blob: 24b77fb8c463baad01e61d9c265330d2e91c4ccc [file] [log] [blame]
package controllers
import io.prediction.commons.Config
import io.prediction.commons.settings._
import play.api.test._
import play.api.test.Helpers._
import org.specs2.mutable._
import com.mongodb.casbah.Imports._
import Forms._
class AdminSpec extends Specification {
"PredictionIO Admin Specification".txt
/** Setup test data. */
val config = new Config
val algoInfos = config.getSettingsAlgoInfos()
val engineInfos = config.getSettingsEngineInfos()
val offlineEvalMetricInfos = config.getSettingsOfflineEvalMetricInfos()
val offlineEvalSplitterInfos = config.getSettingsOfflineEvalSplitterInfos()
id = "dummy",
name = "dummy",
description = None,
batchcommands = None,
offlineevalcommands = None,
params = Map(
"ab" -> Param(
id = "ab",
name = "ab",
description = None,
defaultvalue = "ab",
ui = ParamUI(),
constraint = ParamIntegerConstraint()),
"cd" -> Param(
id = "cd",
name = "cd",
description = None,
defaultvalue = "cd",
constraint = ParamBooleanConstraint(),
ui = ParamUI(),
scopes = Some(Set("manual"))),
"ef" -> Param(
id = "ef",
name = "ef",
description = None,
defaultvalue = "ef",
ui = ParamUI(),
constraint = ParamStringConstraint()),
"gh" -> Param(
id = "gh",
name = "gh",
description = None,
defaultvalue = "gh",
constraint = ParamDoubleConstraint(),
ui = ParamUI(),
scopes = Some(Set("auto", "manual")))),
paramorder = Seq("ab", "cd", "ef", "gh", "ij"),
paramsections = Seq(),
engineinfoid = "dummy",
techreq = Seq(),
datareq = Seq()))
id = "v12",
name = "v12",
description = None,
params = Map(
"similarityFunction" -> Param(
id = "similarityFunction",
name = "similarityFunction",
description = None,
defaultvalue = "coocurrence",
ui = ParamUI(),
constraint = ParamStringConstraint()),
"freshness" -> Param(
id = "freshness",
name = "freshness",
description = None,
defaultvalue = 0,
ui = ParamUI(),
constraint = ParamIntegerConstraint())),
paramsections = Seq(),
defaultalgoinfoid = "dummy",
defaultofflineevalmetricinfoid = "dummy-metric",
defaultofflineevalsplitterinfoid = "dummy-splitter"))
id = "dummy-metric",
name = "dummy-metric",
description = None,
engineinfoids = Seq("itemrec"),
commands = None,
params = Map(
"foo" -> Param(
id = "foo",
name = "foo",
description = None,
defaultvalue = "bar",
ui = ParamUI(),
constraint = ParamStringConstraint()),
"bar" -> Param(
id = "bar",
name = "bar",
description = None,
defaultvalue = 3.14,
ui = ParamUI(),
constraint = ParamDoubleConstraint())),
paramsections = Seq(),
paramorder = Seq()))
id = "dummy-splitter",
name = "dummy-splitter",
description = None,
engineinfoids = Seq("itemsim"),
commands = None,
params = Map(
"foo" -> Param(
id = "foo",
name = "foo",
description = None,
defaultvalue = true,
ui = ParamUI(),
constraint = ParamBooleanConstraint()),
"bar" -> Param(
id = "bar",
name = "bar",
description = None,
defaultvalue = 3,
ui = ParamUI(),
constraint = ParamIntegerConstraint())),
paramsections = Seq(),
paramorder = Seq()))
"PredictionIO Forms" should {
"bind from good request 1" in new WithApplication {
val f = Form(single("algoinfoid" -> mapOfStringToAny))
val bf = f.bind(Map(
"algoinfoid" -> "dummy",
"infotype" -> "algo",
"ab" -> "123",
"cd" -> "false",
"ef" -> "deadbeef",
"gh" -> "456.789"))
bf.hasErrors must beFalse and
f => 1 must be_==(2),
params => {
params("ef") must be_==("deadbeef") and
(params("ab") must be_==(123)) and
(params("cd") must be_==(false)) and
(params("gh") must be_==(456.789))
"bind from good request 2" in new WithApplication {
val f = Form(single("anyid" -> mapOfStringToAny))
val bf = f.bind(Map(
"anyid" -> "v12",
"infotype" -> "engine",
"freshness" -> "4",
"similarityFunction" -> "tanimoto"))
bf.hasErrors must beFalse and
f => 1 must be_==(2),
params => {
params("freshness") must be_==(4) and
(params("similarityFunction") must be_==("tanimoto"))
"bind from good request 3" in new WithApplication {
val f = Form(single("anyid" -> mapOfStringToAny))
val bf = f.bind(Map(
"anyid" -> "v12",
"infotype" -> "engine",
"freshness" -> "4",
"similarityFunction" -> "city"))
bf.hasErrors must beFalse and
f => 1 must be_==(2),
params => {
params("freshness") must be_==(4)
"bind from good request 4" in new WithApplication {
val f = Form(single("infoid" -> seqOfMapOfStringToAny))
val bf = f.bind(Map(
"infoid[1]" -> "dummy-splitter",
"infoid[0]" -> "dummy-metric",
"infotype[1]" -> "offlineevalsplitter",
"infotype[0]" -> "offlineevalmetric",
"foo[0]" -> "baz",
"bar[0]" -> "12.345",
"foo[1]" -> "false",
"bar[1]" -> "54321"))
bf.hasErrors must beFalse and
f => 1 must be_==(2),
params => {
(params(0)("foo") must be_==("baz")) and
(params(0)("bar") must be_==(12.345)) and
(params(1)("foo") must be_==(false)) and
(params(1)("bar") must be_==(54321))
"bind from bad request 1" in new WithApplication {
val f = Form(tuple(
"algoinfoid" -> mapOfStringToAny,
"dummy" -> nonEmptyText))
val bf = f.bind(Map(
"dummy" -> "something"))
bf.hasErrors must beTrue
"bind from bad request 2" in new WithApplication {
val f = Form(single("algoinfoid" -> mapOfStringToAny))
val bf = f.bind(Map(
"algoinfoid" -> "dummy",
"infotype" -> "algo",
"ab" -> "123asdf",
"cd" -> "false",
"ef" -> "deadbeef",
"gh" -> "456.789"))
bf.hasErrors must beTrue and
(bf.errors(0).key must be_==("ab"))
"bind from bad request 3" in new WithApplication {
val f = Form(single("algoinfoid" -> mapOfStringToAny))
val bf = f.bind(Map(
"algoinfoid" -> "dummy",
"infotype" -> "algo",
"scope" -> "manual",
"ab" -> "123",
"cd" -> "fals",
"ef" -> "deadbeef",
"gh" -> "456.789"))
bf.hasErrors must beTrue and
(bf.errors(0).key must be_==("cd"))
"bind from bad request 4" in new WithApplication {
val f = Form(single("algoinfoid" -> mapOfStringToAny))
val bf = f.bind(Map(
"algoinfoid" -> "dummy",
"infotype" -> "algo",
"scope" -> "auto",
"ab" -> "123",
"cd" -> "false",
"ef" -> "deadbeef",
"gh" -> "d456.789d"))
bf.hasErrors must beTrue and
(bf.errors(0).key must be_==("gh"))
"bind from bad request 5" in new WithApplication {
val f = Form(single("algoinfoid" -> mapOfStringToAny))
val bf = f.bind(Map(
"algoinfoid" -> "dummy",
"ab" -> "123",
"cd" -> "false",
"ef" -> "deadbeef",
"gh" -> "d456.789d"))
bf.hasErrors must beTrue and
(bf.errors(0).key must be_==("infotype"))
"bind from bad request 6" in new WithApplication {
val f = Form(single("algoinfoid" -> mapOfStringToAny))
val bf = f.bind(Map(
"algoinfoid" -> "dummy",
"infotype" -> "bad",
"ab" -> "123",
"cd" -> "false",
"ef" -> "deadbeef",
"gh" -> "d456.789d"))
bf.hasErrors must beTrue and
(bf.errors(0).key must be_==("infotype"))
"bind from bad request 7" in new WithApplication {
val f = Form(single("engineinfoid" -> mapOfStringToAny))
val bf = f.bind(Map(
"engineinfoid" -> "bad",
"infotype" -> "engine",
"ab" -> "123",
"cd" -> "false",
"ef" -> "deadbeef",
"gh" -> "d456.789d"))
bf.hasErrors must beTrue and
(bf.errors(0).key must be_==("engineinfoid"))
"bind from good request 8" in new WithApplication {
val f = Form(single("infoid" -> seqOfMapOfStringToAny))
val bf = f.bind(Map(
"infoid[0]" -> "dummy-splitter",
"infoid[1]" -> "dummy-metric",
"infotype[0]" -> "offlineevalsplitter",
"infotype[1]" -> "offlineevalmetric",
"foo[0]" -> "baz",
"bar[0]" -> "12.345",
"foo[1]" -> "false",
"bar[1]" -> "54321"))
bf.hasErrors must beTrue and
(bf.errors(0).key must be_==("foo[0]")) and
(bf.errors(1).key must be_==("bar[0]"))
"Helper.offlineEvalSplitterParamToString()" should {
"convert splitter param to string correctly" in {
val splitterInfo = OfflineEvalSplitterInfo(
id = "dummy-splitter-x",
name = "dummy-splitter",
description = None,
engineinfoids = Seq("itemsim"),
commands = None,
params = Map(
"foo" -> Param(
id = "foo",
name = "Foo Name",
description = None,
defaultvalue = true,
ui = ParamUI(),
constraint = ParamBooleanConstraint()),
"bar" -> Param(
id = "bar",
name = "Bar Name",
description = None,
defaultvalue = 3,
ui = ParamUI(
uitype = "selection",
selections = Some(Seq(
ParamSelectionUI("3", "Three"),
ParamSelectionUI("4", "Four"),
ParamSelectionUI("5", "Five")
constraint = ParamIntegerConstraint())),
paramsections = Seq(),
paramorder = Seq("foo", "bar"))
val splitter = OfflineEvalSplitter(
id = 4,
evalid = 5,
name = "some name",
infoid = "dummy-splitter-x",
settings = Map("foo" -> false, "bar" -> 5)
val settingString = Helper.offlineEvalSplitterParamToString(splitter, Some(splitterInfo))
val expectedString = "Foo Name: false, Bar Name: Five"
val splitter2 = OfflineEvalSplitter(
id = 4,
evalid = 5,
name = "some name",
infoid = "dummy-splitter-x",
settings = Map("foo" -> true, "bar" -> 3)
val settingString2 = Helper.offlineEvalSplitterParamToString(splitter2, Some(splitterInfo))
val expectedString2 = "Foo Name: true, Bar Name: Three"
settingString must beEqualTo(expectedString) and
(settingString2 must beEqualTo(expectedString2))
step {