layout: docs title: Engine Builders' Guide

Engine Builders' Guide

DASE Architecture Overview

A PredictionIO engine workflow looks like the following figure:

     v             v             v
Algo1.train   Algo2.train   Algo3.train
  (Model1)      (Model2)      (Model3)
     v             v             v
Algo1.predict Algo2.predict Algo3.predict <- (Query)
(Prediction1) (Prediction2) (Prediction3)
     v             v             v

A prediction Engine consists of the following controller components: DataSource, Data Preparator(Preparator), Algorithm, and Serving. Another component Evaluation Metrics is used to evaluate the Engine.

  • DataSource is responsible for reading data from the source (Eg. database or text file, etc) and prepare the Training Data (TD).
  • Data Preparator takes the Training Data and generates Prepared Data (PD) for the Algorithm
  • Algorithm takes the Prepared Data to train a Model (M) which is used make Prediction (P) outputs based on input Query (Q).
  • Serving serves the input Query with Algorithm's Prediction outputs.

An Engine Factory is a factory which returns an Engine with the above components defined.

To evaluate a prediction Engine:

  • DataSource can also generate Test Data which is a list of input Query and Actual (A) result.
  • Metrics computes the Metric Result (MR) by comparing the Prediction output with the Actual result. PredictionIO feeds the input Query to the Engine to get the Prediction outputs which are compared with Actual results.

As you can see, the controller components (DataSource, Preparator, Algorithm, Serving and Metrics) are the building blocks of the data pipeline and the data types (Training Data, Prepared Data, Model, Query, Prediction and Actual) defines the types of data being passed between each component.

Note that if the Algorithm can directly use Training Data without any pre-processing, the Prepared Data can be the same as Training Data and a default Identity Preparator can be used, which simply passes the Training Data as Prepared Data.

Also, if there is only one Algorithm in the Engine, and there is no special post-processing on the Prediction outputs, a default First Serving can be use, which simply uses the Algorithm's Prediction output to serve the query.

It's time to build your first HelloWorld Engine!