blob: cf19befeca49ceb9c77da21dfe1e5ccd3a3af1b9 [file] [log] [blame]
package io.prediction.algorithms.scalding.itemsim.itemsimcf
* CREDIT: this file is based on Edwin Chen's VectorSimliarities.scala
* with minor modifications. Thanks Edwin Chen for posting this awesome code!
import com.twitter.scalding._
import cascading.pipe.Pipe
* Given a dataset of ratings, how can we compute the similarity
* between pairs of items?
* This class defines an abstract ratings input format. Subclasses
* that provide a concrete implementation of the input (in the form of
* a tuple stream containing: a user, the item being rated, and the numeric
* rating of the item by the user) will automatically calculate
* similarities of items.
* In more detail, each item is represented as a (sparse) vector of all
* its ratings. Similarity measures (such as correlation, cosine similarity,
* and Jaccard similarity) are then applied to these vectors.
* @author Edwin Chen
* modified by Tappingstone
abstract class VectorSimilarities(args: Args) extends Job(args) {
// parameter to configure simliarity measurement functions
final val CORREL_MEASURE: String = "correl" // this is Pearson
final val COSINE_MEASURE: String = "cosine"
final val JACCARD_MEASURE: String = "jaccard"
// subclass should override this to change measurement function
val MEASURE: String = CORREL_MEASURE //default measure
* Parameters to regularize correlation.
val PRIOR_COUNT: Int = 10 // default
* Filters to speed up computation and reduce noise.
* Subclasses should probably override these, based on the actual data.
val MIN_NUM_RATERS: Int = 3
val MAX_NUM_RATERS: Int = 10000
* Subclasses should override this to define their own input.
* This method should return a Pipe using the Symbols in parameters
def input(userField: Symbol, itemField: Symbol, ratingField: Symbol): Pipe
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def vectorSimilaritiesAlgo(itemField: Symbol, simItemField: Symbol, scoreField: Symbol): Pipe = {
* Read in the input and give each field a type and name.
val ratings = input('user, 'item, 'rating)
* Also keep track of the total number of people who rated an item.
val ratingsWithSize =
// Put the size of each group in a field called "numRaters".
.groupBy('item) { _.size('numRaters) }
// Rename, since Scalding currently requires both sides of a join to have distinctly named fields.
.rename('item -> 'itemX)
.joinWithLarger('itemX -> 'item, ratings).discard('itemX)
.filter('numRaters) { numRaters: Long => numRaters >= MIN_NUM_RATERS && numRaters <= MAX_NUM_RATERS }
* Make a dummy copy of the ratings, so we can do a self-join.
val ratings2 =
.rename(('user, 'item, 'rating, 'numRaters) -> ('user2, 'item2, 'rating2, 'numRaters2))
* Join the two rating streams on their user fields,
* in order to find all pairs of items that a user has rated.
val ratingPairs =
.joinWithSmaller('user -> 'user2, ratings2)
// De-dupe so that we don't calculate similarity of both (A, B) and (B, A).
.filter('item, 'item2) { items: (String, String) => items._1 < items._2 }
.project('item, 'rating, 'numRaters, 'item2, 'rating2, 'numRaters2)
* Compute dot products, norms, sums, and sizes of the rating vectors.
val vectorCalcs =
// Compute (x*y, x^2, y^2), which we need for dot products and norms.
.map(('rating, 'rating2) -> ('ratingProd, 'ratingSq, 'rating2Sq)) {
ratings: (Double, Double) =>
(ratings._1 * ratings._2, scala.math.pow(ratings._1, 2), scala.math.pow(ratings._2, 2))
.groupBy('item, 'item2) {
.sum('ratingProd -> 'dotProduct)
.sum('rating -> 'ratingSum)
.sum('rating2 -> 'rating2Sum)
.sum('ratingSq -> 'ratingNormSq)
.sum('rating2Sq -> 'rating2NormSq)
.max('numRaters) // Simply an easy way to make sure the numRaters field stays.
.filter('size) { size: Long => size >= MIN_INTERSECTION }
* Calculate similarity between rating vectors using similarity measures
* like correlation, cosine similarity, and Jaccard similarity.
val similaritiesScore =
.map(('size, 'dotProduct, 'ratingSum, 'rating2Sum, 'ratingNormSq, 'rating2NormSq, 'numRaters, 'numRaters2) ->
'score) {
fields: (Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double) =>
val (size, dotProduct, ratingSum, rating2Sum, ratingNormSq, rating2NormSq, numRaters, numRaters2) = fields
val score = MEASURE match {
case CORREL_MEASURE => correlation(size, dotProduct, ratingSum, rating2Sum, ratingNormSq, rating2NormSq)
case COSINE_MEASURE => cosineSimilarity(dotProduct, scala.math.sqrt(ratingNormSq), scala.math.sqrt(rating2NormSq))
case JACCARD_MEASURE => jaccardSimilarity(size, numRaters, numRaters2)
case _ => 0.0 // all other invalid cases
// regularization
// TODO: different measurement may have different way to do regularization
val regScore = regularized(size, score, PRIOR_COUNT, PRIOR_CORRELATION)
// return score for each pair.
val simScore1 = similaritiesScore
.mapTo(('item, 'item2, 'score) -> (itemField, simItemField, scoreField)) { fields: (String, String, Double) => fields }
val simScore2 = similaritiesScore
.mapTo(('item2, 'item, 'score) -> (itemField, simItemField, scoreField)) { fields: (String, String, Double) => fields }
// concatenate 2 simScore
val simScoreCat = simScore1 ++ simScore2
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* The correlation between two vectors A, B is
* cov(A, B) / (stdDev(A) * stdDev(B))
* This is equivalent to
* [n * dotProduct(A, B) - sum(A) * sum(B)] /
* sqrt{ [n * norm(A)^2 - sum(A)^2] [n * norm(B)^2 - sum(B)^2] }
def correlation(size: Double, dotProduct: Double, ratingSum: Double,
rating2Sum: Double, ratingNormSq: Double, rating2NormSq: Double) = {
val numerator = size * dotProduct - ratingSum * rating2Sum
val denominator = scala.math.sqrt(size * ratingNormSq - ratingSum * ratingSum) * scala.math.sqrt(size * rating2NormSq - rating2Sum * rating2Sum)
// NOTE: check if denominator == 0
if (denominator == 0)
numerator / denominator
* Regularize correlation by adding virtual pseudocounts over a prior:
* RegularizedCorrelation = w * ActualCorrelation + (1 - w) * PriorCorrelation
* where w = # actualPairs / (# actualPairs + # virtualPairs).
def regularized(size: Double, score: Double, virtualCount: Double, priorCorrelation: Double): Double = {
if (virtualCount != 0) {
val w = size / (size + virtualCount)
w * score + (1 - w) * priorCorrelation
} else {
* The cosine similarity between two vectors A, B is
* dotProduct(A, B) / (norm(A) * norm(B))
def cosineSimilarity(dotProduct: Double, ratingNorm: Double, rating2Norm: Double) = {
dotProduct / (ratingNorm * rating2Norm)
* The Jaccard Similarity between two sets A, B is
* |Intersection(A, B)| / |Union(A, B)|
def jaccardSimilarity(usersInCommon: Double, totalUsers1: Double, totalUsers2: Double) = {
val union = totalUsers1 + totalUsers2 - usersInCommon
usersInCommon / union