layout: docs title: Item Ranking Engine | Built-in Engines

Item Ranking Engine: Overview

Rank a list of items to a user personally

With this engine, you can personalize a ranked list of items in your application. The engine rank items in two steps:

Step 1: Predict User Preferences

Item Ranking Score Prediction

In this batch-mode process, the engine predicts preference scores for the queried items. The scores are computed by the deployed algorithm in the engine.

Step 2: Rank the Query Items

With the predicted scores, this engine can rank a list of items for the user according to queries. Ranked items with scores will then be returned. Original order of the items is preserved if the algorithm couldn't predict the score.

Collect Events Data

You may collect events data with HTTP request or by using one of many PredictionIO SDKs. You may also use Bulk Loading for your old data.

1. Setting user entity

The eventTime is the time of the user being created in your application (eg. when she registered or signed up the account).

If you need to update the properties of the existing user entity later, simply create another $set event for this user entity with new property values and the eventTime is the time of this change happened.

To create an user with id_1:

$appId = 1; $client = new EventClient($appId); $client->setUser(‘id_1’, array(), ‘2004-12-13T21:39:45.618-07:00’); ?> {% endhighlight %}

event_client = EventClient(app_id=1, url=“http://localhost:7070”)

tzinfo = pytz.timezone(‘US/Mountain’) event_time = datetime(2014, 12, 13, 21, 39, 45, 618, tzinfo=tzinfo) event_client.set_user(uid=“id_1”, event_time=event_time) {% endhighlight %}

event_client = event_client.set_user(‘id_1’, ‘eventTime’ => ‘2004-12-13T21:39:45.618-07:00’) {% endhighlight %}

2. Setting item entity

The eventTime is the time of the item being first created in your application. The property pio_itypes is required when you set the item for the first time.

If you need to update the properties of the existing item entity, simply create another $set event for this item entity with new properties values and the eventTime is the time of this change happened.

To create an item with id_3 and set its pio_ityes to "type1":

3. Record events of user-to-item actions.

The eventTime is the time of the action being performed by the user. the event is the action name. By default, the built-in engines support the following actions: "view", "like", "rate", "conversion" and "dislike". You may also use other custom actions by modifying the params file datasource.json and preparator.json (Please refer to the later section below.)

To record that user id_1 views the item id_3:

Optionally, you can specify the pio_rating property associate with this event of user-to-item action.

To record that user id_1 rates the item id_3 with rating of 4:

Events Data Requirement

This built-in engine requires the following Events data:

Your Events data should involve two EntityTypes:

  1. pio_user Entity: the user of your application
  2. pio_item Entity: the item of your application with the following properties:
  • pio_itypes: array of String. Array of itypes. Each item should have at least one itype. The item may have multiple itypes.
  • pio_starttime: (Optional) ISO 8601 timestamp. Start time that the item becomes available.

Events between these two Entity Types should be recorded:

  • user-to-item action Events: such as like, rate and view, with following properties:
    • pio_rating: (Optional) integer rating

Note: Name of EntityType and Properties

Although you are allowed to use different names for the Entity Type and Properties as long as they represent same meaning (For example, use the name user instead of pio_user or use t instead of pio_starttime). We highly recommend to follow our name convention when using built-in engines. If you use diffrent names for these attributes, you need to modify the attributeNames field defined in the file datasource.json.

Note: Extra User and Item Entity Properties

Your user data may contain additional properties, such as age and gender. Your item data may also contain other properties, such as price and title. What kind of properties you need to provide depends on the algorithm you choose to build the model.

Currently, all built-in algorithms in PredictionIO are Collaborative Filtering (CF) algorithms. CF algorithms derive the feature vectors of users and items from previous behaviors, i.e. score, only. Therefore, you simply need to identify each user and item with a unique ID. No extra data properties are needed.

It does not mean that CF algorithms are less accurate though. In fact, researches (such as this) show the exact opposite. An algorithm that requires no data attribute can be the winning algorithm.

Data Source

The engine comes with a Data Source which read the events data from the datastore for processing.

You need to modify appId in the params file datasource.json to your appId.

Data Preparator

The engine comes with a Data Preparator to parpare data for the built-in algorithims. It has the following parameters:

actionsMapConfigure how to map the user-to-item action to a rating score. Specify null if use value of pio_rating of the corresponding action.
conflictStringSpecify how to resolve the conflict if the user has multiple actions on the same item. Supported values: “latest”, “highest”, “lowest”, “sum”.
“latest” - Use the latest action (default)
“highest” - Use the highest score one
“lowest” - Use the lowest score one
“sum” - Sum all action scores.

You can change the default setting by modifying the params file preparator.json.

Item Ranking Engine API

Item Ranking Engine supports the following query API endpoints:

Sending Queries to Item Ranking Engine

To rank a list of items for a user, make an HTTP POST request to the Item Ranking Engine instance:

POST Engine_Instance_IP:Engine_Instance_port

with following JSON payload:

uiduser Entity ID
iidsarray of item Entity ID

Sample Query

To personalize the order of items of “1”, “3”, “5”, “10” and “11” for user “123”:

$ curl -i -X POST http://localhost:8000/queries.json
-d ‘{ “uid” : “123”, “iids” : [“1”, “3”, “5”, “10”, “11”] }’

{% endhighlight %}

$engineClient = new EngineClient(‘http://localhost:8000’); $predictions = $engineClient->sendQuery( array( ‘uid’=>‘123’, ‘iids’=>array(‘1’, ‘3’, ‘5’, ‘10’, ‘11’) ) ); print_r($predictions); ?> {% endhighlight %}

prediction = engine_client.send_query( data={“uid”: “123”, “iids”: [“1”, “3”, “5”, “10”, “11”]}) print(prediction) {% endhighlight %}

client =

predictions = client.send_query(‘uid’ => ‘123’, ‘iids’ => %w(1 3 5 10 11)) puts predictions {% endhighlight %}

The API returns the following JSON response:

itemsarray of { item Entity ID : predicted preference score }
in ranked order
isOriginalif set to true, the items are not ranked
(because the algorithm cannot predict)

Sample Response



Changing Algorithm and Its Parameters

By default, Mahout Item Based Algorithm ("mahoutItemBased") is used. You can switch to another algorithm or modify parameters by modifying the file algorithms.json with any of above algorithm's JSON parameters setting.

Please read Selecting an Algorithm for tips on selecting the right algorithm and setting the parameters properly.

You may also implement and add your own algorithm to the engine easily.

Item Ranking Engine comes with the following algorithms:

1. Mahout Item Based Algorithm

Use Mahout Item Based algorithm to build similarity matrix. Then rank items based on user recent history and the item similarity matrix.

Algorithm code name: "mahoutItemBased"


booleanDatabooleanTreat input data as having no preference values.
itemSimilarityStringItem Similarity Measure. See Note
weightedbooleanThe Similarity score is weighted (only applied to Euclidean Distance, Pearson Correlation, Uncentered Cosine item similarity).
nearestNintegerK-nearest rated item neighbors,
thresholddoubleSimilarity threshold. Discard item pairs with a similarity value below this.
numSimilarItemsintegerNumber of similar items in the Item Similarity Matrix model.
numUserActionsintegerNumber of user-to-item actions in the user history model.
freshnessintegerFreshness scale 0 - 10. Must be >= 0. 0 means no freshness.
freshnessTimeUnitintegerThe time unit in seconds for freshness prioritization. As an example, if you set this to one day (86400), and freshness is set to 10, items that are one day old would have their score degraded by a bit more than 60%, or e^-1 remains to be exact.


Supported value for itemSimilarity

City BlockCityBlockSimilarity
Euclidean DistanceEuclideanDistanceSimilarity
Pearson CorrelationPearsonCorrelationSimilarity
Tanimoto CoefficientTanimotoCoefficientSimilarity
Uncentered CosineUncenteredCosineSimilarity

Default algorithm parameters:

    "name": "mahoutItemBased",
    "params": {
      "booleanData": true,
      "itemSimilarity": "LogLikelihoodSimilarity",
      "weighted": false,
      "nearestN": 10,
      "threshold": 4.9E-324,
      "numSimilarItems": 50,
      "numUserActions": 50,
      "freshness" : 0,
      "freshnessTimeUnit" : 86400

2. Feature Based Algorithm

Rank items based on item's feature vector (pio_itypes).

Algorithm code name: "featurebased"


This algorithm doesn't have parameters.

Default algorithm parameters:

    "name": "featurebased",
    "params": {}

3. Random Algorithm

Rank items randomly (mainly for baseline evaluation purpose).

Algorithm code name: "rand"


This algorithm doesn't have parameters.

Default algorithm parameters:

    "name": "rand",
    "params": {}

4. Non-cached Mahout Item Based Algorithm

Use Mahout Item Based algorithm to re-calculate predicted score every time when serve the query request. The item similarity matrix is not cached. (Serving performance is slower)

Algorithm code name: "ncMahoutItemBased"


Same as Mahout Item Based Algorithm without the following parameters:

  • numSimilarItems
  • numUserActions

Default algorithm parameters:

    "name": "ncMahoutItemBased",
    "params": {
      "booleanData": true,
      "itemSimilarity": "LogLikelihoodSimilarity",
      "weighted": false,
      "threshold": 4.9E-324,
      "nearestN": 10,
      "freshness" : 0,
      "freshnessTimeUnit" : 86400

Using Custom Actions

By default, the built-in engines support the following actions: "view", "like", "dislike", "rate" and "conversion". To add your own custom actions, you need to modify the following params file:

  • datasource.json: Add your custom action names into the parameters actions and u2iActions.

  • preparator.json: Define how to map your custom action names to a score in the parameters actions. Use value of null if your action has a pio_rating property.