blob: 58eb16f03bb555dc56e953bf12f26d764c1810c0 [file] [log] [blame]
package io.prediction.scheduler
import io.prediction.commons.Config
import io.prediction.commons.settings._
import io.prediction.commons.appdata._
import io.prediction.commons.modeldata._
import play.api.libs.json._
import play.api.test._
import play.api.test.Helpers._
import org.specs2.mutable._
import com.mongodb.casbah.Imports._
import com.github.nscala_time.time.Imports._
class APISpec extends Specification {
"PredictionIO API Specification".txt
/** Setup test data. */
val config = new Config
val apps = config.getSettingsApps()
val engines = config.getSettingsEngines()
val algos = config.getSettingsAlgos()
val items = config.getAppdataItems()
val itemRecScores = config.getModeldataItemRecScores()
val itemSimScores = config.getModeldataItemSimScores()
val userid = 1
val appid = apps.insert(App(
id = 0,
userid = userid,
appkey = "appkey",
display = "",
url = None,
cat = None,
desc = None,
timezone = "UTC"))
val dac = Item(
id = "dac",
appid = appid,
ct =,
itypes = List("fresh", "meat"),
starttime = Some(,
endtime = None,
price = Some(49.394),
profit = None,
latlng = Some((37.3197611, -122.0466141)),
inactive = None,
attributes = Some(Map("foo" -> "bar", "foo2" -> "bar2")))
val hsh = Item(
id = "hsh",
appid = appid,
ct =,
itypes = List("fresh", "meat"),
starttime = Some(,
endtime = None,
price = Some(49.394),
profit = None,
latlng = Some((37.3370801, -122.0493201)),
inactive = None,
attributes = None)
val mvh = Item(
id = "mvh",
appid = appid,
ct =,
itypes = List("fresh", "meat"),
starttime = Some(,
endtime = None,
price = Some(49.394),
profit = None,
latlng = Some((37.3154153, -122.0566829)),
inactive = None,
attributes = Some(Map("foo3" -> "bar3")))
val lbh = Item(
id = "lbh",
appid = appid,
ct =,
itypes = List("fresh", "meat"),
starttime = Some(,
endtime = None,
price = Some(49.394),
profit = None,
latlng = Some((37.2997029, -122.0034684)),
inactive = None,
attributes = Some(Map("foo4" -> "bar4", "foo5" -> "bar5")))
val allItems = Seq(dac, hsh, lbh, mvh)
allItems foreach { items.insert(_) }
"ItemRec" should {
val enginename = "itemrec"
val engineid = engines.insert(Engine(
id = 0,
appid = appid,
name = "itemrec",
infoid = "itemrec",
itypes = None,
params = Map()))
val algoid = algos.insert(Algo(
id = 0,
engineid = engineid,
name = enginename,
infoid = "pdio-knnitembased",
command = "itemr",
params = Map("foo" -> "bar"),
settings = Map("dead" -> "beef"),
modelset = true,
createtime =,
updatetime =,
status = "deployed",
offlineevalid = None))
uid = "user1",
iids = Seq("hsh", "mvh", "lbh", "dac"),
scores = Seq(4, 3, 2, 1),
itypes = Seq(Seq("fresh", "meat"), Seq("fresh", "meat"), Seq("fresh", "meat"), Seq("fresh", "meat")),
appid = appid,
algoid = algoid,
modelset = true))
"get top N" in new WithServer {
val response = Helpers.await(wsUrl(s"/engines/itemrec/${enginename}/topn.json")
"pio_appkey" -> "appkey",
"pio_uid" -> "user1",
"pio_n" -> "10")
response.status must beEqualTo(OK) and
(response.body must beEqualTo("""{"pio_iids":["hsh","mvh","lbh","dac"]}"""))
"get top N with geo" in new WithServer {
val response = Helpers.await(wsUrl(s"/engines/itemrec/${enginename}/topn.json")
"pio_appkey" -> "appkey",
"pio_uid" -> "user1",
"pio_n" -> "10",
"pio_latlng" -> "37.3229978,-122.0321823",
"pio_within" -> "2.2")
response.status must beEqualTo(OK) and
(response.body must beEqualTo("""{"pio_iids":["hsh","dac"]}"""))
"ItemSim" should {
val enginename = "itemsim"
val engineid = engines.insert(Engine(
id = 0,
appid = appid,
name = "itemsim",
infoid = "itemsim",
itypes = None,
params = Map()))
val algoid = algos.insert(Algo(
id = 0,
engineid = engineid,
name = enginename,
infoid = "pdio-itembasedcf",
command = "items",
params = Map("foo" -> "bar"),
settings = Map("dead" -> "beef"),
modelset = true,
createtime =,
updatetime =,
status = "deployed",
offlineevalid = None))
iid = "user1",
simiids = Seq("hsh", "mvh", "lbh", "dac"),
scores = Seq(4, 3, 2, 1),
itypes = Seq(Seq("fresh", "meat"), Seq("fresh", "meat"), Seq("fresh", "meat"), Seq("fresh", "meat")),
appid = appid,
algoid = algoid,
modelset = true))
"get top N" in new WithServer {
val response = Helpers.await(wsUrl(s"/engines/itemsim/${enginename}/topn.json")
"pio_appkey" -> "appkey",
"pio_iid" -> "user1",
"pio_n" -> "10")
response.status must beEqualTo(OK) and
(response.body must beEqualTo("""{"pio_iids":["hsh","mvh","lbh","dac"]}"""))
"get top N with geo" in new WithServer {
val response = Helpers.await(wsUrl(s"/engines/itemsim/${enginename}/topn.json")
"pio_appkey" -> "appkey",
"pio_iid" -> "user1",
"pio_n" -> "10",
"pio_latlng" -> "37.3229978,-122.0321823",
"pio_within" -> "2.2")
response.status must beEqualTo(OK) and
(response.body must beEqualTo("""{"pio_iids":["hsh","dac"]}"""))
"ItemRank" should {
val enginename = "itemrank"
val engineid = engines.insert(Engine(
id = 0,
appid = appid,
name = "itemrank",
infoid = "itemrank",
itypes = None,
params = Map()))
val algoid = algos.insert(Algo(
id = 0,
engineid = engineid,
name = enginename,
infoid = "pio-itemrank-single-knnitembased",
command = "itemr",
params = Map("foo" -> "bar"),
settings = Map("dead" -> "beef"),
modelset = true,
createtime =,
updatetime =,
status = "deployed",
offlineevalid = None))
uid = "user1",
iids = Seq("hsh", "mvh", "lbh", "dac"),
scores = Seq(4, 3, 2, 1),
itypes = Seq(Seq("fresh", "meat"), Seq("fresh", "meat"), Seq("fresh", "meat"), Seq("fresh", "meat")),
appid = appid,
algoid = algoid,
modelset = true))
"ranked" in new WithServer {
val response = Helpers.await(wsUrl(s"/engines/itemrank/${enginename}/ranked.json")
"pio_appkey" -> "appkey",
"pio_uid" -> "user1",
"pio_iids" -> "lbh,dac,mvh,hsh")
response.status must beEqualTo(OK) and
(response.body must beEqualTo("""{"pio_iids":["hsh","mvh","lbh","dac"]}"""))
"ranked and unranked" in new WithServer {
val response = Helpers.await(wsUrl(s"/engines/itemrank/${enginename}/ranked.json")
"pio_appkey" -> "appkey",
"pio_uid" -> "user1",
"pio_iids" -> "foobar,lbh,dac,mvh,hsh")
response.status must beEqualTo(OK) and
(response.body must beEqualTo("""{"pio_iids":["hsh","mvh","lbh","dac","foobar"]}"""))
"Items" should {
"fail creation with tabs in itypes" in new WithServer {
val response = Helpers.await(wsUrl(s"/items.json").post(Map(
"pio_appkey" -> Seq("appkey"),
"pio_iid" -> Seq("fooitem"),
"pio_itypes" -> Seq("footype\tbartype"))))
response.status must beEqualTo(BAD_REQUEST)
"CORSFilter" should {
import play.api.mvc.WithFilters
import io.prediction.api.CORSFilter
"send correct CORS headers for OPTIONS request" in new WithServer {
val response = Helpers.await(wsUrl(s"/apiurl").withHeaders(
"Access-Control-Request-Method" -> "POST").options())
def allowsCorrectMethods(allowedMethodHeader: String): Boolean = {
val allowedMethods = allowedMethodHeader.split(", ")
return allowedMethods.sameElements(Array("GET", "POST", "DELETE"))
response.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin").nonEmpty must beTrue and
(response.header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods").exists(allowsCorrectMethods) must beTrue)
"not allow any origin if setting is empty" in new WithServer() {
val origin = ""
val originHeader = Helpers.await(wsUrl(s"/apiurl").withHeaders("Origin" -> origin).get())
originHeader mustNotEqual origin
val appWithOneAllowedDomain = FakeApplication(withGlobal = Some(new WithFilters(CORSFilter(Some("")))))
val appWithSeveralAllowedDomains = FakeApplication(
withGlobal = Some(new WithFilters(CORSFilter(Some(",,http://www.abcd.efgh")))))
val appWithAllDomains = FakeApplication(withGlobal = Some(new WithFilters(CORSFilter(Some("*")))))
"allow specified origin if setting contains one domain" in new WithServer(app = appWithOneAllowedDomain) {
val origin = ""
val originHeader = Helpers.await(wsUrl(s"/apiurl").withHeaders("Origin" -> origin).get())
originHeader mustEqual origin or (originHeader mustEqual "*")
"not allow unspecified origin if setting contains one domain" in new WithServer(app = appWithOneAllowedDomain) {
val origin = ""
val originHeader = Helpers.await(wsUrl(s"/apiurl").withHeaders("Origin" -> origin).get())
originHeader mustNotEqual origin
"allow specified origin 1 if setting contains several domains" in new WithServer(app = appWithSeveralAllowedDomains) {
val origin = ""
val originHeader = Helpers.await(wsUrl(s"/apiurl").withHeaders("Origin" -> origin).get())
originHeader mustEqual origin or (originHeader mustEqual "*")
"allow specified origin 2 if setting contains several domains" in new WithServer(app = appWithSeveralAllowedDomains) {
val origin = ""
val originHeader = Helpers.await(wsUrl(s"/apiurl").withHeaders("Origin" -> origin).get())
originHeader mustEqual origin or (originHeader mustEqual "*")
"not allow unspecified origin if setting contains several domains" in new WithServer(app = appWithSeveralAllowedDomains) {
val origin = ""
val originHeader = Helpers.await(wsUrl(s"/apiurl").withHeaders("Origin" -> origin).get())
originHeader mustNotEqual origin
"allow any origin if setting is *" in new WithServer(app = appWithAllDomains) {
val origin = ""
val originHeader = Helpers.await(wsUrl(s"/apiurl").withHeaders("Origin" -> origin).get())
originHeader mustEqual origin or (originHeader mustEqual "*")
step {