blob: 58d4824b80a52c1963a6e8f6b07a283781828a0d [file] [log] [blame]
package io.prediction.algorithms.graphchi.itemsim
import io.prediction.commons.Config
import io.prediction.commons.settings.{ App, Algo }
import io.prediction.commons.modeldata.{ ItemSimScore }
import org.specs2.mutable._
import com.github.nscala_time.time.Imports._
import com.mongodb.casbah.Imports._
class GraphChiItemSimModelConstructorSpec extends Specification {
// note: should match the db name defined in the application.conf
val mongoDbName = "predictionio_modeldata_graphchi_dataprep_test"
def cleanUp() = {
// remove the test database
val commonConfig = new Config
val modeldataItemSimScores = commonConfig.getModeldataItemSimScores
def argMapToArray(args: Map[String, Any]): Array[String] = {
args.toArray.flatMap {
case (k, v) =>
Array(s"--${k}", v.toString)
def writeToFile(lines: List[String], filePath: String) = {
val writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(new File(filePath)))
lines.foreach { line =>
"GraphChiItemSimModelConstructor" should {
val inputDir = "/tmp/pio_test/"
val inputDirFile = new File(inputDir)
val itemsIndex = List(
val validItemIndex = List(
val scoresTopK = List(
"1 2 12.6",
"1 3 1.5",
"2 4 20.4",
"2 3 5.6",
"3 4 2.3",
"4 1 15.4"
writeToFile(itemsIndex, s"${inputDir}itemsIndex.tsv")
writeToFile(validItemIndex, s"${inputDir}validItemsIndex.tsv")
writeToFile(scoresTopK, s"${inputDir}")
val appid = 12
implicit val app = App(
id = appid,
userid = 0,
appkey = "1234",
display = "12345",
url = None,
cat = None,
desc = None,
timezone = "UTC"
"correctly writes ItemSimScores with larger numSimilarItems" in {
val algoid = 45
val modelSet = false
implicit val algo = Algo(
id = algoid,
engineid = 1234,
name = "",
infoid = "abc",
command = "",
params = Map(),
settings = Map(),
modelset = modelSet,
createtime =,
updatetime =,
status = "deployed",
offlineevalid = None,
offlinetuneid = None,
loop = None,
paramset = None
val args = Map(
"inputDir" -> inputDir,
"appid" -> appid,
"algoid" -> algoid,
"modelSet" -> modelSet,
"numSimilarItems" -> 10
val i0Expected = ItemSimScore(
iid = "i0",
simiids = Seq("i3", "i1", "i2"),
scores = Seq(15.4, 12.6, 1.5),
itypes = Seq(Seq("t3"), Seq("t1"), Seq("t2", "t3")),
appid = appid,
algoid = algoid,
modelset = modelSet)
val i1Expected = ItemSimScore(
iid = "i1",
simiids = Seq("i3", "i0", "i2"),
scores = Seq(20.4, 12.6, 5.6),
itypes = Seq(Seq("t3"), Seq("t1", "t2"), Seq("t2", "t3")),
appid = appid,
algoid = algoid,
modelset = modelSet)
val i2Expected = ItemSimScore(
iid = "i2",
simiids = Seq("i1", "i3", "i0"),
scores = Seq(5.6, 2.3, 1.5),
itypes = Seq(Seq("t1"), Seq("t3"), Seq("t1", "t2")),
appid = appid,
algoid = algoid,
modelset = modelSet)
val i3Expected = ItemSimScore(
iid = "i3",
simiids = Seq("i1", "i0", "i2"),
scores = Seq(20.4, 15.4, 2.3),
itypes = Seq(Seq("t1"), Seq("t1", "t2"), Seq("t2", "t3")),
appid = appid,
algoid = algoid,
modelset = modelSet)
val i0ItemSim = modeldataItemSimScores.getByIid("i0")
val i1ItemSim = modeldataItemSimScores.getByIid("i1")
val i2ItemSim = modeldataItemSimScores.getByIid("i2")
val i3ItemSim = modeldataItemSimScores.getByIid("i3")
// don't check id = None)) must beSome(i0Expected) and
( = None)) must beSome(i1Expected)) and
( = None)) must beSome(i2Expected)) and
( = None)) must beSome(i3Expected))
"correctly writes ItemSimScores with smaller numSimilarItems" in {
val algoid = 45
val modelSet = true
implicit val algo = Algo(
id = algoid,
engineid = 1234,
name = "",
infoid = "abc",
command = "",
params = Map(),
settings = Map(),
modelset = modelSet,
createtime =,
updatetime =,
status = "deployed",
offlineevalid = None,
offlinetuneid = None,
loop = None,
paramset = None
val args = Map(
"inputDir" -> inputDir,
"appid" -> appid,
"algoid" -> algoid,
"modelSet" -> modelSet,
"numSimilarItems" -> 1
val i0Expected = ItemSimScore(
iid = "i0",
simiids = Seq("i3"),
scores = Seq(15.4),
itypes = Seq(Seq("t3")),
appid = appid,
algoid = algoid,
modelset = modelSet)
val i1Expected = ItemSimScore(
iid = "i1",
simiids = Seq("i3"),
scores = Seq(20.4),
itypes = Seq(Seq("t3")),
appid = appid,
algoid = algoid,
modelset = modelSet)
val i2Expected = ItemSimScore(
iid = "i2",
simiids = Seq("i1"),
scores = Seq(5.6),
itypes = Seq(Seq("t1")),
appid = appid,
algoid = algoid,
modelset = modelSet)
val i3Expected = ItemSimScore(
iid = "i3",
simiids = Seq("i1"),
scores = Seq(20.4),
itypes = Seq(Seq("t1")),
appid = appid,
algoid = algoid,
modelset = modelSet)
val i0ItemSim = modeldataItemSimScores.getByIid("i0")
val i1ItemSim = modeldataItemSimScores.getByIid("i1")
val i2ItemSim = modeldataItemSimScores.getByIid("i2")
val i3ItemSim = modeldataItemSimScores.getByIid("i3")
// don't check id = None)) must beSome(i0Expected) and
( = None)) must beSome(i1Expected)) and
( = None)) must beSome(i2Expected)) and
( = None)) must beSome(i3Expected))
// TODO: subset valid items
"correctly writes ItemSimScores with subset numSimilarItems" in {
val algoid = 46
val modelSet = false
val inputDir = "/tmp/pio_test/subset/"
val inputDirFile = new File(inputDir)
val validItemIndex = List(
writeToFile(itemsIndex, s"${inputDir}itemsIndex.tsv")
writeToFile(validItemIndex, s"${inputDir}validItemsIndex.tsv")
writeToFile(scoresTopK, s"${inputDir}")
implicit val algo = Algo(
id = algoid,
engineid = 1234,
name = "",
infoid = "abc",
command = "",
params = Map(),
settings = Map(),
modelset = modelSet,
createtime =,
updatetime =,
status = "deployed",
offlineevalid = None,
offlinetuneid = None,
loop = None,
paramset = None
val args = Map(
"inputDir" -> inputDir,
"appid" -> appid,
"algoid" -> algoid,
"modelSet" -> modelSet,
"numSimilarItems" -> 10
val i0Expected = ItemSimScore(
iid = "i0",
simiids = Seq("i3"),
scores = Seq(15.4),
itypes = Seq(Seq("t3")),
appid = appid,
algoid = algoid,
modelset = modelSet)
val i1Expected = ItemSimScore(
iid = "i1",
simiids = Seq("i3", "i0"),
scores = Seq(20.4, 12.6),
itypes = Seq(Seq("t3"), Seq("t1", "t2")),
appid = appid,
algoid = algoid,
modelset = modelSet)
val i2Expected = ItemSimScore(
iid = "i2",
simiids = Seq("i3", "i0"),
scores = Seq(2.3, 1.5),
itypes = Seq(Seq("t3"), Seq("t1", "t2")),
appid = appid,
algoid = algoid,
modelset = modelSet)
val i3Expected = ItemSimScore(
iid = "i3",
simiids = Seq("i0"),
scores = Seq(15.4),
itypes = Seq(Seq("t1", "t2")),
appid = appid,
algoid = algoid,
modelset = modelSet)
val i0ItemSim = modeldataItemSimScores.getByIid("i0")
val i1ItemSim = modeldataItemSimScores.getByIid("i1")
val i2ItemSim = modeldataItemSimScores.getByIid("i2")
val i3ItemSim = modeldataItemSimScores.getByIid("i3")
// don't check id = None)) must beSome(i0Expected) and
( = None)) must beSome(i1Expected)) and
( = None)) must beSome(i2Expected)) and
( = None)) must beSome(i3Expected))
// TODO: evalid
// NOTE: clean up when finish test