blob: ff9a3785c419c8908a809961610deb488c64decd [file] [log] [blame]
package io.prediction.api
import io.prediction.commons._
import io.prediction.commons.appdata.{ Item, U2IAction, User }
import io.prediction.commons.settings.{ App, Engine }
import io.prediction.output.AlgoOutputSelector
import play.api._
import play.api.mvc._
import play.api.i18n._
import play.api.libs.concurrent.Execution.Implicits.defaultContext
import play.api.libs.json._
import play.api.libs.iteratee.Enumerator
import play.api.Play.current
//import com.codahale.jerkson.Json._
import org.joda.time._
import org.joda.time.format._
object API extends Controller {
/** Set up commons. */
val config = new Config()
val apps = config.getSettingsApps()
val engines = config.getSettingsEngines()
val algos = config.getSettingsAlgos()
val users = config.getAppdataUsers()
val items = config.getAppdataItems()
val u2iActions = config.getAppdataU2IActions()
/** Set up output. */
val algoOutputSelector = new AlgoOutputSelector(algos)
val notFound = NotFound("Your request is not supported.")
/** Implicits for JSON conversion. */
trait APIResponse {
def status: Int
case class APIMessageResponse(status: Int, body: Map[String, Any]) extends APIResponse
case class APIUserResponse(status: Int, user: User) extends APIResponse
case class APIItemResponse(status: Int, item: Item) extends APIResponse
case class APIErrors(errors: Seq[Map[String, String]])
implicit object APIResponseToJson extends Writes[APIResponse] {
def writes(r: APIResponse) = r match {
case msg: APIMessageResponse => Json.toJson(msg.asInstanceOf[APIMessageResponse].body.mapValues { anyToJsValue(_) })
case user: APIUserResponse => Json.toJson(user.asInstanceOf[APIUserResponse].user)
case item: APIItemResponse => Json.toJson(item.asInstanceOf[APIItemResponse].item)
implicit object APIErrorsToJson extends Writes[APIErrors] {
def writes(e: APIErrors) = {
implicit object UserToJson extends Writes[User] {
def writes(user: User) =
"pio_uid" -> ++
//"pio_ct" -> user.ct) ++
(user.latlng map { l => Json.obj("pio_latlng" -> Json.arr(l._1, l._2)) } getOrElse emptyJsonObj) ++
(user.inactive map { i => Json.obj("pio_inactive" -> i) } getOrElse emptyJsonObj) ++
( { a => JsObject((a mapValues { anyToJsValue(_) }).toSeq) } getOrElse emptyJsonObj)
//( { a => Json.obj("attributes" -> Json.toJson(a mapValues { anyToJsValue(_) })) } getOrElse emptyJsonObj)
implicit object ItemToJson extends Writes[Item] {
def writes(item: Item) =
"pio_iid" ->,
//"pio_ct" -> item.ct,
"pio_itypes" -> item.itypes) ++
(item.starttime map { v => Json.obj("pio_startT" -> v) } getOrElse emptyJsonObj) ++
(item.endtime map { v => Json.obj("pio_endT" -> v) } getOrElse emptyJsonObj) ++
(item.price map { v => Json.obj("pio_price" -> v) } getOrElse emptyJsonObj) ++
(item.profit map { v => Json.obj("pio_profit" -> v) } getOrElse emptyJsonObj) ++
(item.latlng map { v => Json.obj("pio_latlng" -> latlngToList(v)) } getOrElse emptyJsonObj) ++
(item.inactive map { v => Json.obj("pio_inactive" -> v) } getOrElse emptyJsonObj) ++
( { a => JsObject((a mapValues { anyToJsValue(_) }).toSeq) } getOrElse emptyJsonObj)
//( { a => Json.obj("attributes" -> Json.toJson(a mapValues { anyToJsValue(_) })) } getOrElse emptyJsonObj)
def anyToJsValue(v: Any): JsValue = v match {
case x: Int => Json.toJson(v.asInstanceOf[Int])
case x: String => Json.toJson(v.asInstanceOf[String])
case x: Seq[_] => Json.toJson(v.asInstanceOf[Seq[String]])
case x: APIErrors => Json.toJson(v.asInstanceOf[APIErrors])
case _ => JsNull
/** Control structures used by the API. */
def FormattedResponse(format: String)(r: APIResponse) = {
format match {
case "json" => (new Status(r.status)(Json.stringify(Json.toJson(r)))).as(JSON)
case "png" => Play.resourceAsStream("public/images/spacer.png") map { stream =>
val fileContent: Enumerator[Array[Byte]] = Enumerator.fromStream(stream)
header = ResponseHeader(200),
body = fileContent)
} getOrElse notFound
case _ => notFound
def AuthenticatedApp(appkey: String)(f: App => APIResponse) = {
apps.getByAppkey(appkey) map { f(_) } getOrElse APIMessageResponse(FORBIDDEN, Map("message" -> "Invalid appkey."))
def ValidEngine(enginename: String)(f: Engine => APIResponse)(implicit app: App) = {
engines.getByAppidAndName(, enginename) map { f(_) } getOrElse APIMessageResponse(
"message" -> (enginename + " is not a valid engine. Please make sure it is defined in your app's control panel.")
* In order to override default error messages, use Lang("en") for
* Messages() to enforce framwork to use conf/messages.en because
* default messages cannot be overridden by simply using conf/messages
* without specifying a language.
def bindFailed(loe: Seq[FormError]) = APIMessageResponse(
"errors" -> APIErrors( => Map("field" -> e.key, "message" -> Messages(e.message, e.args: _*)(Lang("en")))))
/** Form validation constraints. */
val numeric: Mapping[String] = of[String] verifying Constraints.pattern("""-?\d+(\.\d*)?""".r, "numeric", "Must be a number.")
val gender: Mapping[String] = of[String] verifying Constraints.pattern("""[MmFf]""".r, "gender", "Must be either 'M' or 'F'.")
val listOfInts: Mapping[String] = of[String] verifying Constraint[String]("listOfInts") {
o =>
try {
o.split(",").map { _.toInt }
} catch {
case _: Throwable => Invalid(ValidationError("Must be a list of integers separated by commas."))
val itypes: Mapping[String] = of[String] verifying Constraint[String]("itypes") { o =>
"""[^\t]+""".r.unapplySeq(o) map { _ =>
val splitted = o.split(",")
if (splitted.size == 0)
Invalid(ValidationError("Must specify at least one valid item type."))
else if (splitted.exists(_.size == 0))
Invalid(ValidationError("Must not contain any empty item types."))
} getOrElse (Invalid(ValidationError("Must not contain any tab characters.")))
val listOfIids: Mapping[String] = of[String] verifying Constraint[String]("iids") { o =>
"""[^\t]+""".r.unapplySeq(o) map { _ =>
val splitted = o.split(",")
if (splitted.size == 0)
Invalid(ValidationError("Must specify at least one valid Item ID."))
else if (splitted.exists(_.size == 0))
Invalid(ValidationError("Must not contain any empty Item ID."))
} getOrElse (Invalid(ValidationError("Must not contain any tab characters.")))
val latlngRegex = """-?\d+(\.\d*)?,-?\d+(\.\d*)?""".r
val latlng: Mapping[String] = of[String] verifying Constraint[String]("latlng", () => latlngRegex) {
o =>
latlngRegex.unapplySeq(o).map(_ => {
val coord = o.split(",") map { _.toDouble }
if (coord(0) >= -90 && coord(0) < 90 && coord(1) >= -180 && coord(1) < 180) Valid
else Invalid(ValidationError("Cooordinates exceed valid range (-90 <= lat < 90,-180 <= long < 180)."))
}).getOrElse(Invalid(ValidationError("Must be in the format of '<latitude>,<longitude>'.")))
val timestamp: Mapping[String] = of[String] verifying Constraint[String]("timestamp") {
o =>
try {
} catch {
case e: RuntimeException => try {
} catch {
case e: IllegalArgumentException => Invalid(ValidationError("Must either be a Unix time in milliseconds, or an ISO 8601 date and time."))
val date: Mapping[String] = of[String] verifying Constraint[String]("date") {
o =>
try {
} catch {
case _: Throwable => try {
} catch {
case _: Throwable => Invalid(ValidationError("Must be an ISO 8601 date."))
/** Utilties. */
val emptyMap = Map()
val emptyJsonObj = Json.obj()
def parseLatlng(latlng: String): Tuple2[Double, Double] = {
val splitted = latlng.split(",")
(splitted(0).toDouble, splitted(1).toDouble)
def latlngToList(latlng: Tuple2[Double, Double]): List[Double] = List(latlng._1, latlng._2)
/** Accepts UNIX timestamp, ISO 8601 time format, with optional timezone conversion from app settings. */
def parseDateTimeFromString(timestring: String)(implicit app: App) = {
try {
new DateTime(timestring.toLong)
} catch {
case e: RuntimeException => try {
val dt = ISODateTimeFormat.localDateOptionalTimeParser.parseLocalDateTime(timestring)
} catch {
case e: IllegalArgumentException => ISODateTimeFormat.dateTimeParser.parseDateTime(timestring)
/** API. */
def status = Action {
Ok("PredictionIO Output API is online.")
def options(path: String) = Action {
def createUser(format: String) = Action { implicit request =>
FormattedResponse(format) {
"pio_appkey" -> nonEmptyText,
"pio_uid" -> nonEmptyText,
"pio_latlng" -> optional(latlng),
"pio_inactive" -> optional(boolean)
), Set( // all reserved attributes
f => bindFailed(f.errors),
(t, attributes) => {
val (appkey, uid, latlng, inactive) = t
AuthenticatedApp(t._1) { app =>
id = uid,
appid =,
ct =,
latlng = latlng map { parseLatlng(_) },
inactive = inactive,
attributes = if (attributes.isEmpty) None else Some(attributes)
APIMessageResponse(CREATED, Map("message" -> "User created."))
def getUser(format: String, uid: String) = Action { implicit request =>
FormattedResponse(format) {
Form("pio_appkey" -> nonEmptyText).bindFromRequest.fold(
f => bindFailed(f.errors),
t => AuthenticatedApp(t) { app =>
users.get(, uid) map { user =>
APIUserResponse(OK, user)
} getOrElse APIMessageResponse(NOT_FOUND, Map("message" -> "Cannot find user."))
def deleteUser(format: String, uid: String) = Action { implicit request =>
FormattedResponse(format) {
Form("pio_appkey" -> nonEmptyText).bindFromRequest.fold(
f => bindFailed(f.errors),
t => AuthenticatedApp(t) { app =>
users.delete(, uid)
APIMessageResponse(OK, Map("message" -> "User deleted."))
def createItem(format: String) = Action { implicit request =>
FormattedResponse(format) {
"pio_appkey" -> nonEmptyText,
"pio_iid" -> nonEmptyText,
"pio_itypes" -> itypes,
"pio_price" -> optional(numeric),
"pio_profit" -> optional(numeric),
"pio_startT" -> optional(timestamp),
"pio_endT" -> optional(timestamp),
"pio_latlng" -> optional(latlng),
"pio_inactive" -> optional(boolean)
), Set( // all reserved attributes
f => bindFailed(f.errors),
(t, attributes) => {
val (appkey, iid, itypes, price, profit, startT, endT, latlng, inactive) = t
AuthenticatedApp(appkey) { implicit app =>
id = iid,
appid =,
ct =,
itypes = itypes.split(",").toList,
starttime = startT map { t => Some(parseDateTimeFromString(t)) } getOrElse Some(,
endtime = endT map { parseDateTimeFromString(_) },
price = price map { _.toDouble },
profit = profit map { _.toDouble },
latlng = latlng map { parseLatlng(_) },
inactive = inactive,
attributes = if (attributes.isEmpty) None else Some(attributes)
APIMessageResponse(CREATED, Map("message" -> "Item created."))
def getItem(format: String, iid: String) = Action { implicit request =>
FormattedResponse(format) {
Form("pio_appkey" -> nonEmptyText).bindFromRequest.fold(
f => bindFailed(f.errors),
t => AuthenticatedApp(t) { app =>
items.get(, iid) map { item =>
APIItemResponse(OK, item)
} getOrElse APIMessageResponse(NOT_FOUND, Map("message" -> "Cannot find item."))
def deleteItem(format: String, iid: String) = Action { implicit request =>
FormattedResponse(format) {
Form("pio_appkey" -> nonEmptyText).bindFromRequest.fold(
f => bindFailed(f.errors),
t => AuthenticatedApp(t) { app =>
items.delete(, iid)
APIMessageResponse(OK, Map("message" -> "Item deleted."))
/** unified user to item action handler */
def userToItemAction(format: String) = Action { implicit request =>
FormattedResponse(format) {
"pio_appkey" -> nonEmptyText,
"pio_action" -> nonEmptyText,
"pio_uid" -> nonEmptyText,
"pio_iid" -> nonEmptyText,
"pio_t" -> optional(timestamp),
"pio_latlng" -> optional(latlng),
"pio_rate" -> optional(number(1, 5)),
"pio_price" -> optional(numeric)
f => bindFailed(f.errors),
fdata => AuthenticatedApp(fdata._1) { implicit app =>
val (appkey, action, uid, iid, t, latlng, rate, price) = fdata
val vValue: Option[Int] = action match {
case "rate" => rate
case _ => None
val validActions = List(u2iActions.rate,, u2iActions.dislike, u2iActions.view, u2iActions.conversion)
// additional user input checking
if ((action == u2iActions.rate) && (vValue == None)) {
APIMessageResponse(BAD_REQUEST, Map("errors" -> APIErrors(Seq(Map("field" -> "pio_rate", "message" -> "Required for rate action.")))))
} else if (!validActions.contains(action)) {
APIMessageResponse(BAD_REQUEST, Map("errors" -> APIErrors(Seq(Map("field" -> "pio_action", "message" -> "Custom action is not supported yet.")))))
} else {
appid =,
action = action,
uid = uid,
iid = iid,
t = t map { parseDateTimeFromString(_) } getOrElse,
latlng = latlng map { parseLatlng(_) },
v = vValue,
price = price map { _.toDouble }
APIMessageResponse(CREATED, Map("message" -> ("Action " + action + " recorded.")))
/** legacy API for pixel tracking, no prefix pio_ */
def createUserLegacy(format: String) = Action { implicit request =>
FormattedResponse(format) {
"appkey" -> nonEmptyText,
"uid" -> nonEmptyText,
"latlng" -> optional(latlng),
"inactive" -> optional(boolean)
), Set( // all reserved attributes
f => bindFailed(f.errors),
(t, attributes) => {
val (appkey, uid, latlng, inactive) = t
AuthenticatedApp(t._1) { app =>
id = uid,
appid =,
ct =,
latlng = latlng map { parseLatlng(_) },
inactive = inactive,
attributes = if (attributes.isEmpty) None else Some(attributes)
APIMessageResponse(CREATED, Map("message" -> "User created."))
def createItemLegacy(format: String) = Action { implicit request =>
FormattedResponse(format) {
"appkey" -> nonEmptyText,
"iid" -> nonEmptyText,
"itypes" -> itypes,
"price" -> optional(numeric),
"profit" -> optional(numeric),
"startT" -> optional(timestamp),
"endT" -> optional(timestamp),
"latlng" -> optional(latlng),
"inactive" -> optional(boolean)
), Set( // all reserved attributes
f => bindFailed(f.errors),
(t, attributes) => {
val (appkey, iid, itypes, price, profit, startT, endT, latlng, inactive) = t
AuthenticatedApp(appkey) { implicit app =>
id = iid,
appid =,
ct =,
itypes = itypes.split(",").toList,
starttime = startT map { t => Some(parseDateTimeFromString(t)) } getOrElse Some(,
endtime = endT map { parseDateTimeFromString(_) },
price = price map { _.toDouble },
profit = profit map { _.toDouble },
latlng = latlng map { parseLatlng(_) },
inactive = inactive,
attributes = if (attributes.isEmpty) None else Some(attributes)
APIMessageResponse(CREATED, Map("message" -> "Item created."))
def userToItemActionLegacy(format: String, action: String) = Action { implicit request =>
FormattedResponse(format) {
"appkey" -> nonEmptyText,
//"action" -> nonEmptyText,
"uid" -> nonEmptyText,
"iid" -> nonEmptyText,
"t" -> optional(timestamp),
"latlng" -> optional(latlng),
"rate" -> optional(number(1, 5)),
"price" -> optional(numeric)
f => bindFailed(f.errors),
fdata => AuthenticatedApp(fdata._1) { implicit app =>
val (appkey, uid, iid, t, latlng, rate, price) = fdata
val vValue: Option[Int] = action match {
case "rate" => rate
case _ => None
val validActions = List(u2iActions.rate,, u2iActions.dislike, u2iActions.view, u2iActions.conversion)
// additional user input checking
if ((action == u2iActions.rate) && (vValue == None)) {
APIMessageResponse(BAD_REQUEST, Map("errors" -> APIErrors(Seq(Map("field" -> "rate", "message" -> "Required for rate action.")))))
} else if (!validActions.contains(action)) {
APIMessageResponse(BAD_REQUEST, Map("errors" -> APIErrors(Seq(Map("field" -> "action", "message" -> "Custom action is not supported yet.")))))
} else {
appid =,
action = action,
uid = uid,
iid = iid,
t = t map { parseDateTimeFromString(_) } getOrElse,
latlng = latlng map { parseLatlng(_) },
v = vValue,
price = price map { _.toDouble }
APIMessageResponse(CREATED, Map("message" -> ("Action " + action + " recorded.")))
/** item rec topN */
def itemRecTopN(format: String, enginename: String) = Action { implicit request =>
FormattedResponse(format) {
"pio_appkey" -> nonEmptyText,
"pio_uid" -> nonEmptyText,
"pio_n" -> number(1, 100),
"pio_itypes" -> optional(itypes),
"pio_latlng" -> optional(latlng),
"pio_within" -> optional(numeric),
"pio_unit" -> optional(text),
"pio_attributes" -> optional(text)
f => bindFailed(f.errors),
t => {
val (appkey, uid, n, itypes, latlng, within, unit, attributes) = t
AuthenticatedApp(appkey) { implicit app =>
ValidEngine(enginename) { implicit engine =>
try {
val res = algoOutputSelector.itemRecSelection(
uid = uid,
n = n,
itypes = itypes map { _.split(",") },
latlng = latlng map { latlng =>
val ll = latlng.split(",")
(ll(0).toDouble, ll(1).toDouble)
within = within map { _.toDouble },
unit = unit
if (res.length > 0) {
val attributesToGet: Seq[String] = attributes map { _.split(",").toSeq } getOrElse Seq()
if (attributesToGet.length > 0) {
val attributedItems = items.getByIds(, res).map(i => (, i)).toMap
val ar = attributesToGet map { atg =>
Map(atg -> =>
attributedItems(ri).attributes map { attribs =>
attribs.get(atg) getOrElse null
} getOrElse null
APIMessageResponse(OK, Map("pio_iids" -> res) ++ ar.reduceLeft((a, b) => a ++ b))
} else {
APIMessageResponse(OK, Map("pio_iids" -> res))
} else {
APIMessageResponse(NOT_FOUND, Map("message" -> "Cannot find recommendation for user."))
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
APIMessageResponse(INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, Map("message" -> e.getMessage()))
def itemSimTopN(format: String, enginename: String) = Action { implicit request =>
FormattedResponse(format) {
"pio_appkey" -> nonEmptyText,
"pio_iid" -> nonEmptyText,
"pio_n" -> number(1, 100),
"pio_itypes" -> optional(itypes),
"pio_latlng" -> optional(latlng),
"pio_within" -> optional(numeric),
"pio_unit" -> optional(text),
"pio_attributes" -> optional(text)
f => bindFailed(f.errors),
t => {
val (appkey, iid, n, itypes, latlng, within, unit, attributes) = t
AuthenticatedApp(appkey) { implicit app =>
ValidEngine(enginename) { implicit engine =>
try {
val res = algoOutputSelector.itemSimSelection(
iid = iid,
n = n,
itypes = itypes map { _.split(",") },
latlng = latlng map { latlng =>
val ll = latlng.split(",")
(ll(0).toDouble, ll(1).toDouble)
within = within map { _.toDouble },
unit = unit
if (res.length > 0) {
val attributesToGet: Seq[String] = attributes map { _.split(",").toSeq } getOrElse Seq()
if (attributesToGet.length > 0) {
val attributedItems = items.getByIds(, res).map(i => (, i)).toMap
val ar = attributesToGet map { atg =>
Map(atg -> =>
attributedItems(ri).attributes map { attribs =>
attribs.get(atg) getOrElse null
} getOrElse null
APIMessageResponse(OK, Map("pio_iids" -> res) ++ ar.reduceLeft((a, b) => a ++ b))
} else {
APIMessageResponse(OK, Map("pio_iids" -> res))
} else {
APIMessageResponse(NOT_FOUND, Map("message" -> "Cannot find similar items for item."))
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
APIMessageResponse(INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, Map("message" -> e.getMessage(), "trace" -> e.getStackTrace().map(_.toString).mkString("\n")))
def itemRank(format: String, enginename: String) = Action { implicit request =>
FormattedResponse(format) {
"pio_appkey" -> nonEmptyText,
"pio_uid" -> nonEmptyText,
"pio_iids" -> listOfIids,
"pio_attributes" -> optional(text)
f => bindFailed(f.errors),
t => {
val (appkey, uid, iids, attributes) = t
AuthenticatedApp(appkey) { implicit app =>
ValidEngine(enginename) { implicit engine =>
try {
val res = algoOutputSelector.itemRankSelection(
uid = uid,
iids = iids.split(",")
if (res.length > 0) {
val attributesToGet: Seq[String] = attributes map { _.split(",").toSeq } getOrElse Seq()
if (attributesToGet.length > 0) {
val attributedItems = items.getByIds(, res).map(i => (, i)).toMap
val ar = attributesToGet map { atg =>
Map(atg -> =>
attributedItems(ri).attributes map { attribs =>
attribs.get(atg) getOrElse null
} getOrElse null
APIMessageResponse(OK, Map("pio_iids" -> res) ++ ar.reduceLeft((a, b) => a ++ b))
} else {
APIMessageResponse(OK, Map("pio_iids" -> res))
} else {
APIMessageResponse(NOT_FOUND, Map("message" -> "Cannot find item ranking for user."))
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
APIMessageResponse(INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, Map("message" -> e.getMessage()))