blob: ac10472903c315853544c2ab89f07a0753f39a07 [file] [log] [blame]
package io.prediction.algorithms.scalding.mahout.itemrec
import com.twitter.scalding._
import io.prediction.commons.filepath.{ DataFile, AlgoFile }
import io.prediction.commons.scalding.modeldata.ItemRecScores
import cascading.pipe.joiner.LeftJoin
* Source:
* Sink:
* Description:
* Required args:
* --dbType: <string> modeldata DB type (eg. mongodb) (see --dbHost, --dbPort)
* --dbName: <string> (eg. predictionio_modeldata)
* --hdfsRoot: <string>. Root directory of the HDFS
* --appid: <int>
* --engineid: <int>
* --algoid: <int>
* --modelSet: <boolean> (true/false). flag to indicate which set
* --unseenOnly: <boolean> (true/false). only recommend unseen items if this is true.
* --numRecommendations: <int>. number of recommendations to be generated
* --recommendationTime: <long> (eg. 9876543210). recommend items with starttime <= recommendationTime and endtime > recommendationTime
* Optionsl args:
* --dbHost: <string> (eg. "")
* --dbPort: <int> (eg. 27017)
* --evalid: <int>. Offline Evaluation if evalid is specified
* --debug: <String>. "test" - for testing purpose
* --booleanData: <boolean>. Mahout item rec algo flag for implicit action data
* --implicitFeedback: <boolean>. Mahout item rec algo flag for implicit action data
* Example:
class ParallelALSModelConstructor(args: Args) extends Job(args) {
* parse args
val dbTypeArg = args("dbType")
val dbNameArg = args("dbName")
val dbHostArg = args.list("dbHost")
val dbPortArg = args.list("dbPort") map (x => x.toInt)
val hdfsRootArg = args("hdfsRoot")
val appidArg = args("appid").toInt
val engineidArg = args("engineid").toInt
val algoidArg = args("algoid").toInt
val evalidArg = args.optional("evalid") map (x => x.toInt)
val OFFLINE_EVAL = (evalidArg != None) // offline eval mode
val debugArg = args.list("debug")
val DEBUG_TEST = debugArg.contains("test") // test mode
val modelSetArg = args("modelSet").toBoolean
val unseenOnlyArg = args("unseenOnly").toBoolean
val numRecommendationsArg = args("numRecommendations").toInt
val recommendationTimeArg = args("recommendationTime").toLong
val implicitFeedbackArg = args.optional("implicitFeedback").map(x => x.toBoolean).getOrElse(false)
// implicit preference flag.
val IMPLICIT_PREFERENCE = implicitFeedbackArg
* source
val predicted = Tsv(AlgoFile(hdfsRootArg, appidArg, engineidArg, algoidArg, evalidArg, "predicted.tsv"), ('uindex, 'predicted)).read
val ratingSource = Csv(DataFile(hdfsRootArg, appidArg, engineidArg, algoidArg, evalidArg, "ratings.csv"), ",", ('uindexR, 'iindexR, 'ratingR))
val seenSource = Csv(DataFile(hdfsRootArg, appidArg, engineidArg, algoidArg, evalidArg, "seen.csv"), ",", ('uindexS, 'iindexS))
val itemsIndex = Tsv(DataFile(hdfsRootArg, appidArg, engineidArg, algoidArg, evalidArg, "itemsIndex.tsv")).read
.mapTo((0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) -> ('iindexI, 'iidI, 'itypesI, 'starttimeI, 'endtimeI, 'inactive)) { fields: (String, String, String, Long, String, String) =>
val (iindex, iid, itypes, starttime, endtime, inactive) = fields // itypes are comma-separated String
val endtimeOpt: Option[Long] = endtime match {
case "PIO_NONE" => None
case x: String => {
try {
} catch {
case e: Exception => {
assert(false, s"Failed to convert ${x} to Long. Exception: " + e)
val inactiveB: Boolean = inactive match {
case "PIO_NONE" => false
case x: String => {
try {
} catch {
case e: Exception => {
assert(false, s"Failed to convert ${x} to Boolean. Exception: " + e)
(iindex, iid, itypes.split(",").toList, starttime, endtimeOpt, inactiveB)
val usersIndex = Tsv(DataFile(hdfsRootArg, appidArg, engineidArg, algoidArg, evalidArg, "usersIndex.tsv")).read
.mapTo((0, 1) -> ('uindexU, 'uidU)) { fields: (String, String) =>
* sink
val itemRecScoresSink = ItemRecScores(dbType = dbTypeArg, dbName = dbNameArg, dbHost = dbHostArg, dbPort = dbPortArg, algoid = algoidArg, modelset = modelSetArg)
* computation
val seenRatings ='uindexR, 'iindexR, 'ratingR) -> ('uindexR, 'iindexR, 'ratingR)) {
fields: (String, String, Double) => fields // convert score from String to Double
// convert to (uindex, iindex, rating) format
// and filter seen items from predicted
val predictedRating = predicted.flatMap('predicted -> ('iindex, 'rating)) { data: String => parsePredictedData(data) }
// mahout predicted output may contain items in rating file because it downsample
// we filter out known rating now because will merge with known rating later
.joinWithSmaller(('uindex, 'iindex) -> ('uindexR, 'iindexR), seenRatings, joiner = new LeftJoin)
.filter('ratingR) { r: Double => (r == 0) } // if ratingR == 0, means unseen rating
.project('uindex, 'iindex, 'rating)
val combinedRating = if (unseenOnlyArg) {
val seenActions ='uindexS, 'iindexS) -> ('uindexS, 'iindexS, 'actedS)) {
fields: (String, String) => (fields._1, fields._2, 1) // add dummy acted field for unseen filtering
.joinWithSmaller(('uindex, 'iindex) -> ('uindexS, 'iindexS), seenActions, joiner = new LeftJoin)
.filter('actedS) { a: Int => (a == 0) } // if actedS == 0, means unseen actions
.project('uindex, 'iindex, 'rating)
// NOTE: if IMPLICIT_PREFERENCE = true because
// can't simply merge the seen preference value with predicted preference value due to different meaning in value
// (depending on which distance function is used).
// TODO: need special way to handle this case
} else {
// rename for concatenation
val seenRatings2 = seenRatings.rename(('uindexR, 'iindexR, 'ratingR) -> ('uindex, 'iindex, 'rating))
predictedRating ++ seenRatings2
.joinWithSmaller('iindex -> 'iindexI, itemsIndex)
.filter('starttimeI, 'endtimeI, 'inactive) { fields: (Long, Option[Long], Boolean) =>
val (starttimeI, endtimeI, inactive) = fields
val keepThis: Boolean = (starttimeI, endtimeI) match {
case (start, None) => (recommendationTimeArg >= start)
case (start, Some(end)) => ((recommendationTimeArg >= start) && (recommendationTimeArg < end))
case _ => {
assert(false, s"Unexpected item starttime ${starttimeI} and endtime ${endtimeI}")
keepThis && (!inactive)
.groupBy('uindex) { _.sortBy('rating).reverse.take(numRecommendationsArg) }
.joinWithSmaller('uindex -> 'uindexU, usersIndex)
.project('uidU, 'iidI, 'rating, 'itypesI)
.groupBy('uidU) { _.sortBy('rating).reverse.toList[(String, Double, List[String])](('iidI, 'rating, 'itypesI) -> 'iidsList) }
.then(itemRecScoresSink.writeData('uidU, 'iidsList, algoidArg, modelSetArg) _)
Mahout ItemRec output format
[24:3.2] => (24, 3.2)
[8:2.5,0:2.5] => (8, 2.5), (0, 2.5)
def parsePredictedData(data: String): List[(String, Double)] = {
val dataLen = data.length
data.take(dataLen - 1).tail.split(",") { ratingData =>
val ratingDataArray = ratingData.split(":")
val item = ratingDataArray(0)
val rating: Double = try {
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
assert(false, s"Cannot convert rating value of item ${item} to double: " + ratingDataArray + ". Exception: " + e)
(item, rating)