blob: a96cdf5c5574c0036cc8ce92ae719bbbaa7f3524 [file] [log] [blame]
package io.prediction.commons.settings
import io.prediction.commons.Spec
import org.specs2._
import org.specs2.specification.Step
import com.mongodb.casbah.Imports._
class AppsSpec extends Specification {
def is = s2"""
PredictionIO Apps Specification
Apps can be implemented by:
- MongoApps ${mongoApps}
def mongoApps = s2"""
MongoApps should
- behave like any Apps implementation ${apps(newMongoApps)}
- (database cleanup) ${Step(Spec.mongoClient(mongoDbName).dropDatabase())}
def apps(apps: Apps) = s2"""
get two apps by user ID ${getByUserid(apps)}
get an app by its appkey ${getByAppkey(apps)}
get an app by a non-existing appkey and fail ${getByAppkeyNonExist(apps)}
get an app by its appkey and user ID ${getByAppkeyAndUserid(apps)}
get an app by its appkey and a non-existing user ID and fail ${getByAppkeyAndUseridNonExist(apps)}
get an app by its ID and user ID ${getByIdAndUserid(apps)}
get an app by a non-existing ID and user ID and fail ${getByIdAndUseridNonExist(apps)}
delete an app by its ID and user ID ${deleteByIdAndUserid(apps)}
check existence of an app by its ID, appkey and user ID ${existsByIdAndAppkeyAndUserid(apps)}
updating an app ${update(apps)}
updating an app's appkey ${updateAppkeyByAppkeyAndUserid(apps)}
updating an app's timezone ${updateTimezoneByAppkeyAndUserid(apps)}
backup and restore apps ${backuprestore(apps)}
val mongoDbName = "predictionio_mongoapps_test"
def newMongoApps = new mongodb.MongoApps(Spec.mongoClient(mongoDbName))
def dummyApp(id: Int, userid: Int, dummy: String) = App(
id = id,
userid = userid,
appkey = dummy,
display = dummy,
url = None,
cat = None,
desc = None,
timezone = "UTC"
def getByUserid(apps: Apps) = {
val userid = 47838
val dummy1 = dummyApp(0, userid, "getByUserid1")
val dummy2 = dummyApp(0, userid, "getByUserid2")
val id1 = apps.insert(dummy1)
val id2 = apps.insert(dummy2)
val app12 = apps.getByUserid(userid)
val app1 =
val app2 =
(app1 must be equalTo (dummy1.copy(id = id1))) and
(app2 must be equalTo (dummy2.copy(id = id2)))
def getByAppkey(apps: Apps) = {
val userid = 2345
val dummy = dummyApp(0, userid, "getByAppkey")
val id = apps.insert(dummy)
apps.getByAppkey("getByAppkey") must beSome(dummy.copy(id = id))
def getByAppkeyNonExist(apps: Apps) = {
apps.getByAppkey("getByAppkeyNonExist") must beNone
def getByAppkeyAndUserid(apps: Apps) = {
val name = "getByAppkeyAndUserid"
val userid = 689
val dummy = dummyApp(0, userid, name)
val id = apps.insert(dummy)
apps.getByAppkeyAndUserid(name, userid) must beSome(dummy.copy(id = id))
def getByAppkeyAndUseridNonExist(apps: Apps) = {
val userid = 203
val id = apps.insert(dummyApp(0, userid, "getByAppkeyAndUseridNonExist"))
apps.getByAppkeyAndUserid("getByAppkeyAndUseridNonExist", 2849) must beNone
def getByIdAndUserid(apps: Apps) = {
val name = "getByIdAndUserid"
val userid = 12
val dummy = dummyApp(0, userid, name)
val id = apps.insert(dummy)
apps.getByIdAndUserid(id, userid) must beSome(dummy.copy(id = id))
def getByIdAndUseridNonExist(apps: Apps) = {
val name = "getByIdAndUseridNonExist"
val userid = 23
val id = apps.insert(dummyApp(0, userid, name))
apps.getByIdAndUserid(0, userid) must beNone
def deleteByIdAndUserid(apps: Apps) = {
val name = "deleteByIdAndUserid"
val userid = 34
val id = apps.insert(dummyApp(0, userid, name))
apps.deleteByIdAndUserid(id, userid)
apps.getByIdAndUserid(id, userid) must beNone
def existsByIdAndAppkeyAndUserid(apps: Apps) = {
val name = "existsByIdAndAppkeyAndUserid"
val userid = 45
val id = apps.insert(dummyApp(0, userid, name))
apps.existsByIdAndAppkeyAndUserid(id, name, userid) must beTrue
def update(apps: Apps) = {
val name = "update"
val userid = 56
val id = apps.insert(dummyApp(0, userid, name))
val updated = dummyApp(id, 67, "updated")
apps.getByIdAndUserid(id, 67) must beSome(updated)
def updateAppkeyByAppkeyAndUserid(apps: Apps) = {
val name = "updateAppkeyByAppkeyAndUserid"
val userid = 78
val id = apps.insert(dummyApp(0, userid, name))
val updated = dummyApp(id, 67, "updated")
apps.updateAppkeyByAppkeyAndUserid(name, userid, "updatedAppkey")
apps.existsByIdAndAppkeyAndUserid(id, "updatedAppkey", userid) must beTrue
def updateTimezoneByAppkeyAndUserid(apps: Apps) = {
val name = "updateTimezoneByAppkeyAndUserid"
val userid = 89
val id = apps.insert(dummyApp(0, userid, name))
val updated = App(
id = id,
userid = userid,
appkey = name,
display = name,
url = None,
cat = None,
desc = None,
timezone = "US/Pacific"
apps.updateTimezoneByAppkeyAndUserid(name, userid, "US/Pacific")
apps.getByAppkey(name) must beSome(updated)
def backuprestore(apps: Apps) = {
val name = "backuprestore"
val userid = 90
val app1 = dummyApp(0, userid, name)
val id1 = apps.insert(app1)
val fn = "apps.json"
val fos = new
try {
} finally {
apps.restore("UTF-8")) map { data =>
data must contain(app1.copy(id = id1))
} getOrElse 1 === 2