layout: docs title: Installing PredictionIO on Linux

Installing PredictionIO on Linux

Download PredictionIO

Simply download PredictionIO's binary distribution and extract it.

$ wget{{ site.pio_version }}.tar.gz
$ tar zxvf PredictionIO-{{ site.pio_version }}.tar.gz
$ cd PredictionIO-{{ site.pio_version }}

Installing Dependencies

Spark Setup

Apache Spark is the default processing engine for PredictionIO. Download Apache Spark release 1.1.0 package hadoop2.4. Extract the file, and set the SPARK_HOME configuration in conf/ to the Spark directory.

$ wget{{ site.spark_download_filename }}.tgz
$ tar zxvf {{ site.spark_download_filename }}.tgz

After that, edit conf/ in your PredictionIO installation directory. For example,

SPARK_HOME=/home/abc/Downloads/{{ site.spark_download_filename }}

Storage Setup

Elasticsearch Setup

By default, PredictionIO uses Elasticsearch at localhost as the data store to store its metadata. Simply install and run Elasticsearch, which looks like this:

$ wget{{ site.elasticsearch_download_filename }}.tar.gz
$ tar zxvf {{ site.elasticsearch_download_filename }}.tar.gz
$ cd {{ site.elasticsearch_download_filename }}
$ bin/elasticsearch

You may change the settings or even use another data store such as MongoDB. For details, please read Changing the Data Store.

HBase SetupĀ 

By default, PredictionIO's Data API uses HBase at localhost as the data store for event data.

$ wget{{ site.hbase_basename }}/{{ site.hbase_basename }}-{{ site.hbase_variant }}.tar.gz
$ tar zxvf {{ site.hbase_basename }}-{{ site.hbase_variant }}.tar.gz
$ cd {{ site.hbase_basename }}-{{ site.hbase_variant }}

You will need to at least add a minimal configuration to HBase to start it in standalone mode. Details can be found here. Here, we are showing a sample minimal configuration.

For production deployment, run a fully distributed HBase configuration.

Edit conf/hbase-site.xml and put the following in. You may replace /home/abc with your own home directory.


Now you may start HBase.

$ bin/

Now you have installed everything you need to run PredictionIO!

Next: Reading Quick Start