blob: ff7f219c60f00470117b88c425576eb79ad47129 [file] [log] [blame]
package io.prediction.commons.appdata
import io.prediction.commons.Spec
import org.specs2._
import org.specs2.specification.Step
import com.mongodb.casbah.Imports._
import com.github.nscala_time.time.Imports._
class U2IActionsSpec extends Specification {
def is = s2"""
PredictionIO App Data User-to-item Actions Specification
U2IActions can be implemented by:
- MongoU2IActions ${mongoU2IActions}
def mongoU2IActions = s2"""
MongoU2IActions should" ^
- behave like any U2IActions implementation ${u2iActions(newMongoU2IActions)}
- (database cleanup) ${Step(Spec.mongoClient(mongoDbName).dropDatabase())}
def u2iActions(u2iActions: U2IActions) = s2"""
inserting and getting 3 U2IAction's ${insert(u2iActions)}
getting U2IActions by App ID, User ID, and Item IDs ${getAllByAppidAndUidAndIids(u2iActions)}
getting U2IActions by App ID, Item ${getAllByAppidAndIid(u2iActions)}
delete U2IActions by appid ${deleteByAppid(u2iActions)}
count U2IActions by appid ${countByAppid(u2iActions)}
val mongoDbName = "predictionio_appdata_mongou2iactions_test"
def newMongoU2IActions = new mongodb.MongoU2IActions(Spec.mongoClient(mongoDbName))
def insert(u2iActions: U2IActions) = {
val appid = 0
val actions = List(U2IAction(
appid = appid,
action = u2iActions.rate,
uid = "dead",
iid = "meat",
t =,
latlng = None,
v = Some(3),
price = None
), U2IAction(
appid = appid,
action = u2iActions.view,
uid = "avatar",
iid = "creeper",
t =,
latlng = Some((94.3904, -29.4839)),
v = None,
price = None
), U2IAction(
appid = appid,
action =,
uid = "pub",
iid = "sub",
t =,
latlng = None,
v = Some(1),
price = Some(49.40)
actions foreach { u2iActions.insert(_) }
val results = u2iActions.getAllByAppid(appid)
val r1 =
val r2 =
val r3 =
results.hasNext must beFalse and
(r1 must beEqualTo(actions(0))) and
(r2 must beEqualTo(actions(1))) and
(r3 must beEqualTo(actions(2)))
def getAllByAppidAndUidAndIids(u2iActions: U2IActions) = {
val appid = 1
val actions = List(U2IAction(
appid = appid,
action = u2iActions.rate,
uid = "dead",
iid = "meat",
t =,
latlng = None,
v = Some(3),
price = None
), U2IAction(
appid = appid,
action = u2iActions.view,
uid = "dead",
iid = "creeper",
t =,
latlng = Some((94.3904, -29.4839)),
v = None,
price = None
), U2IAction(
appid = appid,
action =,
uid = "dead",
iid = "sub",
t =,
latlng = None,
v = Some(1),
price = Some(49.40)
actions foreach { u2iActions.insert(_) }
val results = u2iActions.getAllByAppidAndUidAndIids(appid, "dead", List("sub", "meat")).toList.sortWith((s, t) => s.iid < t.iid)
results.size must beEqualTo(2) and
(results(0) must beEqualTo(actions(0))) and
(results(1) must beEqualTo(actions(2)))
def getAllByAppidAndIid(u2iActions: U2IActions) = {
val appid = 109
val actions = List(U2IAction(
appid = appid,
action = u2iActions.rate,
uid = "dead",
iid = "meat",
t =,
latlng = None,
v = Some(3),
price = None
), U2IAction(
appid = appid,
action = u2iActions.view,
uid = "dead",
iid = "creeper",
t =,
latlng = Some((94.3904, -29.4839)),
v = None,
price = None
), U2IAction(
appid = appid,
action =,
uid = "dead",
iid = "sub",
t =,
latlng = None,
v = Some(1),
price = Some(49.40)
), U2IAction(
appid = appid,
action = u2iActions.rate,
uid = "dead2",
iid = "meat",
t =,
latlng = None,
v = Some(2),
price = None
), U2IAction(
appid = appid,
action = u2iActions.rate,
uid = "dead3",
iid = "meat",
t =,
latlng = None,
v = Some(5),
price = None
), U2IAction(
appid = appid,
action = u2iActions.rate,
uid = "dead4",
iid = "meat",
t =,
latlng = None,
v = Some(1),
price = None
actions foreach { u2iActions.insert(_) }
val results = u2iActions.getAllByAppidAndIid(appid, "meat", sortedByUid = true).toList
val resultsNoSort = u2iActions.getAllByAppidAndIid(appid, "meat", sortedByUid = false).toList.sortWith((s, t) => s.uid < t.uid)
results.size must beEqualTo(4) and
(results(0) must beEqualTo(actions(0))) and
(results(1) must beEqualTo(actions(3))) and
(results(2) must beEqualTo(actions(4))) and
(results(3) must beEqualTo(actions(5))) and
(resultsNoSort(0) must beEqualTo(actions(0))) and
(resultsNoSort(1) must beEqualTo(actions(3))) and
(resultsNoSort(2) must beEqualTo(actions(4))) and
(resultsNoSort(3) must beEqualTo(actions(5)))
def deleteByAppid(u2iActions: U2IActions) = {
// insert a few u2iActions with appid1 and a few u2iActions with appid2.
// delete all u2iActions of appid1.
// u2iActions of appid1 should be deleted and u2iActions of appid2 should still exist.
// delete all u2iActions of appid2
// u2iActions of appid2 should be deleted
val appid1 = 10
val appid2 = 11
val ida = "deleteByAppid-ida"
val idb = "deleteByAppid-idb"
val idc = "deleteByAppid-idc"
val u2iAction1a = U2IAction(
appid = appid1,
action = u2iActions.rate,
uid = "dead",
iid = "meat",
t =,
latlng = None,
v = Some(3),
price = None
val u2iActionsApp1 = List(
v = Some(1)
v = Some(2)
val u2iActionsApp2 = u2iActionsApp1 map (x => x.copy(appid = appid2))
u2iActionsApp1 foreach { u2iActions.insert(_) }
u2iActionsApp2 foreach { u2iActions.insert(_) }
// NOTE: Call toList to retrieve all results first.
// If call toList after delete, the data is gone because getAllByAppid returns
// iterator which doesn't actually retrieve the result yet.
val g1_App1 = u2iActions.getAllByAppid(appid1).toList
val g1_App2 = u2iActions.getAllByAppid(appid2).toList
val g2_App1 = u2iActions.getAllByAppid(appid1).toList
val g2_App2 = u2iActions.getAllByAppid(appid2).toList
val g3_App2 = u2iActions.getAllByAppid(appid2).toList
g1_App1 must containTheSameElementsAs(u2iActionsApp1) and
(g1_App2 must containTheSameElementsAs(u2iActionsApp2)) and
(g2_App1 must be empty) and
(g2_App2 must containTheSameElementsAs(u2iActionsApp2)) and
(g3_App2 must be empty)
def countByAppid(u2iActions: U2IActions) = {
val appid1 = 20
val appid2 = 21
val appid3 = 22
val u2iAction1a = U2IAction(
appid = appid1,
action = u2iActions.rate,
uid = "dead",
iid = "meat",
t =,
latlng = None,
v = Some(3),
price = None
val u2iAction1b = u2iAction1a.copy(
appid = appid1
val u2iAction2a = u2iAction1a.copy(
appid = appid2
u2iActions.countByAppid(appid1) must be_==(2) and
(u2iActions.countByAppid(appid2) must be_==(1)) and
(u2iActions.countByAppid(appid3) must be_==(0))