Distributed Recommendation Engine with RDD-based Model using MLlib's ALS

This document describes a recommendation engine that is based on Apache Spark's MLlib collaborative filtering algorithm.


Make sure you have built PredictionIO and setup storage described here.

High Level Description

This engine demonstrates how one can integrate MLlib's algorithms that produce an RDD-based model, deploy it in production and serve real-time queries.

For details about MLlib's collaborative filtering algorithms, please refer to https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/mllib-collaborative-filtering.html.

All code definition can be found here.

Data Source

Training data is located at /examples/data/movielens.txt. Values are delimited by double colons (::). The first column are user IDs. The second column are item IDs. The third column are ratings. In this example, they are represented as RDD[Rating], as described in the official MLlib guide.


The preparator in this example is an identity function, i.e. no further preparation is done on the training data.


This example engine contains one single algorithm that wraps around MLlib. The train() method simply calls MLlib's ALS.train() method.


This example engine uses FirstServing, which serves only predictions from the first algorithm. Since there is only one algorithm in this engine, predictions from MLlib's ALS algorithm will be served.

Training a Model

This example provides a set of ready-to-use parameters for each component mentioned in the previous section. They are located inside the params subdirectory.

Before training, you must let PredictionIO know about the engine. Run the following command to build and register the engine.

$ cd $PIO_HOME/examples/scala-recommendations
$ ../../bin/pio register

where $PIO_HOME is the root directory of the PredictionIO code tree.

To start training, use the following command. You need to install the gfortran runtime library if it is not already present on your nodes. For Debian and Ubuntu systems this would be “sudo apt-get install libgfortran3”.

$ cd $PIO_HOME/examples/scala-recommendations
$ ../../bin/pio train

This will train a model and save it in PredictionIO's metadata storage. Notice that when the run is completed, it will display a run ID, like below.

2014-08-27 23:13:54,596 INFO  SparkContext - Job finished: saveAsObjectFile at Run.scala:68, took 0.299989372 s
2014-08-27 23:13:54,736 INFO  APIDebugWorkflow$ - Saved engine instance with ID: txHBY2XRQTKFnxC-lYoVgA

Deploying a Real-time Prediction Server

Following from instructions above, you should have trained a model. Use the following command to start a server.

$ cd $PIO_HOME/examples/scala-recommendations
$ ../../bin/pio deploy

This will create a server that by default binds to http://localhost:8000. You can visit that page in your web browser to check its status.

To perform real-time predictions, try the following. This predicts on how user 1 will rate item (movie) 4. As in all collaborative filtering algorithms, it will not handle the case of a cold user (when the user has not rated any movies).

$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '[1,4]' http://localhost:8000/queries.json

Congratulations! You have just trained an ALS model and is able to perform real time prediction distributed across an Apache Spark cluster!

Production Prediction Server Deployment

Prediction servers support reloading models on the fly with the latest completed run.

  1. Assuming you already have a running prediction server from the previous section, go to http://localhost:8000 to check its status. Take note of the Run ID at the top.

  2. Run training and deploy again. There is no need to manually terminate the previous deploy instance.

    $ cd $PIO_HOME/examples/scala-recommendations
    $ ../../bin/pio train
    $ ../../bin/pio deploy
  3. Refresh the page at http://localhost:8000, you should see the prediction server status page with a new Run ID at the top.

Congratulations! You have just experienced a production-ready setup that can reload itself automatically after every training! Simply add the training or evaluation command to your crontab, and your setup will be able to re-deploy itself automatically at a regular interval.