blob: c21e757e550e1e3ee6cf7c0e76a8a3ef8e70f000 [file] [log] [blame]
package io.prediction.algorithms.scalding.itemrec.knnitembased
import org.specs2.mutable._
import com.twitter.scalding._
import io.prediction.commons.filepath.{ AlgoFile, DataFile }
import io.prediction.commons.scalding.modeldata.ItemRecScores
class ModelConstructorTest extends Specification with TupleConversions {
def test(recommendationTime: Long,
items: List[(String, String, String, String)], //iid, itypes, starttime, endtime
itemRecScores: List[(String, String, String)],
output: List[(String, String, String, String)]) = {
val appid = 3
val engineid = 4
val algoid = 7
val modelSet = true
val dbType = "file"
val dbName = "testpath/"
val dbHost = Seq()
val dbPort = Seq()
val hdfsRoot = "testroot/"
val outputItemRecScores = output map { case (uid, iid, score, itypes) => (uid, iid, score, itypes, algoid, modelSet) }
.arg("dbType", dbType)
.arg("dbName", dbName)
.arg("hdfsRoot", hdfsRoot)
.arg("appid", appid.toString)
.arg("engineid", engineid.toString)
.arg("algoid", algoid.toString)
.arg("modelSet", modelSet.toString)
.arg("recommendationTime", recommendationTime.toString)
//.arg("debug", "test") // NOTE: test mode
.source(Tsv(AlgoFile(hdfsRoot, appid, engineid, algoid, None, "itemRecScores.tsv")), itemRecScores)
.source(Tsv(DataFile(hdfsRoot, appid, engineid, algoid, None, "selectedItems.tsv")), items)
.sink[(String, String, String, String, Int, Boolean)](ItemRecScores(dbType = dbType, dbName = dbName, dbHost = dbHost, dbPort = dbPort, algoid = algoid, modelset = modelSet).getSource) { outputBuffer =>
"correctly write model data to a file" in {
outputBuffer.toList must containTheSameElementsAs(outputItemRecScores)
val largeNumber = 1234567890 // larger than any item starttime
val noEndtime = "PIO_NONE"
/* test 1 */
val test1ItemRecScores = List(("u0", "i1", "0.123"), ("u0", "i2", "0.456"), ("u1", "i0", "1.23"))
val test1Items = List(
("i0", "t1,t2,t3", "12346", noEndtime),
("i1", "t1,t2", "12347", noEndtime),
("i2", "t2,t3", "12348", noEndtime))
val test1Output = List(
("u0", "i2,i1", "0.456,0.123", "[t2,t3],[t1,t2]"),
("u1", "i0", "1.23", "[t1,t2,t3]"))
"itemrec.knnitembased ModelConstructor" should {
test(largeNumber, test1Items, test1ItemRecScores, test1Output)
/* test 2: test starttime and endtime */
// starttime, endtime
// i0 A |---------|
// i1 B |---------|E
// i2 C|---------|
// i3 |---------|
// D F G
val tA = 123122
val tB = 123123
val tC = 123457
val tD = 123679
val tE = 543322
val tF = 543654
val tG = 543655
val test2ItemRecScores = List(
("u0", "i1", "0.123"),
("u0", "i2", "0.456"),
("u0", "i3", "0.2"),
("u1", "i0", "12"),
("u1", "i2", "2"))
val test2Items = List(
("i0", "t1,t2,t3", "123123", "543210"),
("i1", "t1,t2", "123456", "543321"),
("i2", "t2,t3", "123567", "543432"),
("i3", "t2", "123678", "543654"))
val test2Output = List(
("u0", "i2,i3,i1", "0.456,0.2,0.123", "[t2,t3],[t2],[t1,t2]"),
("u1", "i0,i2", "12.0,2.0", "[t1,t2,t3],[t2,t3]"))
val test2OutputEmpty = List()
val test2Outputi0 = List(
("u1", "i0", "12.0", "[t1,t2,t3]"))
val test2Outputi0i1 = List(
("u0", "i1", "0.123", "[t1,t2]"),
("u1", "i0", "12.0", "[t1,t2,t3]"))
val test2Outputi2i3 = List(
("u0", "i2,i3", "0.456,0.2", "[t2,t3],[t2]"),
("u1", "i2", "2.0", "[t2,t3]"))
"recommendationTime < all item starttime" should {
test(tA, test2Items, test2ItemRecScores, test2OutputEmpty)
"recommendationTime == earliest starttime" should {
test(tB, test2Items, test2ItemRecScores, test2Outputi0)
"recommendationTime > some items starttime" should {
test(tC, test2Items, test2ItemRecScores, test2Outputi0i1)
"recommendationTime > all item starttime and < all item endtime" should {
test(tD, test2Items, test2ItemRecScores, test2Output)
"recommendationTime > some item endtime" should {
test(tE, test2Items, test2ItemRecScores, test2Outputi2i3)
"recommendationTime == last item endtime" should {
test(tF, test2Items, test2ItemRecScores, test2OutputEmpty)
"recommendationTime > last item endtime" should {
test(tG, test2Items, test2ItemRecScores, test2OutputEmpty)