layout: docs title: Building the “HelloWorld” Engine

Building the “HelloWorld” Engine

This is a step-by-step guide on building your first predictive engine on PredictionIO. The engine will use historical temperature data to predict the temperature of a certain day in a week.

You need to build PredictionIO from source in order to build your own engine. Please follow instructions to build from source here.

Completed source code can also be found at $PIO_HOME/examples/scala-local-helloworld and $PIO_HOME/examples/java-local-helloworld, where $PIO_HOME is the root directory of the PredictionIO source code tree.

1. Create a new Engine

$ rm -rf src/main/scala $ mkdir src/main/java {% endhighlight %}

Add the new classes under the directory src/main/java.

2. Define Data Types

Define Training Data

public MyTrainingData(List temperatures) { this.temperatures = temperatures; }

public static class DayTemperature implements Serializable { String day; Double temperature;

public DayTemperature(String day, Double temperature) { = day;
  this.temperature = temperature;

} } {% endhighlight %}

Define Query

public MyQuery(String day) { = day; } } {% endhighlight %}

Define Model

class MyModel( val temperatures: HashMap[String, Double] ) extends Serializable { override def toString = temperatures.toString }

{% endhighlight %}

public MyModel(Map<String, Double> temperatures) { this.temperatures = temperatures; }

@Override public String toString() { return temperatures.toString(); } } {% endhighlight %}

Define Prediction Result

public MyPrediction(Double temperature) { this.temperature = temperature; } } {% endhighlight %}

3. Implement the Data Source

class MyDataSource extends LDataSource[EmptyDataSourceParams, EmptyDataParams, MyTrainingData, MyQuery, EmptyActual] {

override def readTraining(): MyTrainingData = { val lines = Source.fromFile(“path/to/data.csv”).getLines() { line => val data = line.split(“,”) (data(0), data(1).toDouble) } new MyTrainingData(lines) }

} {% endhighlight %}

@Override public MyTrainingData readTraining() { List<MyTrainingData.DayTemperature> temperatures = new ArrayList<MyTrainingData.DayTemperature>();

try {
  BufferedReader reader =
                new BufferedReader(new FileReader("path/to/data.csv"));
  String line;
  while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
    String[] tokens = line.split(",");
      new MyTrainingData.DayTemperature(tokens[0],
} catch (Exception e) {

return new MyTrainingData(temperatures);

} } {% endhighlight %}

4. Implement an Algorithm

override def train(pd: MyTrainingData): MyModel = { // calculate average value of each day val average = pd.temperatures .groupBy(_.1) // group by day .mapValues{ list => val tempList = // get the temperature tempList.sum / tempList.size }

// trait Map is not serializable, use concrete class HashMap
new MyModel(HashMap[String, Double]() ++ average)


override def predict(model: MyModel, query: MyQuery): MyPrediction = { val temp = model.temperatures( new MyPrediction(temp) } } {% endhighlight %}

@Override public MyModel train(MyTrainingData data) { Map<String, Double> sumMap = new HashMap<String, Double>(); Map<String, Integer> countMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();

// calculate sum and count for each day
for (MyTrainingData.DayTemperature temp : data.temperatures) {
  Double sum = sumMap.get(;
  Integer count = countMap.get(;
  if (sum == null) {
    sumMap.put(, temp.temperature);
    countMap.put(, 1);
  } else {
    sumMap.put(, sum + temp.temperature);
    countMap.put(, count + 1);

// calculate the average
Map<String, Double> averageMap = new HashMap<String, Double>();
for (Map.Entry<String, Double> entry : sumMap.entrySet()) {
  String day = entry.getKey();
  Double average = entry.getValue() / countMap.get(day);
  averageMap.put(day, average);

return new MyModel(averageMap);


@Override public MyPrediction predict(MyModel model, MyQuery query) { Double temp = model.temperatures.get(; return new MyPrediction(temp); } } {% endhighlight %}

Deploying the “HelloWorld” Engine Instance

After the new engine is built, it is time to deploy an engine instance of it.

Prepare training data:

{% highlight bash %} $ cp $PIO_HOME/examples/data/helloworld/data1.csv path/to/data.csv {% endhighlight %}

Register engine:

{% highlight bash %} $ $PIO_HOME/bin/pio register {% endhighlight %}


{% highlight bash %} $ $PIO_HOME/bin/pio train {% endhighlight %}

Example output:

2014-09-18 15:44:57,568 INFO  spark.SparkContext - Job finished: collect at Workflow.scala:677, took 0.138356 s
2014-09-18 15:44:57,757 INFO  workflow.CoreWorkflow$ - Saved engine instance with ID: zdoo7SGAT2GVX8dMJFzT5w


{% highlight bash %} $ $PIO_HOME/bin/pio deploy {% endhighlight %}

Retrieve prediction:

{% highlight bash %} $ curl -H “Content-Type: application/json” -d ‘{ “day”: “Mon” }’ http://localhost:8000/queries.json {% endhighlight %}



Retrieve prediction:

{% highlight bash %} $ curl -H “Content-Type: application/json” -d ‘{ “day”: “Tue” }’ http://localhost:8000/queries.json {% endhighlight %}




Re-train with new data:

{% highlight bash %} $ cp $PIO_HOME/examples/data/helloworld/data2.csv path/to/data.csv {% endhighlight %}

{% highlight bash %} $ $PIO_HOME/bin/pio train $ $PIO_HOME/bin/pio deploy {% endhighlight %}

Retrieve prediction:

{% highlight bash %} $ curl -H “Content-Type: application/json” -d ‘{ “day”: “Mon” }’ http://localhost:8000/queries.json {% endhighlight %}

