same as the corresponding field name defined in the DataSourceParams class.

For Algorithms, we need to define a JSON array (params/algorithms.json):

    "name": "MyRecommendationAlgo",
    "params": {
      "threshold": 0.2

The key name is the name of the algorithm which should match the one defined in the EngineFactory class in above step, which specifies the name of the algorithm of the Engine we want to deploy. The params defines the parameters for this algorithm.

Note that if your algorithm takes no parameter, you still need to put empty JSON {}. For example:

    "name": "MyAnotherRecommendationAlgo",
    "params": {}

Step 7. Train Engine and Deploy Server

Now, we have everything in place. Let's run it!

We use ../bin/pio train to train the Engine, which builds and saves the algorithm Model for serving real time requests.

Execute the following commands:

$ cd $PIO_HOME/examples
$ ../bin/pio train \
  --engine-json src/main/java/recommendations/tutorial1/engine.json \
  --params-path src/main/java/recommendations/tutorial1/params

The --engine-json points to the JSON file engine.json. The --params-path is the base directory of parameters JSON files.

When it finishes, you should see the following at the end of terminal output:

2014-08-26 01:51:30,330 INFO  SparkContext - Job finished: collect at DebugWorkflow.scala:680, took 4.390852803 s
2014-08-26 01:51:30,579 INFO  APIDebugWorkflow$ - Saved engine instance with ID: 1SYjXuWKQTyxKdFOOXmQiw

Next, execute the ../bin/pio deploy command with the returned ID:

$ ../bin/pio deploy --engine-json src/main/java/recommendations/tutorial1/engine.json

This will create a server that by default binds to http://localhost:8000. You can visit that page in your web browser to check its status.

Now you can retrive prediction result by sending a HTTP request to the server with the Query as JSON payload. Remember that our Query class is defined with uid and iid fields. The JSON key name must be the same as the field names of the Query class (uid and iid in this example).

For example, to retrieve the predicted preference for item ID 3 by user ID 1, run the following in terminal:

$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"uid": 1, "iid": 3}' http://localhost:8000/queries.json

You should see the predicted preference value returned:


Congratulations! Now you have built a prediction engine which uses the trained model to serve real-time queries and returns prediction results!