blob: a234a1928e3a7d2d84a8c9f77f11c6ba98811339 [file] [log] [blame]
package io.prediction.commons.scalding.modeldata
import com.twitter.scalding._
import cascading.pipe.Pipe
import cascading.flow.FlowDef
* ItemSimScoresSource
trait ItemSimScoresSource {
import com.twitter.scalding.Dsl._ // get all the fancy implicit conversions that define the DSL
* return the Source object
def getSource: Source
// TODO: readData
* map pipe's field data to DB table fields and write to dbSink.
* iidField: Symbol of iid(String)
* simiidsField: Symbol of List(simiid, score, simitypes). List[(String, Double, List[String])]
* algoid: Int. algo ID. TODO: remove
* modelSet: Boolean. model set number(false means set 0, true means set 1). TODO: remove
* p: Pipe. the data pipe.
def writeData(iidField: Symbol, simiidsField: Symbol, algoid: Int, modelSet: Boolean)(p: Pipe)(implicit fd: FlowDef): Pipe
object ItemSimScoresSource {
* define the corresponding cascading Symbol name for each DB table field.
* ("table field name" -> Symbol)
val FIELD_SYMBOLS: Map[String, Symbol] = Map(
("iid" -> 'uid),
("simiids" -> 'simiid),
("scores" -> 'score),
("simitypes" -> 'simitypes),
("algoid" -> 'algoid),
("modelset" -> 'modelset))