layout: docs title: Item Recommendation Engine | Built-in Engines

Item Recommendation Engine: Overview

Recommend N items to a user personally

With this engine, you can add discovery or recommendation features to your application. The engine makes recommendation in two steps:

Step 1: Predict User Preferences

Item Recommendation Score Prediction

In this batch-mode process, the engine predicts a preference score for every user-item pair. The scores are computed by the deployed algorithm in the engine.

Step 2: Return Personalized High Score Items

With the predicted scores, this engine can rank all available items for any user according to your REST API/SDK queries. Top N items will then be returned as prediction results.


Create your first Item Recommendation app quickly by following tutorials and samples.

Collect Events Data / Events Data Requirement

The process of collecting events data for the Item Recommendation Engine is equivalent to that of Item Ranking Engine. Please refer to Item Ranking Engine / Collect Events Data for detailed explanation.

Data Source

Same as Item Ranking Engine / Data Source.

Data Preparator

Same as Item Ranking Engine / Data Preparator.

Item Recommendation Engine API

Item Recommendation Engine supports the following query API endpoints:

Sending Queries to Item Recommendation Engine

To get a list of recommended items for a user, make an HTTP POST request to the Item Recommendation Engine instance:

POST <engine_instance_url>

with following JSON payload:

uiduser Entity ID
nmaximum number of items recommended

Sample Query

To get a 3 personalized item recommendations for user “1”.

$engineClient = new EngineClient(‘http://localhost:9993’); $predictions = $engineClient->sendQuery( array( ‘uid’=>‘1’, ‘n’=>3 ) ); print_r($predictions); ?> {% endhighlight %}

prediction = engine_client.send_query(data={“uid”: “1”, “n” : 3}) print(prediction) {% endhighlight %}

client =‘http://localhost:9993’)

predictions = client.send_query(‘uid’ => ‘1’, ‘n’ => 3) puts predictions {% endhighlight %}

Sample Response

The API returns the following JSON response:

itemsarray of { item Entity ID : predicted preference score }
in descending order.


Changing Algorithm and Its Parameters

By default, Non-cached Mahout Item Based Algorithm ("ncMahoutItemBased") is used. You can switch to another algorithm or modify parameters by modifying the file algorithms.json with any of above algorithm's JSON parameters setting.

Please read Selecting an Algorithm for tips on selecting the right algorithm and setting the parameters properly.

You may also implement and add your own algorithm to the engine easily.

Item Recommendation Engine comes with the following algorithms:

1. Non-cached Mahout Item Based Algorithm

Use Mahout Item Based algorithm to build similarity matrix. Then rank items based on user recent history and the item similarity matrix.

Algorithm code name: "mahoutItemBased"


booleanDatabooleanTreat input data as having no preference values.
itemSimilarityStringItem Similarity Measure. See Note
weightedbooleanThe Similarity score is weighted (only applied to Euclidean Distance, Pearson Correlation, Uncentered Cosine item similarity).
nearestNintegerK-nearest rated item neighbors,
unseenOnlybooleanOnly previously unseen (i.e. unrated) items will be returned.
thresholddoubleSimilarity threshold. Discard item pairs with a similarity value below this.
freshnessintegerFreshness scale 0 - 10. Must be >= 0. 0 means no freshness.
freshnessTimeUnitintegerThe time unit in seconds for freshness prioritization. As an example, if you set this to one day (86400), and freshness is set to 10, items that are one day old would have their score degraded by a bit more than 60%, or e^-1 remains to be exact.


Supported value for itemSimilarity

City BlockCityBlockSimilarity
Euclidean DistanceEuclideanDistanceSimilarity
Pearson CorrelationPearsonCorrelationSimilarity
Tanimoto CoefficientTanimotoCoefficientSimilarity
Uncentered CosineUncenteredCosineSimilarity

Default algorithm parameters:

    "name": "ncMahoutItemBased",
    "params": {
      "booleanData": true,
      "itemSimilarity": "LogLikelihoodSimilarity",
      "weighted": false,
      "threshold": 4.9E-324,
      "nearestN": 10,
      "unseenOnly": false,
      "freshness" : 0,
      "freshnessTimeUnit" : 86400

2. Feature Based Algorithm

Coming soon.