blob: 06dc5f639591395f8e63eb623dafe3c72e7d065c [file] [log] [blame]
package io.prediction.algorithms.itemrec.featurebased
import org.specs2.mutable._
import org.specs2.specification.Step
import org.specs2.matcher.{ Matcher, Expectable }
import com.mongodb.casbah.Imports._
import com.github.nscala_time.time.Imports._
import io.prediction.commons.Config
import com.mongodb.casbah.Imports._
import io.prediction.commons.appdata.{ Item, User, U2IAction }
import io.prediction.commons.settings.{ App, Algo }
object CustomMatcher {
def matchSeqDouble(expected: Seq[Double], epsilon: Double = 0.0001):
Matcher[Seq[Double]] = new Matcher[Seq[Double]] {
def apply[S <: Seq[Double]](actual: Expectable[S]) = {
val equalLength = (actual.value.length == expected.length)
val elementEqual =
.map(e => ((e._1 - e._2).abs <= epsilon))
.reduce(_ && _)
result(equalLength && elementEqual,
s"Two Seq[Double] are almost equal (epsilon = $epsilon)",
s"Two Seq[Double] not eq: Length: $equalLength element: $elementEqual. " +
s"Expected: $expected; Actual: ${actual.value}",
// actual must be same as expected
def matchMapStringDouble(expected: Map[String, Double],
epsilon: Double = 0.0001): Matcher[Map[String, Double]] =
new Matcher[Map[String, Double]] {
def apply[S <: Map[String, Double]](actual: Expectable[S]) = {
val equalLength = (actual.value.size == expected.size)
val elementEqual ={ case(k, v) => {
// true only if two numbers can be found and are within epsilon
expected.get(k).map(e => (e - v).abs <= epsilon).getOrElse(false)
}}.reduce(_ && _)
result(equalLength && elementEqual,
s"Two Map[S, Double] are almost equal (epsilon = $epsilon)",
s"Two Map[S, Double] not eq: Length: $equalLength element: $elementEqual. " +
s"Expected: $expected; Actual: ${actual.value}",
// Actual must contain all pairs in expected
def containMapStringDouble(expected: Map[String, Double],
epsilon: Double = 0.0001): Matcher[Map[String, Double]] =
new Matcher[Map[String, Double]] {
def apply[S <: Map[String, Double]](actual: Expectable[S]) = {
val containElement ={ case(k, v) => {
// true only if two numbers can be found and are within epsilon
actual.value.get(k).map(e => (e - v).abs <= epsilon).getOrElse(false)
}}.reduce(_ && _)
s"Actual contains expected",
s"Actual doesn't contain expected" +
s"Expected: $expected; Actual: ${actual.value}",
class CustomMatcherSpec extends Specification {
import io.prediction.algorithms.itemrec.featurebased.CustomMatcher._
"MatchSeqDouble" should {
"false unequal length" in {
(Seq(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0) must matchSeqDouble(Seq(1.00001, 2.0, 2.99999)) not)
"true within epsilon" in {
(Seq(1.0, 2.0, 3.0) must matchSeqDouble(Seq(1.00001, 2.0, 2.99999)))
"false outside epsilon" in {
(Seq(1.0, 2.0, 3.0) must
Seq(1.00001, 2.0, 2.99999), epsilon=0.000001) not)
"MatchMapStringDouble" should {
"true within epsilon" in {
val actual = Map("a" -> 1.0, "b" -> 2.0, "c" -> 3.0)
val expected = Map("a" -> 0.999999, "b" -> 2.0, "c" -> 3.000001)
actual must matchMapStringDouble(expected)
"false outside epsilon" in {
val actual = Map("a" -> 1.0, "b" -> 2.0, "c" -> 3.0)
val expected = Map("a" -> 0.999999, "b" -> 2.0, "c" -> 3.000001)
(actual must matchMapStringDouble(expected, epsilon=0.0000001) not)
"false mismatched items" in {
val actual = Map("a" -> 1.0, "b" -> 2.0, "c" -> 3.0)
val expected = Map("a" -> 0.999999, "b" -> 2.0, "d" -> 3.0)
(actual must matchMapStringDouble(expected) not)
// FIXME(yipjustin): Add spec for ContainMap
class FeatureBasedItemRecSpec extends Specification {
import io.prediction.algorithms.itemrec.featurebased.CustomMatcher._
def cleanUp() = {
val connection = MongoConnection()
).foreach( mongoDbName => connection(mongoDbName).dropDatabase() )
val commonConfig = new Config
val appdataUsers = commonConfig.getAppdataUsers
val appdataItems = commonConfig.getAppdataItems
val appdataU2IActions = commonConfig.getAppdataU2IActions
val appid = 42
val anotherAppid = 9527
val rawItems = Map(
"i1" -> Seq("t1", "t2"),
"i2" -> Seq[String](),
"i3" -> Seq("t1", "t3"),
"i4" -> Seq("t1", "t2", "t3"),
"i5" -> Seq("t4"),
"i6" -> Seq("t2", "t3"),
"i7" -> Seq("t2", "t4"))
val rawInactiveItems = Map(
"i8" -> Seq("t5"),
"i9" -> Seq("t5", "t3"))
val rawUsers = Seq("u1", "u2", "u3", "u4")
val rawU2Is = Map(
"u1" -> Seq(
("i1", "rate", 4),
("i1", "rate", 5),
("i3", "rate", 4),
("i5", "rate", 3)),
"u2" -> Seq(
("i1", "view", 1),
("i5", "rate", 4),
("i0", "rate", 5)), // non-exist item
"u3" -> Seq(
("i2", "rate", 5),
("i2", "rate", 3)), // no itypes
"u0" -> Seq(
("i1", "rate", 4),
("i3", "rate", 5)))
rawUsers.foreach{ uid => appdataUsers.insert(User(
id = uid,
appid = appid,
ct =}
rawItems.foreach{ case(iid, itypes) => {
id = iid,
appid = appid,
ct =,
itypes = itypes,
starttime = None,
endtime = None))
rawInactiveItems.foreach{ case(iid, itypes) => {
id = iid,
appid = appid,
ct =,
itypes = itypes,
inactive = Some(true),
starttime = None,
endtime = None))
rawU2Is.foreach{ case(uid, actions) => {
actions.foreach { action => appdataU2IActions.insert(U2IAction(
appid = appid,
action = action._2,
uid = uid,
iid = action._1,
t =,
v = Some(action._3))) }
def getApp(appid: Int) = App(
id = appid,
userid = 0,
appkey = "123",
display = "12345")
def getAlgo(algoid: Int, modelset: Boolean) = Algo(
id = algoid,
engineid = 1234,
name = "",
infoid = "abc",
command = "",
modelset = modelset,
createtime =,
updatetime =
"Extract correct itypes" should {
val input = Seq("a", "b", "c")
"No feature itypes" in {
val r = UserProfileRecommendation.getFeatureItypes(input, None)
input === r
"Empty feature itypes" in {
val r = UserProfileRecommendation.getFeatureItypes(input, Some(""))
input === r
"Support feature itypes, same as input feature sequence" in {
val r = UserProfileRecommendation.getFeatureItypes(input, Some("c,b,d"))
r === Seq("c", "b")
"Get items and itypes" should {
"Empty App" in {
val r = UserProfileRecommendation.getItems(1679)
r._1 must have size(0)
r._2 must have size(0)
"Default App" in {
val r = UserProfileRecommendation.getItems(appid, Seq[String]())
val itypes = r._1
itypes must containTheSameElementsAs(Seq("t4", "t3", "t2", "t1", "t5"))
val itemItypes = r._2
itemItypes.keys must containTheSameElementsAs(
rawItems.keys.toSeq ++ rawInactiveItems.keys.toSeq)
val whiteItems = r._3
whiteItems must containTheSameElementsAs(rawItems.keys.toSeq)
"Default App with whitelisted itypes" in {
val r = UserProfileRecommendation.getItems(appid, Seq("t1", "t3"))
val itypes = r._1
itypes must containTheSameElementsAs(Seq("t3", "t2", "t5", "t1"))
// notice there is a difference between itemItypesMap and whiteItems,
// as whiteItems filters inactive items.
val itemItypesMap = r._2
itemItypesMap.keys must containTheSameElementsAs(
Seq("i1", "i3", "i4", "i6", "i9"))
val whiteItems = r._3
whiteItems must containTheSameElementsAs(rawItems.keys.toSeq)
"Construct user features map" should {
"Run with all itypes" in {
val (userFeaturesMap, featureItypes, itemTypesMap, whiteItems) = (
appid, Some("t4,t1,t2,t3")))
val expectedUserFeaturesMap = Map(
"u1" -> Seq(0.0, 0.5, 0.333333, 0.16666),
"u2" -> Seq(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
"u3" -> Seq(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25),
"u4" -> Seq(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25)){ case(user, features) => {
userFeaturesMap(user) must CustomMatcher.matchSeqDouble(features)
}}.reduce(_ and _)
userFeaturesMap.keys must containTheSameElementsAs(
"Run with feature itypes t1,t2" in {
val (userFeaturesMap, featureItypes, itemTypesMap, whiteItems) = (
appid, Some("t1,t2")))
val expectedUserFeaturesMap = Map(
"u1" -> Seq(0.6, 0.4),
"u2" -> Seq(0.5, 0.5),
"u3" -> Seq(0.5, 0.5),
"u4" -> Seq(0.5, 0.5)){ case(user, features) => {
userFeaturesMap(user) must CustomMatcher.matchSeqDouble(features)
}}.reduce(_ and _)
userFeaturesMap.keys must containTheSameElementsAs(
featureItypes must containTheSameElementsAs(Seq("t1", "t2"))
"Run failure with feature (but not exist) itypes t6,t7" in {
appid, Some("t6,t7")) must throwA[UserProfileRecommendationException]
"Run failure with empty app" in {
anotherAppid, Some("")) must throwA[UserProfileRecommendationException]
"Construct batch recommendation" should {
"Run with all t1, t2, t3, t4" in {
val (userFeaturesMap, featureItypes, itemItypesMap, whiteItems) = (
appid, Some(""), Seq("t1", "t3", "t4", "t2")))
val userRecommendationMap = UserProfileRecommendation.recommend(
userFeaturesMap, featureItypes, itemItypesMap, whiteItems, 100)
val expectedUserRecommendationMap = Map(
"u1" -> Map("i4" -> 1.0, "i1" -> 0.83333, "i3" -> 0.666666, "i6" -> 0.5,
"i7" -> 0.333333, "i5" -> 0.0),
"u2" -> Map("i5" -> 1.0, "i7" -> 1.0, "i4" -> 0.0, "i3" -> 0.0,
"i1" -> 0.0, "i6" -> 0.0),
"u3" -> Map("i4" -> 0.6, "i3" -> 0.4, "i1" -> 0.4, "i7" -> 0.4,
"i6" -> 0.4, "i5" -> 0.2),
"u4" -> Map("i4" -> 0.6, "i3" -> 0.4, "i1" -> 0.4, "i7" -> 0.4,
"i6" -> 0.4, "i5" -> 0.2))
userRecommendationMap.keys must containTheSameElementsAs(
expectedUserRecommendationMap.keys.toSeq){ case(user, expected) => {
val recommendation = userRecommendationMap(user)
val actual = recommendation.toMap
val valueMatched = actual must CustomMatcher.matchMapStringDouble(expected)
// Score must be inversely sorted
val sorted = must beSorted
(valueMatched and sorted)
}}.reduce(_ and _)
"Run with all itypes and top 2" in {
val (userFeaturesMap, featureItypes, itemItypesMap, whiteItems) = (
appid, Some("")))
val userRecommendationMap = UserProfileRecommendation.recommend(
userFeaturesMap, featureItypes, itemItypesMap, whiteItems, 2)
val expectedUserRecommendationMap = Map(
"u1" -> Map("i4" -> 1.0, "i1" -> 0.83333),
"u2" -> Map("i5" -> 1.0, "i7" -> 1.0),
"u3" -> Map("i4" -> 0.6),
"u4" -> Map("i4" -> 0.6))
userRecommendationMap.keys must containTheSameElementsAs(
expectedUserRecommendationMap.keys.toSeq){ case(user, expected) => {
val recommendation = userRecommendationMap(user)
val actual = recommendation.toMap
((recommendation must have size(2)) and
(actual must CustomMatcher.containMapStringDouble(expected)) and
( must beSorted))
}}.reduce(_ and _)
"Run with all itypes and top 2 and whiteItypes 't1', 't3'" in {
// Only items with t1, t3 will be used for training.
val (userFeaturesMap, featureItypes, itemItypesMap, whiteItems) = (
appid, Some(""), Seq("t1", "t3")))
val userRecommendationMap = UserProfileRecommendation.recommend(
userFeaturesMap, featureItypes, itemItypesMap, whiteItems, 2)
val expectedUserRecommendationMap = Map(
"u1" -> Map("i4" -> 1.0, "i1" -> 0.83333),
"u2" -> Map("i4" -> 0.75, "i3" -> 0.5),
"u3" -> Map("i4" -> 0.75, "i3" -> 0.5),
"u4" -> Map("i4" -> 0.75, "i3" -> 0.5))
userRecommendationMap.keys must containTheSameElementsAs(
expectedUserRecommendationMap.keys.toSeq){ case(user, expected) => {
val recommendation = userRecommendationMap(user)
val actual = recommendation.toMap
((recommendation must have size(2)) and
(actual must CustomMatcher.containMapStringDouble(expected)) and
( must beSorted))
}}.reduce(_ and _)
"Realtime Run" should {
"Run with all itypes" in {
implicit val app = getApp(appid)
val algoid = 1
val modelset = true
implicit val algo = getAlgo(algoid, modelset)
val keyvalDb = commonConfig.getModeldataMetadataKeyvals
val itemRecScoreDb = commonConfig.getModeldataItemRecScores, algoid, modelset, None,
// must find meta
val featuresStr = keyvalDb.get(algoid, modelset, "features")
featuresStr.isEmpty must beFalse
featuresStr.get.split(',').toSeq must containTheSameElementsAs(
Seq("t1", "t2", "t3", "t4", "t5"))
// must see all users from modeldata { uid => {
itemRecScoreDb.getByUid(uid).isEmpty must beFalse
}}.reduce(_ and _)
"Run with t1,t2" in {
implicit val app = getApp(appid)
val algoid = 2
val modelset = true
implicit val algo = getAlgo(algoid, modelset)
val keyvalDb = commonConfig.getModeldataMetadataKeyvals
val itemRecScoreDb = commonConfig.getModeldataItemRecScores, algoid, modelset,
Some("t1,t2"), Seq[String]())
// must find meta
val featuresStr = keyvalDb.get(algoid, modelset, "features")
featuresStr.isEmpty must beFalse
// Since we specify the whitelist, therefore the featureStr will be in the
// same order.
featuresStr.get must be_==("t1,t2")
val expectedUserFeaturesMap = Map(
"u1" -> Seq(0.6, 0.4),
"u2" -> Seq(0.5, 0.5),
"u3" -> Seq(0.5, 0.5),
"u4" -> Seq(0.5, 0.5)) { case(user, features) => {
val optUserScore = itemRecScoreDb.getByUid(user)
optUserScore.isEmpty must beFalse
val userScore = optUserScore.get
userScore.scores must CustomMatcher.matchSeqDouble(features)
}}.reduce(_ and _)
"Batch Run" should {
"Run with white types t1, t2, t3, t4" in {
implicit val app = getApp(appid)
val algoid = 3
val modelset = true
val numRecommendations = 10
implicit val algo = getAlgo(algoid, modelset)
val keyvalDb = commonConfig.getModeldataMetadataKeyvals
val itemRecScoreDb = commonConfig.getModeldataItemRecScores, algoid, modelset,
numRecommendations, None, Seq("t1", "t2", "t3", "t4"))
val expectedUserRecommendationMap = Map(
"u1" -> Map("i4" -> 1.0, "i1" -> 0.83333, "i3" -> 0.666666, "i6" -> 0.5,
"i7" -> 0.333333, "i5" -> 0.0),
"u2" -> Map("i5" -> 1.0, "i7" -> 1.0, "i4" -> 0.0, "i3" -> 0.0,
"i1" -> 0.0, "i6" -> 0.0),
"u3" -> Map("i4" -> 0.6, "i3" -> 0.4, "i1" -> 0.4, "i7" -> 0.4,
"i6" -> 0.4, "i5" -> 0.2),
"u4" -> Map("i4" -> 0.6, "i3" -> 0.4, "i1" -> 0.4, "i7" -> 0.4,
"i6" -> 0.4, "i5" -> 0.2))
// must see all users from modeldata { uid => {
val optItemRecScore = itemRecScoreDb.getByUid(uid)
optItemRecScore.isEmpty must beFalse
val itemRecScore = optItemRecScore.get
// check if values match
val actual =
val expected = expectedUserRecommendationMap(uid)
actual must matchMapStringDouble(expected)
// check if the itypes all passed to modelset
val iidItypesMap ={ case (iid, itypes) => {
val expectedItypes = rawItems(iid)
itypes must containTheSameElementsAs(expectedItypes)
}}.reduce(_ and _)
}}.reduce(_ and _)