blob: 2dd96e66d041d02740a48c68091e71063f13251c [file] [log] [blame]
package io.prediction.algorithms.mahout.itemrec
import io.prediction.commons.Config
import io.prediction.commons.settings.{ App, Algo }
import io.prediction.commons.modeldata.{ ItemRecScore }
import io.prediction.algorithms.mahout.itemrec.TestUtils
import org.specs2.mutable._
import com.github.nscala_time.time.Imports._
import com.mongodb.casbah.Imports._
class MahoutModelConstructorSpec extends Specification {
// note: should match the db name defined in the application.conf
val mongoDbName = "predictionio_modeldata_mahout_dataprep_test"
def cleanUp() = {
// remove the test database
val commonConfig = new Config
val modeldataItemRecScores = commonConfig.getModeldataItemRecScores
"MahoutModelConstructor" should {
val inputDir = "/tmp/pio_test/"
val inputDirFile = new File(inputDir)
val usersIndex = List(
val itemsIndex = List(
val ratingsCSV = List(
val predicted = List(
TestUtils.writeToFile(usersIndex, s"${inputDir}usersIndex.tsv")
TestUtils.writeToFile(itemsIndex, s"${inputDir}itemsIndex.tsv")
TestUtils.writeToFile(ratingsCSV, s"${inputDir}ratings.csv")
TestUtils.writeToFile(predicted, s"${inputDir}predicted.tsv")
val appid = 24
implicit val app = App(
id = appid,
userid = 0,
appkey = "1234",
display = "12345",
url = None,
cat = None,
desc = None,
timezone = "UTC"
"correctly writes ItemRecScores with larger numRecommendations" in {
val algoid = 25
val modelSet = false
implicit val algo = Algo(
id = algoid,
engineid = 1234,
name = "",
infoid = "abc",
command = "",
params = Map(),
settings = Map(),
modelset = modelSet,
createtime =,
updatetime =,
status = "deployed",
offlineevalid = None,
offlinetuneid = None,
loop = None,
paramset = None
val args = Map(
"inputDir" -> inputDir,
"appid" -> appid,
"algoid" -> algoid,
"modelSet" -> modelSet,
"unseenOnly" -> false,
"numRecommendations" -> 5,
"booleanData" -> false,
"implicitFeedback" -> false
val u0Expected = ItemRecScore(
uid = "u0",
iids = Seq("i4", "i5", "i0", "i3"),
scores = Seq(31.432, 11.3, 2.3, 0.6123),
itypes = Seq(Seq("t2", "t3"), Seq("t1", "t2"), Seq("t1", "t2"), Seq("t3")),
appid = appid,
algoid = algoid,
modelset = modelSet)
val u1Expected = ItemRecScore(
uid = "u1",
iids = Seq("i3", "i4", "i5", "i2"),
scores = Seq(11.4, 3.0, 2.55, 1.2),
itypes = Seq(Seq("t3"), Seq("t2", "t3"), Seq("t1", "t2"), Seq("t2", "t3")),
appid = appid,
algoid = algoid,
modelset = modelSet)
val u2Expected = ItemRecScore(
uid = "u2",
iids = Seq("i2", "i0", "i1", "i4"),
scores = Seq(22.5, 4.5, 3.3, 2.2),
itypes = Seq(Seq("t2", "t3"), Seq("t1", "t2"), Seq("t1"), Seq("t2", "t3")),
appid = appid,
algoid = algoid,
modelset = modelSet)
val u0ItemRec = modeldataItemRecScores.getByUid("u0")
val u1ItemRec = modeldataItemRecScores.getByUid("u1")
val u2ItemRec = modeldataItemRecScores.getByUid("u2")
// don't check id = None)) must beSome(TestUtils.roundUpScores(u0Expected)) and
( = None)) must beSome(TestUtils.roundUpScores(u1Expected))) and
( = None)) must beSome(TestUtils.roundUpScores(u2Expected)))
"correctly writes ItemRecScores with smaller numRecommendations" in {
val algoid = 26
val modelSet = true
implicit val algo = Algo(
id = algoid,
engineid = 1234,
name = "",
infoid = "abc",
command = "",
params = Map(),
settings = Map(),
modelset = modelSet,
createtime =,
updatetime =,
status = "deployed",
offlineevalid = None,
offlinetuneid = None,
loop = None,
paramset = None
val args = Map(
"inputDir" -> inputDir,
"appid" -> appid,
"algoid" -> algoid,
"modelSet" -> modelSet,
"unseenOnly" -> false,
"numRecommendations" -> 2,
"booleanData" -> false,
"implicitFeedback" -> false
val u0Expected = ItemRecScore(
uid = "u0",
iids = Seq("i4", "i5"),
scores = Seq(31.432, 11.3),
itypes = Seq(Seq("t2", "t3"), Seq("t1", "t2")),
appid = appid,
algoid = algoid,
modelset = modelSet)
val u1Expected = ItemRecScore(
uid = "u1",
iids = Seq("i3", "i4"),
scores = Seq(11.4, 3.0),
itypes = Seq(Seq("t3"), Seq("t2", "t3")),
appid = appid,
algoid = algoid,
modelset = modelSet)
val u2Expected = ItemRecScore(
uid = "u2",
iids = Seq("i2", "i0"),
scores = Seq(22.5, 4.5),
itypes = Seq(Seq("t2", "t3"), Seq("t1", "t2")),
appid = appid,
algoid = algoid,
modelset = modelSet)
val u0ItemRec = modeldataItemRecScores.getByUid("u0")
val u1ItemRec = modeldataItemRecScores.getByUid("u1")
val u2ItemRec = modeldataItemRecScores.getByUid("u2")
// don't check id = None)) must beSome(TestUtils.roundUpScores(u0Expected)) and
( = None)) must beSome(TestUtils.roundUpScores(u1Expected))) and
( = None)) must beSome(TestUtils.roundUpScores(u2Expected)))
"correctly writes ItemRecScores with subset itemsIndex.tsv" in {
val inputDir = "/tmp/pio_test/subset/"
val inputDirFile = new File(inputDir)
val itemsIndex = List(
TestUtils.writeToFile(usersIndex, s"${inputDir}usersIndex.tsv")
TestUtils.writeToFile(itemsIndex, s"${inputDir}itemsIndex.tsv")
TestUtils.writeToFile(ratingsCSV, s"${inputDir}ratings.csv")
TestUtils.writeToFile(predicted, s"${inputDir}predicted.tsv")
val algoid = 27
val modelSet = false
implicit val algo = Algo(
id = algoid,
engineid = 1234,
name = "",
infoid = "abc",
command = "",
params = Map(),
settings = Map(),
modelset = modelSet,
createtime =,
updatetime =,
status = "deployed",
offlineevalid = None,
offlinetuneid = None,
loop = None,
paramset = None
val args = Map(
"inputDir" -> inputDir,
"appid" -> appid,
"algoid" -> algoid,
"modelSet" -> modelSet,
"unseenOnly" -> false,
"numRecommendations" -> 5,
"booleanData" -> false,
"implicitFeedback" -> false
val u0Expected = ItemRecScore(
uid = "u0",
iids = Seq("i0", "i3"),
scores = Seq(2.3, 0.6123),
itypes = Seq(Seq("t1", "t2"), Seq("t3")),
appid = appid,
algoid = algoid,
modelset = modelSet)
val u1Expected = ItemRecScore(
uid = "u1",
iids = Seq("i3", "i2"),
scores = Seq(11.4, 1.2),
itypes = Seq(Seq("t3"), Seq("t2", "t3")),
appid = appid,
algoid = algoid,
modelset = modelSet)
val u2Expected = ItemRecScore(
uid = "u2",
iids = Seq("i2", "i0"),
scores = Seq(22.5, 4.5),
itypes = Seq(Seq("t2", "t3"), Seq("t1", "t2")),
appid = appid,
algoid = algoid,
modelset = modelSet)
val u0ItemRec = modeldataItemRecScores.getByUid("u0")
val u1ItemRec = modeldataItemRecScores.getByUid("u1")
val u2ItemRec = modeldataItemRecScores.getByUid("u2")
// don't check id = None)) must beSome(TestUtils.roundUpScores(u0Expected)) and
( = None)) must beSome(TestUtils.roundUpScores(u1Expected))) and
( = None)) must beSome(TestUtils.roundUpScores(u2Expected)))
"correctly writes ItemRecScores with unseenOnly=true" in {
val algoid = 28
val modelSet = true
implicit val algo = Algo(
id = algoid,
engineid = 1234,
name = "",
infoid = "abc",
command = "",
params = Map(),
settings = Map(),
modelset = modelSet,
createtime =,
updatetime =,
status = "deployed",
offlineevalid = None,
offlinetuneid = None,
loop = None,
paramset = None
val args = Map(
"inputDir" -> inputDir,
"appid" -> appid,
"algoid" -> algoid,
"modelSet" -> modelSet,
"unseenOnly" -> true,
"numRecommendations" -> 4,
"booleanData" -> false,
"implicitFeedback" -> false
val u0Expected = ItemRecScore(
uid = "u0",
iids = Seq("i4", "i5", "i3"),
scores = Seq(31.432, 11.3, 0.6123),
itypes = Seq(Seq("t2", "t3"), Seq("t1", "t2"), Seq("t3")),
appid = appid,
algoid = algoid,
modelset = modelSet)
val u1Expected = ItemRecScore(
uid = "u1",
iids = Seq("i3", "i4", "i5", "i2"),
scores = Seq(11.4, 3.0, 2.55, 1.2),
itypes = Seq(Seq("t3"), Seq("t2", "t3"), Seq("t1", "t2"), Seq("t2", "t3")),
appid = appid,
algoid = algoid,
modelset = modelSet)
val u2Expected = ItemRecScore(
uid = "u2",
iids = Seq("i2", "i0", "i4"),
scores = Seq(22.5, 4.5, 2.2),
itypes = Seq(Seq("t2", "t3"), Seq("t1", "t2"), Seq("t2", "t3")),
appid = appid,
algoid = algoid,
modelset = modelSet)
val u0ItemRec = modeldataItemRecScores.getByUid("u0")
val u1ItemRec = modeldataItemRecScores.getByUid("u1")
val u2ItemRec = modeldataItemRecScores.getByUid("u2")
// don't check id = None)) must beSome(TestUtils.roundUpScores(u0Expected)) and
( = None)) must beSome(TestUtils.roundUpScores(u1Expected))) and
( = None)) must beSome(TestUtils.roundUpScores(u2Expected)))
// TODO: test evalid != None
// clean up when finish test