blob: 0ab3855e05b838d5506bd3b9d7ea8ba76a7fa085 [file] [log] [blame]
package io.prediction.algorithms.scalding.mahout.itemrec
import org.specs2.mutable._
import com.twitter.scalding._
import io.prediction.commons.scalding.appdata.{ Users, Items, U2iActions }
import io.prediction.commons.filepath.DataFile
class DataPreparatorTest extends Specification with TupleConversions {
val Rate = "rate"
val Like = "like"
val Dislike = "dislike"
val View = "view"
//val ViewDetails = "viewDetails"
val Conversion = "conversion"
val appid = 2
def test(itypes: List[String], recommendationTime: Long, params: Map[String, String],
items: List[(String, String, String, String, String, String, String)], // id, itypes, appid, starttime, ct, endtime, inactive
users: List[Tuple1[String]],
u2iActions: List[(String, String, String, String, String)],
ratings: List[(String, String, String)],
selectedItems: List[(String, String, String, String, String)], // id, itypes, starttime, endtime, inactive
itemsIndexer: Map[String, String],
usersIndexer: Map[String, String],
recommendItems: Option[List[String]] = None,
unseenOnly: Boolean = false,
seenActions: List[String] = List(),
seen: List[(String, String)] = List()) = {
val userIds = users map (x => x._1)
val selectedItemsTextLine = selectedItems map { x => (itemsIndexer(x._1), x.productIterator.mkString("\t")) }
val usersTextLine = users map { x => (usersIndexer(x._1), x._1) }
val itemsIndex = selectedItems map { x => (itemsIndexer(x._1), x._1, x._2, x._3, x._4) }
val usersIndex = users map { x => (usersIndexer(x._1), x._1) }
val ratingsIndexed = ratings map { x => (usersIndexer(x._1), itemsIndexer(x._2), x._3) }
val recommendItemsIndexed = { x => => itemsIndexer(y)) }.getOrElse(List())
val seenIndexed: List[(String, String)] = if (unseenOnly) {
if (seenActions.isEmpty) => (y._1, y._2))
else => (usersIndexer(y._1), itemsIndexer(y._2)))
} else {
val dbType = "file"
val dbName = "testpath/"
val dbHost = Seq()
val dbPort = Seq()
val hdfsRoot = "testroot/"
val engineid = 4
val algoid = 5
val evalid = None
.arg("dbType", dbType)
.arg("dbName", dbName)
.arg("hdfsRoot", hdfsRoot)
.arg("appid", appid.toString)
.arg("engineid", engineid.toString)
.arg("algoid", algoid.toString)
.arg("itypes", itypes)
.arg("viewParam", params("viewParam"))
.arg("likeParam", params("likeParam"))
.arg("dislikeParam", params("dislikeParam"))
.arg("conversionParam", params("conversionParam"))
.arg("conflictParam", params("conflictParam"))
.arg("recommendationTime", recommendationTime.toString)
.arg("unseenOnly", unseenOnly.toString)
.source(Items(appId = appid, itypes = Some(itypes), dbType = dbType, dbName = dbName, dbHost = dbHost, dbPort = dbPort).getSource, items)
.source(Users(appId = appid, dbType = dbType, dbName = dbName, dbHost = dbHost, dbPort = dbPort).getSource, users)
.sink[(String)](Tsv(DataFile(hdfsRoot, appid, engineid, algoid, evalid, "userIds.tsv"))) { outputBuffer =>
"correctly write userIds.tsv" in {
outputBuffer.toList must containTheSameElementsAs(userIds)
.sink[(String, String, String, String, String)](Tsv(DataFile(hdfsRoot, appid, engineid, algoid, evalid, "selectedItems.tsv"))) { outputBuffer =>
"correctly write selectedItems.tsv" in {
outputBuffer.toList must containTheSameElementsAs(selectedItems)
.arg("dbType", dbType)
.arg("dbName", dbName)
.arg("hdfsRoot", hdfsRoot)
.arg("appid", appid.toString)
.arg("engineid", engineid.toString)
.arg("algoid", algoid.toString)
.arg("itypes", itypes)
.arg("viewParam", params("viewParam"))
.arg("likeParam", params("likeParam"))
.arg("dislikeParam", params("dislikeParam"))
.arg("conversionParam", params("conversionParam"))
.arg("conflictParam", params("conflictParam"))
.arg("recommendationTime", recommendationTime.toString)
.arg("unseenOnly", unseenOnly.toString)
.arg("seenActions", seenActions)
.source(U2iActions(appId = appid, dbType = dbType, dbName = dbName, dbHost = dbHost, dbPort = dbPort).getSource, u2iActions)
.source(TextLine(DataFile(hdfsRoot, appid, engineid, algoid, evalid, "selectedItems.tsv")), selectedItemsTextLine)
.source(TextLine(DataFile(hdfsRoot, appid, engineid, algoid, evalid, "userIds.tsv")), usersTextLine)
.sink[(String, String, String, String, String)](Tsv(DataFile(hdfsRoot, appid, engineid, algoid, evalid, "itemsIndex.tsv"))) { outputBuffer =>
// index, iid, itypes
"correctly write itemsIndex.tsv" in {
outputBuffer.toList must containTheSameElementsAs(itemsIndex)
.sink[(String, String)](Tsv(DataFile(hdfsRoot, appid, engineid, algoid, evalid, "usersIndex.tsv"))) { outputBuffer =>
// index, uid
"correctly write usersIndex.tsv" in {
outputBuffer.toList must containTheSameElementsAs(usersIndex)
.sink[(String, String, String)](Csv(DataFile(hdfsRoot, appid, engineid, algoid, evalid, "ratings.csv"))) { outputBuffer =>
"correctly process and write data to ratings.csv" in {
outputBuffer.toList must containTheSameElementsAs(ratingsIndexed)
.sink[(String)](Csv(DataFile(hdfsRoot, appid, engineid, algoid, evalid, "recommendItems.csv"))) { outputBuffer =>
"correctly process and write data to recomomendItems.csv" in {
outputBuffer.toList must containTheSameElementsAs(recommendItemsIndexed)
.sink[(String, String)](Csv(DataFile(hdfsRoot, appid, engineid, algoid, evalid, "seen.csv"))) { outputBuffer =>
"correctly write data to seen.csv" in {
outputBuffer.toList must containTheSameElementsAs(seenIndexed)
val noEndtime = "PIO_NONE"
val noInactive = "PIO_NONE"
* Test 1. basic. Rate actions only without conflicts
val test1AllItypes = List("t1", "t2", "t3", "t4")
val test1ItemsMap = Map(
// id, itypes, appid, starttime, ct, endtime
"i0" -> ("i0", "t1,t2,t3", appid.toString, "12345", "12346", noEndtime,
"i1" -> ("i1", "t2,t3", appid.toString, "12347", "12348", noEndtime,
"i2" -> ("i2", "t4", appid.toString, "12349", "12350", noEndtime,
"i3" -> ("i3", "t3,t4", appid.toString, "12351", "12352", noEndtime,
val test1Items = List(
val test1RecommendItems = Some(List("i0", "i1", "i2", "i3"))
def genSelectedItems(items: List[(String, String, String, String, String, String, String)]) = {
items map { x =>
val (id, itypes, appid, starttime, ct, endtime, inactive) = x
(id, itypes, starttime, endtime, inactive)
val test1ItemsIndexer = Map("i0" -> "0", "i1" -> "4", "i2" -> "7", "i3" -> "8") // map iid to index
val test1Users = List(Tuple1("u0"), Tuple1("u1"), Tuple1("u2"), Tuple1("u3"))
val test1UsersIndexer = Map("u0" -> "0", "u1" -> "1", "u2" -> "2", "u3" -> "3") // map uid to index
val test1U2i = List(
(Rate, "u0", "i0", "123450", "3"),
(Rate, "u0", "i1", "123457", "1"),
(Rate, "u0", "i2", "123458", "4"),
(Rate, "u0", "i3", "123459", "2"),
(Rate, "u1", "i0", "123457", "5"),
(Rate, "u1", "i1", "123458", "2"))
val test1Ratings = List(
("u0", "i0", "3"),
("u0", "i1", "1"),
("u0", "i2", "4"),
("u0", "i3", "2"),
("u1", "i0", "5"),
("u1", "i1", "2"))
val test1Params: Map[String, String] = Map("viewParam" -> "3", "likeParam" -> "4", "dislikeParam" -> "1", "conversionParam" -> "5",
"conflictParam" -> "latest")
"DataPreparator with only rate actions, all itypes, no conflict" should {
test(test1AllItypes, 20000, test1Params, test1Items, test1Users, test1U2i, test1Ratings, genSelectedItems(test1Items), test1ItemsIndexer, test1UsersIndexer, test1RecommendItems)
"DataPreparator with only rate actions, no itypes specified, no conflict" should {
test(List(), 20000, test1Params, test1Items, test1Users, test1U2i, test1Ratings, genSelectedItems(test1Items), test1ItemsIndexer, test1UsersIndexer, test1RecommendItems)
* Test 2. rate actions only with conflicts
val test2AllItypes = List("t1", "t2", "t3", "t4")
val test2ItemsMap = Map(
// id, itypes, appid, starttime, ct, endtime
"i0" -> ("i0", "t1,t2,t3", appid.toString, "12345", "12346", noEndtime,
"i1" -> ("i1", "t2,t3", appid.toString, "12347", "12348", noEndtime,
"i2" -> ("i2", "t4", appid.toString, "12349", "12350", noEndtime,
"i3" -> ("i3", "t3,t4", appid.toString, "12351", "12352", noEndtime,
val test2Items = List(
val test2RecommendItems = Some(List("i0", "i1", "i2", "i3"))
val test2ItemsIndexer = Map("i0" -> "0", "i1" -> "4", "i2" -> "7", "i3" -> "8") // map iid to index
val test2Users = List(Tuple1("u0"), Tuple1("u1"), Tuple1("u2"), Tuple1("u3"))
val test2UsersIndexer = Map("u0" -> "0", "u1" -> "1", "u2" -> "2", "u3" -> "3") // map uid to index
val test2U2i = List(
(Rate, "u0", "i0", "123448", "3"),
(Rate, "u0", "i0", "123449", "4"), // highest
(Rate, "u0", "i0", "123451", "2"), // latest
(Rate, "u0", "i0", "123450", "1"), // lowest
(Rate, "u0", "i1", "123456", "1"), // lowest
(Rate, "u0", "i1", "123457", "2"),
(Rate, "u0", "i1", "123458", "3"), // latest, highest
(Rate, "u0", "i2", "123461", "2"), // latest, lowest
(Rate, "u0", "i2", "123459", "3"),
(Rate, "u0", "i2", "123460", "5"), // highest
(Rate, "u0", "i3", "123459", "2"),
(Rate, "u1", "i0", "123457", "5"),
(Rate, "u1", "i1", "123458", "3"), // lowest
(Rate, "u1", "i1", "123459", "4"), // highest
(Rate, "u1", "i1", "123460", "3")) // latest, lowest
val test2RatingsLatest = List(
("u0", "i0", "2"),
("u0", "i1", "3"),
("u0", "i2", "2"),
("u0", "i3", "2"),
("u1", "i0", "5"),
("u1", "i1", "3"))
val test2RatingsHighest = List(
("u0", "i0", "4"),
("u0", "i1", "3"),
("u0", "i2", "5"),
("u0", "i3", "2"),
("u1", "i0", "5"),
("u1", "i1", "4"))
val test2RatingsLowest = List(
("u0", "i0", "1"),
("u0", "i1", "1"),
("u0", "i2", "2"),
("u0", "i3", "2"),
("u1", "i0", "5"),
("u1", "i1", "3"))
val test2Itypes_t1t4 = List("t1", "t4")
val test2Items_t1t4 = List(
val test2RecommendItems_t1t4 = Some(List("i0", "i2", "i3"))
val test2RatingsHighest_t1t4 = List(
("u0", "i0", "4"),
("u0", "i2", "5"),
("u0", "i3", "2"),
("u1", "i0", "5"))
val test2Params: Map[String, String] = Map("viewParam" -> "3", "likeParam" -> "4", "dislikeParam" -> "1", "conversionParam" -> "5",
"conflictParam" -> "latest")
val test2ParamsHighest = test2Params + ("conflictParam" -> "highest")
val test2ParamsLowest = test2Params + ("conflictParam" -> "lowest")
"DataPreparator with only rate actions, all itypes, conflict=latest" should {
test(test2AllItypes, 20000, test2Params, test2Items, test2Users, test2U2i, test2RatingsLatest, genSelectedItems(test2Items), test2ItemsIndexer, test2UsersIndexer, test2RecommendItems)
"DataPreparator with only rate actions, all itypes, conflict=highest" should {
test(test2AllItypes, 20000, test2ParamsHighest, test2Items, test2Users, test2U2i, test2RatingsHighest, genSelectedItems(test2Items), test2ItemsIndexer, test2UsersIndexer, test2RecommendItems)
"DataPreparator with only rate actions, all itypes, conflict=lowest" should {
test(test2AllItypes, 20000, test2ParamsLowest, test2Items, test2Users, test2U2i, test2RatingsLowest, genSelectedItems(test2Items), test2ItemsIndexer, test2UsersIndexer, test2RecommendItems)
"DataPreparator with only rate actions, some itypes, conflict=highest" should {
test(test2Itypes_t1t4, 20000, test2ParamsHighest, test2Items, test2Users, test2U2i, test2RatingsHighest_t1t4, genSelectedItems(test2Items_t1t4), test2ItemsIndexer, test2UsersIndexer, test2RecommendItems_t1t4)
* Test 3. Different Actions without conflicts and endtime
val test3AllItypes = List("t1", "t2", "t3", "t4")
val test3ItemsMap = Map(
// id, itypes, appid, starttime, ct, endtime
"i0" -> ("i0", "t1,t2,t3", appid.toString, "12345", "12346", "56789",
"i1" -> ("i1", "t2,t3", appid.toString, "12347", "12348", noEndtime,
"i2" -> ("i2", "t4", appid.toString, "12349", "12350", "56790",
"i3" -> ("i3", "t3,t4", appid.toString, "12351", "12352", noEndtime,
val test3Items = List(
val test3RecommendItems = Some(List("i0", "i1", "i2", "i3"))
val test3ItemsIndexer = Map("i0" -> "0", "i1" -> "4", "i2" -> "7", "i3" -> "8") // map iid to index
val test3Users = List(Tuple1("u0"), Tuple1("u1"), Tuple1("u2"), Tuple1("u3"))
val test3UsersIndexer = Map("u0" -> "0", "u1" -> "1", "u2" -> "2", "u3" -> "3") // map uid to index
val test3U2i = List(
(Rate, "u0", "i0", "123450", "4"),
(Like, "u0", "i1", "123457", "PIO_NONE"),
(Dislike, "u0", "i2", "123458", "PIO_NONE"),
(View, "u0", "i3", "123459", "PIO_NONE"), // NOTE: assume v field won't be missing
(Rate, "u1", "i0", "123457", "2"),
(Conversion, "u1", "i1", "123458", "PIO_NONE"))
val test3Ratings = List(
("u0", "i0", "4"),
("u0", "i1", "4"),
("u0", "i2", "2"),
("u0", "i3", "1"),
("u1", "i0", "2"),
("u1", "i1", "5"))
val test3Params: Map[String, String] = Map("viewParam" -> "1", "likeParam" -> "4", "dislikeParam" -> "2", "conversionParam" -> "5",
"conflictParam" -> "latest")
"DataPreparator with only all actions, all itypes, no conflict" should {
test(test3AllItypes, 20000, test3Params, test3Items, test3Users, test3U2i, test3Ratings, genSelectedItems(test3Items), test3ItemsIndexer, test3UsersIndexer, test3RecommendItems)
* test 4. Different Actions with conflicts and endtime and inactive
val test4Params: Map[String, String] = Map("viewParam" -> "2", "likeParam" -> "5", "dislikeParam" -> "1", "conversionParam" -> "4",
"conflictParam" -> "latest")
val test4AllItypes = List("t1", "t2", "t3", "t4")
val test4ItemsMap = Map(
// id, itypes, appid, starttime, ct, endtime
"i0" -> ("i0", "t1,t2,t3", appid.toString, "12345", "12346", "56789",
"i1" -> ("i1", "t2,t3", appid.toString, "12347", "12348", noEndtime,
"i2" -> ("i2", "t4", appid.toString, "12349", "12350", "56790",
"i3" -> ("i3", "t3,t4", appid.toString, "12351", "12352", noEndtime,
val test4Items = List(
val test4RecommendItems = Some(List("i0", "i3"))
val test4ItemsIndexer = Map("i0" -> "0", "i1" -> "4", "i2" -> "7", "i3" -> "8") // map iid to index
val test4Users = List(Tuple1("u0"), Tuple1("u1"), Tuple1("u2"), Tuple1("u3"))
val test4UsersIndexer = Map("u0" -> "0", "u1" -> "1", "u2" -> "2", "u3" -> "3") // map uid to index
val test4U2i = List(
(Rate, "u0", "i0", "123448", "3"),
(View, "u0", "i0", "123449", "PIO_NONE"), // lowest (2)
(Like, "u0", "i0", "123451", "PIO_NONE"), // latest, highest (5)
(Conversion, "u0", "i0", "123450", "PIO_NONE"),
(Rate, "u0", "i1", "123456", "1"), // lowest
(Rate, "u0", "i1", "123457", "4"), // highest
(View, "u0", "i1", "123458", "PIO_NONE"), // latest (2)
(Conversion, "u0", "i2", "123461", "PIO_NONE"), // latest, highest (4)
(Rate, "u0", "i2", "123459", "3"),
(View, "u0", "i2", "123460", "PIO_NONE"), // lowest
(Rate, "u0", "i3", "123459", "2"),
(View, "u1", "i0", "123457", "PIO_NONE"), // (2)
(Rate, "u1", "i1", "123458", "5"), // highest
(Conversion, "u1", "i1", "123459", "PIO_NONE"), // (4)
(Dislike, "u1", "i1", "123460", "PIO_NONE")) // latest, lowest (1)
val test4RatingsLatest = List(
("u0", "i0", "5"),
("u0", "i1", "2"),
("u0", "i2", "4"),
("u0", "i3", "2"),
("u1", "i0", "2"),
("u1", "i1", "1"))
"DataPreparator with all actions, all itypes, and conflicts=latest" should {
test(test4AllItypes, 20000, test4Params, test4Items, test4Users, test4U2i, test4RatingsLatest, genSelectedItems(test4Items), test4ItemsIndexer, test4UsersIndexer, test4RecommendItems)
val test4ParamsIgnoreView = test4Params + ("viewParam" -> "ignore")
val test4RatingsIgnoreViewLatest = List(
("u0", "i0", "5"),
("u0", "i1", "4"),
("u0", "i2", "4"),
("u0", "i3", "2"),
("u1", "i1", "1"))
// seen won't be affacted by the ignore setting
val test4Seen = List(
("u0", "i0"),
("u0", "i1"),
("u0", "i2"),
("u0", "i3"),
("u1", "i0"),
("u1", "i1"))
"DataPreparator with all actions, all itypes, ignore View actions and conflicts=latest" should {
test(test4AllItypes, 20000, test4ParamsIgnoreView, test4Items, test4Users, test4U2i, test4RatingsIgnoreViewLatest, genSelectedItems(test4Items), test4ItemsIndexer, test4UsersIndexer, test4RecommendItems, seen = test4Seen)
// note: currently rate action can't be ignored
val test4ParamsIgnoreAllExceptView = test4Params + ("viewParam" -> "1", "likeParam" -> "ignore", "dislikeParam" -> "ignore", "conversionParam" -> "ignore")
val test4RatingsIgnoreAllExceptViewLatest = List(
("u0", "i0", "1"),
("u0", "i1", "1"),
("u0", "i2", "1"),
("u0", "i3", "2"),
("u1", "i0", "1"),
("u1", "i1", "5"))
"DataPreparator with all actions, all itypes, ignore all actions except View (and Rate) and conflicts=latest" should {
test(test4AllItypes, 20000, test4ParamsIgnoreAllExceptView, test4Items, test4Users, test4U2i, test4RatingsIgnoreAllExceptViewLatest, genSelectedItems(test4Items), test4ItemsIndexer, test4UsersIndexer, test4RecommendItems, seen = test4Seen)
// note: meaning rate action only
val test4ParamsIgnoreAll = test4Params + ("viewParam" -> "ignore", "likeParam" -> "ignore", "dislikeParam" -> "ignore", "conversionParam" -> "ignore")
val test4RatingsIgnoreAllLatest = List(
("u0", "i0", "3"),
("u0", "i1", "4"),
("u0", "i2", "3"),
("u0", "i3", "2"),
("u1", "i1", "5"))
"DataPreparator with all actions, all itypes, ignore all actions (except Rate) and conflicts=latest" should {
test(test4AllItypes, 20000, test4ParamsIgnoreAll, test4Items, test4Users, test4U2i, test4RatingsIgnoreAllLatest, genSelectedItems(test4Items), test4ItemsIndexer, test4UsersIndexer, test4RecommendItems, seen = test4Seen)
val test4ParamsLowest: Map[String, String] = test4Params + ("conflictParam" -> "lowest")
val test4Itypes_t3 = List("t3")
val test4Items_t3 = List(
val test4RecommendItems_t3 = Some(List("i0", "i3"))
val test4RatingsLowest_t3 = List(
("u0", "i0", "2"),
("u0", "i1", "1"),
("u0", "i3", "2"),
("u1", "i0", "2"),
("u1", "i1", "1"))
"DataPreparator with only all actions, some itypes, and conflicts=lowest" should {
test(test4Itypes_t3, 20000, test4ParamsLowest, test4Items, test4Users, test4U2i, test4RatingsLowest_t3, genSelectedItems(test4Items_t3), test4ItemsIndexer, test4UsersIndexer, test4RecommendItems_t3)
/* test5: test starttime and endtime */
// starttime, endtime
// i0 A |---------|
// i1 B |---------|E
// i2 C|---------|
// i3 |---------|
// D F G
val tA = 123122
val tB = 123123
val tC = 123457
val tD = 123679
val tE = 543322
val tF = 543654
val tG = 543655
val test5AllItypes = List("t1", "t2", "t3", "t4")
val test5ItemsMap = Map(
// id, itypes, appid, starttime, ct, endtime
"i0" -> ("i0", "t1,t2,t3", appid.toString, "123123", "12345", "543210",
"i1" -> ("i1", "t1,t2", appid.toString, "123456", "12345", "543321",
"i2" -> ("i2", "t2,t3", appid.toString, "123567", "12345", "543432",
"i3" -> ("i3", "t2", appid.toString, "123678", "12345", "543654",
val test5Items = List(
val test5ItemsIndexer = Map("i0" -> "0", "i1" -> "4", "i2" -> "7", "i3" -> "8") // map iid to index
val test5Users = List(Tuple1("u0"), Tuple1("u1"), Tuple1("u2"), Tuple1("u3"))
val test5UsersIndexer = Map("u0" -> "0", "u1" -> "1", "u2" -> "2", "u3" -> "3") // map uid to index
val test5U2i = List(
(Rate, "u0", "i0", "123450", "4"),
(Like, "u0", "i1", "123457", "PIO_NONE"),
(Dislike, "u0", "i2", "123458", "PIO_NONE"),
(View, "u0", "i3", "123459", "PIO_NONE"), // NOTE: assume v field won't be missing
(Rate, "u1", "i0", "123457", "2"),
(Conversion, "u1", "i1", "123458", "PIO_NONE"))
val test5Ratings = List(
("u0", "i0", "4"),
("u0", "i1", "4"),
("u0", "i2", "2"),
("u0", "i3", "1"),
("u1", "i0", "2"),
("u1", "i1", "5"))
val test5RecommendItems = Some(List("i0", "i1", "i2", "i3"))
val test5RecommendItemsEmpty = Some(List())
val test5RecommendItemsi0 = Some(List("i0"))
val test5RecommendItemsi0i1 = Some(List("i0", "i1"))
val test5RecommendItemsi2i3 = Some(List("i2", "i3"))
val test5Params: Map[String, String] = Map("viewParam" -> "1", "likeParam" -> "4", "dislikeParam" -> "2", "conversionParam" -> "5",
"conflictParam" -> "latest")
"recommendationTime < all item starttime" should {
test(test5AllItypes, tA, test5Params, test5Items, test5Users, test5U2i, test5Ratings, genSelectedItems(test5Items), test5ItemsIndexer, test5UsersIndexer, test5RecommendItemsEmpty)
"recommendationTime == earliest starttime" should {
test(test5AllItypes, tB, test5Params, test5Items, test5Users, test5U2i, test5Ratings, genSelectedItems(test5Items), test5ItemsIndexer, test5UsersIndexer, test5RecommendItemsi0)
"recommendationTime > some items starttime" should {
test(test5AllItypes, tC, test5Params, test5Items, test5Users, test5U2i, test5Ratings, genSelectedItems(test5Items), test5ItemsIndexer, test5UsersIndexer, test5RecommendItemsi0i1)
"recommendationTime > all item starttime and < all item endtime" should {
test(test5AllItypes, tD, test5Params, test5Items, test5Users, test5U2i, test5Ratings, genSelectedItems(test5Items), test5ItemsIndexer, test5UsersIndexer, test5RecommendItems)
"recommendationTime > some item endtime" should {
test(test5AllItypes, tE, test5Params, test5Items, test5Users, test5U2i, test5Ratings, genSelectedItems(test5Items), test5ItemsIndexer, test5UsersIndexer, test5RecommendItemsi2i3)
"recommendationTime == last item endtime" should {
test(test5AllItypes, tF, test5Params, test5Items, test5Users, test5U2i, test5Ratings, genSelectedItems(test5Items), test5ItemsIndexer, test5UsersIndexer, test5RecommendItemsEmpty)
"recommendationTime > last item endtime" should {
test(test5AllItypes, tG, test5Params, test5Items, test5Users, test5U2i, test5Ratings, genSelectedItems(test5Items), test5ItemsIndexer, test5UsersIndexer, test5RecommendItemsEmpty)
/* test6: seen action */
val test6AllItypes = List("t1", "t2", "t3", "t4")
val test6ItemsMap = Map(
// id, itypes, appid, starttime, ct, endtime
"i0" -> ("i0", "t1,t2,t3", appid.toString, "12345", "12346", "56789",
"i1" -> ("i1", "t2,t3", appid.toString, "12347", "12348", noEndtime,
"i2" -> ("i2", "t4", appid.toString, "12349", "12350", "56790",
"i3" -> ("i3", "t3,t4", appid.toString, "12351", "12352", noEndtime,
val test6Items = List(
val test6RecommendItems = Some(List("i0", "i1", "i2", "i3"))
val test6ItemsIndexer = Map("i0" -> "0", "i1" -> "4", "i2" -> "7", "i3" -> "8") // map iid to index
val test6Users = List(Tuple1("u0"), Tuple1("u1"), Tuple1("u2"), Tuple1("u3"))
val test6UsersIndexer = Map("u0" -> "0", "u1" -> "1", "u2" -> "2", "u3" -> "3") // map uid to index
val test6U2i = List(
(Rate, "u0", "i0", "123450", "4"),
(Like, "u0", "i1", "123457", "PIO_NONE"),
(Dislike, "u0", "i2", "123458", "PIO_NONE"),
(View, "u0", "i3", "123459", "PIO_NONE"), // NOTE: assume v field won't be missing
(Rate, "u1", "i0", "123457", "2"),
(Conversion, "u1", "i1", "123458", "PIO_NONE"),
("action1", "u0", "i2", "123459", "PIO_NONE"),
("action2", "u1", "i1", "123459", "PIO_NONE"),
("action1", "u2", "i0", "123459", "PIO_NONE")) // custom action only
val test6Ratings = List(
("u0", "i0", "4"),
("u0", "i1", "4"),
("u0", "i2", "2"),
("u0", "i3", "1"),
("u1", "i0", "2"),
("u1", "i1", "5"))
val test6seenActions = List("action1", "action2")
val test6Seen = List(
("u0", "i2"),
("u1", "i1"),
("u2", "i0"))
val test6SeenAll = List(
("u0", "i0"),
("u0", "i1"),
("u0", "i2"),
("u0", "i3"),
("u1", "i0"),
("u1", "i1"))
val test6Params: Map[String, String] = Map("viewParam" -> "1", "likeParam" -> "4", "dislikeParam" -> "2", "conversionParam" -> "5",
"conflictParam" -> "latest")
"DataPreparator with only all actions, all itypes, no conflict, unseenOnly=true and seenActions" should {
test(test6AllItypes, 20000, test6Params, test6Items, test6Users, test6U2i, test6Ratings, genSelectedItems(test6Items), test6ItemsIndexer, test6UsersIndexer, test6RecommendItems, true, test6seenActions, test6Seen)
"DataPreparator with only all actions, all itypes, no conflict, unseenOnly=true and without seenActions defined" should {
test(test6AllItypes, 20000, test6Params, test6Items, test6Users, test6U2i, test6Ratings, genSelectedItems(test6Items), test6ItemsIndexer, test6UsersIndexer, test6RecommendItems, true, List(), test6SeenAll)
"DataPreparator with only all actions, all itypes, no conflict, unseenOnly=false and seenActions defined" should {
test(test6AllItypes, 20000, test6Params, test6Items, test6Users, test6U2i, test6Ratings, genSelectedItems(test6Items), test6ItemsIndexer, test6UsersIndexer, test6RecommendItems, false, test6seenActions, List())