blob: 3ba531856f5d435b8d8fd4bf082855921a514692 [file] [log] [blame]
package io.prediction.commons.scalding.appdata
import com.twitter.scalding._
import cascading.flow.FlowDef
import cascading.tuple.Tuple
import io.prediction.commons.scalding.appdata.mongodb.{ MongoUsersSource, MongoItemsSource, MongoU2iActionsSource }
import io.prediction.commons.scalding.appdata.file.{ FileUsersSource, FileItemsSource, FileU2iActionsSource }
object Users {
* dbName: used as file path in dbType=="file"
def apply(appId: Int, dbType: String, dbName: String, dbHost: Seq[String], dbPort: Seq[Int]): UsersSource = {
dbType match {
case "file" => {
new FileUsersSource(dbName, appId)
case "mongodb" => {
require(((!dbHost.isEmpty) && (!dbPort.isEmpty)), "Please specify host and port number for mongodb.")
new MongoUsersSource(dbName, dbHost, dbPort, appId)
case _ => {
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Users database type: " + dbType)
object Items {
* dbName: used as file path in dbType=="file"
def apply(appId: Int, itypes: Option[List[String]], dbType: String, dbName: String, dbHost: Seq[String], dbPort: Seq[Int]): ItemsSource = {
dbType match {
case "file" => {
new FileItemsSource(dbName, appId, itypes)
case "mongodb" => {
require(((!dbHost.isEmpty) && (!dbPort.isEmpty)), "Please specify host and port number for mongodb.")
new MongoItemsSource(dbName, dbHost, dbPort, appId, itypes)
case _ => {
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Items database type: " + dbType)
object U2iActions {
* dbName: used as file path in dbType=="file"
def apply(appId: Int, dbType: String, dbName: String, dbHost: Seq[String], dbPort: Seq[Int]): U2iActionsSource = {
dbType match {
case "file" => {
new FileU2iActionsSource(dbName, appId)
case "mongodb" => {
require(((!dbHost.isEmpty) && (!dbPort.isEmpty)), "Please specify host and port number for mongodb.")
val opt = => Map("evalid" -> x)).getOrElse(Map())
val queryData = Map("appid" -> appId) ++ opt
new MongoU2iActionsSource(dbName, dbHost, dbPort, appId)
case _ => {
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid U2iActions database type: " + dbType)