blob: 4bc0099d4cfc61aaab37918128eed9fc05467ae8 [file] [log] [blame]
package io.prediction.commons.appdata
import io.prediction.commons.Spec
import org.specs2._
import org.specs2.specification.Step
import com.mongodb.casbah.Imports._
import com.github.nscala_time.time.Imports._
class ItemsSpec extends Specification {
def is = s2"""
PredictionIO App Data Items Specification
Items can be implemented by:
- MongoItems ${mongoItems}
def mongoItems = s2"""
MongoItems should
- behave like any Items implementation ${items(newMongoItems)}
- (database cleanup) ${Step(Spec.mongoClient(mongoDbName).dropDatabase())}
def items(items: Items) = s2"""
inserting and getting an item ${insert(items)}
getting items by App ID and geo data ${getByAppidAndLatlng(items)}
getting items by App ID and itypes ${getByAppidAndItypes(items)}
getting items by IDs ${getByIds(items)}
getting items by IDs sorted by start time ${getRecentByIds(items)}
updating an item ${update(items)}
deleting an item ${delete(items)}
deleting items by appid ${deleteByAppid(items)}
count items by appid ${countByAppid(items)}
getting items by App ID and itypes and time ${getByAppidAndItypesAndTime(items)}
val mongoDbName = "predictionio_appdata_mongoitems_test"
def newMongoItems = new mongodb.MongoItems(Spec.mongoClient(mongoDbName))
def insert(items: Items) = {
val appid = 0
val id1 = "insert1"
val item1 = Item(
id = id1,
appid = appid,
ct =,
itypes = List("fresh", "meat"),
starttime = Some(,
endtime = None,
price = Some(49.394),
profit = None,
latlng = Some((47.8948, -29.79783)),
inactive = None,
attributes = Some(Map("foo" -> "bar"))
val id2 = "insert2"
val item2 = Item(
id = id2,
appid = appid,
ct =,
itypes = List("fresh", "meat"),
starttime = Some(,
endtime = None,
price = Some(49.394),
profit = None,
latlng = Some((47.8948, -29.79783)),
inactive = Some(true),
attributes = None
(items.get(appid, id1) must beSome(item1)) and
(items.get(appid, id2) must beSome(item2))
def getByAppidAndLatlng(items: Items) = {
val id = "getByAppidAndLatlng"
val appid = 5
val dac = Item(
id = id + "dac",
appid = appid,
ct =,
itypes = List("fresh", "meat"),
starttime = Some(,
endtime = None,
price = Some(49.394),
profit = None,
latlng = Some((37.3197611, -122.0466141)),
inactive = None,
attributes = Some(Map("foo" -> "bar", "foo2" -> "bar2")))
val hsh = Item(
id = id + "hsh",
appid = appid,
ct =,
itypes = List("fresh", "meat"),
starttime = Some(,
endtime = None,
price = Some(49.394),
profit = None,
latlng = Some((37.3370801, -122.0493201)),
inactive = None,
attributes = None)
val mvh = Item(
id = id + "mvh",
appid = appid,
ct =,
itypes = List("fresh", "meat"),
starttime = Some(,
endtime = None,
price = Some(49.394),
profit = None,
latlng = Some((37.3154153, -122.0566829)),
inactive = None,
attributes = Some(Map("foo3" -> "bar3")))
val lbh = Item(
id = id + "lbh",
appid = appid,
ct =,
itypes = List("fresh", "meat"),
starttime = Some(,
endtime = None,
price = Some(49.394),
profit = None,
latlng = Some((37.2997029, -122.0034684)),
inactive = None,
attributes = Some(Map("foo4" -> "bar4", "foo5" -> "bar5")))
val allItems = Seq(dac, hsh, lbh, mvh)
allItems foreach { items.insert(_) }
(items.getByAppidAndLatlng(appid, (37.336402, -122.040467), None, None).toSeq must beEqualTo(Seq(hsh, dac, mvh, lbh))) and
(items.getByAppidAndLatlng(appid, (37.3229978, -122.0321823), None, None).toSeq must beEqualTo(Seq(dac, hsh, mvh, lbh))) and
(items.getByAppidAndLatlng(appid, (37.3229978, -122.0321823), Some(2.2), None).toSeq must beEqualTo(Seq(dac, hsh))) and
(items.getByAppidAndLatlng(appid, (37.3229978, -122.0321823), Some(2.2), Some("mi")).toSeq must beEqualTo(Seq(dac, hsh, mvh)))
def getByAppidAndItypes(items: Items) = {
val id = "getByAppidAndItypes"
val appid = 56
val dac = Item(
id = id + "dac",
appid = appid,
ct =,
itypes = List("type1", "type2"),
starttime = Some(,
endtime = None,
price = Some(49.394),
profit = None,
latlng = Some((37.3197611, -122.0466141)),
inactive = None,
attributes = Some(Map("foo" -> "bar", "foo2" -> "bar2")))
val hsh = Item(
id = id + "hsh",
appid = appid,
ct =,
itypes = List("type1"),
starttime = Some(,
endtime = None,
price = Some(49.394),
profit = None,
latlng = Some((37.3370801, -122.0493201)),
inactive = None,
attributes = None)
val mvh = Item(
id = id + "mvh",
appid = appid,
ct =,
itypes = List("type2", "type3"),
starttime = Some(,
endtime = None,
price = Some(49.394),
profit = None,
latlng = Some((37.3154153, -122.0566829)),
inactive = None,
attributes = Some(Map("foo3" -> "bar3")))
val lbh = Item(
id = id + "lbh",
appid = appid,
ct =,
itypes = List("type4"),
starttime = Some(,
endtime = None,
price = Some(49.394),
profit = None,
latlng = Some((37.2997029, -122.0034684)),
inactive = None,
attributes = Some(Map("foo4" -> "bar4", "foo5" -> "bar5")))
val allItems = Seq(dac, hsh, lbh, mvh)
allItems foreach { items.insert(_) }
(items.getByAppidAndItypes(appid, Seq("type1", "type2", "type3", "type4"))).toSeq must beEqualTo(Seq(dac, hsh, lbh, mvh)) and
((items.getByAppidAndItypes(appid, Seq("type1"))).toSeq must beEqualTo(Seq(dac, hsh))) and
((items.getByAppidAndItypes(appid, Seq("type2"))).toSeq must beEqualTo(Seq(dac, mvh))) and
((items.getByAppidAndItypes(appid, Seq("type3", "type4"))).toSeq must beEqualTo(Seq(lbh, mvh)))
def getByAppidAndItypesAndTime(items: Items) = {
val id = "getByAppidAndItypesAndTime_"
val appid = 20130423
val s1e2 = Item(id = id + "s1e2", appid = appid, ct =,
itypes = List[String](),
starttime = Some(new DateTime("2013-01-15T12:34:56.789-08:00")),
endtime = Some(new DateTime("2013-02-15T12:34:56.789-08:00")))
val s1e3a = Item(id = id + "s1e3a", appid = appid, ct =,
itypes = List[String]("a"),
starttime = Some(new DateTime("2013-01-15T12:34:56.789-08:00")),
endtime = Some(new DateTime("2013-03-15T12:34:56.789-08:00")))
val s2e3a = Item(id = id + "s2e3a", appid = appid, ct =,
itypes = List[String]("a"),
starttime = Some(new DateTime("2013-02-15T12:34:56.789-08:00")),
endtime = Some(new DateTime("2013-03-15T12:34:56.789-08:00")))
val s2e3b = Item(id = id + "s2e3b", appid = appid, ct =,
itypes = List[String]("b"),
starttime = Some(new DateTime("2013-02-15T12:34:56.789-08:00")),
endtime = Some(new DateTime("2013-03-15T12:34:56.789-08:00")))
val s4e6 = Item(id = id + "s4e6", appid = appid, ct =,
itypes = List[String](),
starttime = Some(new DateTime("2013-04-15T12:34:56.789-08:00")),
endtime = Some(new DateTime("2013-06-15T12:34:56.789-08:00")))
val s1 = Item(id = id + "s1", appid = appid, ct =,
itypes = List[String](),
starttime = Some(new DateTime("2013-01-15T12:34:56.789-08:00")),
endtime = None)
val s2 = Item(id = id + "s2", appid = appid, ct =,
itypes = List[String](),
starttime = Some(new DateTime("2013-02-15T12:34:56.789-08:00")),
endtime = None)
Seq(s1e2, s1e3a, s2e3a, s2e3b, s4e6, s1, s2).foreach { items.insert }
val t2 = new DateTime("2013-02-01T12:34:56.789-08:00")
val t3 = new DateTime("2013-03-01T12:34:56.789-08:00")
val tests = List(
(items.getByAppidAndItypesAndTime(appid, optTime = Some(t3)).toSeq
must containTheSameElementsAs(Seq(s1e3a, s2e3a, s2e3b, s1, s2))),
appid, optItypes = Some(List("b")), optTime = Some(t3)).toSeq
must containTheSameElementsAs(Seq(s2e3b))),
appid, optItypes = Some(List("a")), optTime = Some(t3)).toSeq
must containTheSameElementsAs(Seq(s1e3a, s2e3a))),
(items.getByAppidAndItypesAndTime(appid, optTime = Some(t2)).toSeq
must containTheSameElementsAs(Seq(s1e2, s1e3a, s1)))
tests.reduce(_ and _)
def getByIds(items: Items) = {
val id = "getByIds"
val appid = 4
val someItems = List(Item(
id = id + "foo",
appid = appid,
ct =,
itypes = List("fresh", "meat"),
starttime = Some(,
endtime = None,
price = Some(49.394),
profit = None,
latlng = Some((47.8948, -29.79783)),
inactive = None,
attributes = Some(Map("foo" -> "bar", "foo2" -> "bar2"))
), Item(
id = id + "bar",
appid = appid,
ct =,
itypes = List("fresh", "meat"),
starttime = Some(,
endtime = None,
price = Some(49.394),
profit = None,
latlng = Some((47.8948, -29.79783)),
inactive = None,
attributes = None
), Item(
id = id + "baz",
appid = appid,
ct =,
itypes = List("fresh", "meat"),
starttime = Some(,
endtime = None,
price = Some(49.394),
profit = None,
latlng = Some((47.8948, -29.79783)),
inactive = None,
attributes = Some(Map("foo3" -> "bar3"))
), Item(
id = id + "pub",
appid = appid,
ct =,
itypes = List("fresh", "meat"),
starttime = Some(,
endtime = None,
price = Some(49.394),
profit = None,
latlng = Some((47.8948, -29.79783)),
inactive = None,
attributes = Some(Map("foo4" -> "bar4", "foo5" -> "bar5"))
someItems foreach { items.insert(_) }
val setOfItems = items.getByIds(appid, List(id + "pub", id + "bar", id + "baz")).toSet
setOfItems.contains(someItems(1)) and setOfItems.contains(someItems(2)) and setOfItems.contains(someItems(3))
def getRecentByIds(items: Items) = {
val id = "getRecentByIds"
val appid = 3
val timedItems = List(Item(
id = id + "foo",
appid = appid,
ct =,
itypes = List("fresh", "meat"),
starttime = Some(,
endtime = None,
price = Some(49.394),
profit = None,
latlng = Some((47.8948, -29.79783)),
inactive = None,
attributes = Some(Map("foo" -> "bar"))
), Item(
id = id + "bar",
appid = appid,
ct =,
itypes = List("fresh", "meat"),
starttime = Some(,
endtime = None,
price = Some(49.394),
profit = None,
latlng = Some((47.8948, -29.79783)),
inactive = None,
attributes = Some(Map("foo" -> "bar"))
), Item(
id = id + "baz",
appid = appid,
ct =,
itypes = List("fresh", "meat"),
starttime = Some(,
endtime = None,
price = Some(49.394),
profit = None,
latlng = Some((47.8948, -29.79783)),
inactive = None,
attributes = Some(Map("foo" -> "bar"))
), Item(
id = id + "pub",
appid = appid,
ct =,
itypes = List("fresh", "meat"),
starttime = Some(,
endtime = None,
price = Some(49.394),
profit = None,
latlng = Some((47.8948, -29.79783)),
inactive = None,
attributes = Some(Map("foo" -> "bar"))
timedItems foreach { items.insert(_) }
items.getRecentByIds(appid, List(id + "pub", id + "bar", id + "baz")) must beEqualTo(List(timedItems(1), timedItems(2), timedItems(3)))
def update(items: Items) = {
val appid = 1
val id = "update"
val item = Item(
id = id,
appid = appid,
ct =,
itypes = List("slash", "dot"),
starttime = None,
endtime = None,
price = None,
profit = None,
latlng = None,
inactive = None,
attributes = Some(Map("foo" -> "baz"))
val updatedItem = item.copy(
endtime = Some(,
price = Some(99.99),
latlng = Some((43, 48.378)),
attributes = Some(Map("raw" -> "beef"))
items.get(appid, id) must beSome(updatedItem)
def delete(items: Items) = {
val appid = 2
val id = "delete"
val item = Item(
id = id,
appid = appid,
ct =,
itypes = List("fresh", "meat"),
starttime = Some(,
endtime = None,
price = Some(49.394),
profit = None,
latlng = Some((47.8948, -29.79783)),
inactive = None,
attributes = Some(Map("foo" -> "bar"))
items.get(appid, id) must beNone
def deleteByAppid(items: Items) = {
// insert a few items with appid1 and a few items with appid2.
// delete all items of appid1.
// items of appid1 should be deleted and items of appid2 should still exist.
// delete all items of appid2
// items of appid2 should be deleted
val appid1 = 10
val appid2 = 11
val ida = "deleteByAppid-ida"
val idb = "deleteByAppid-idb"
val idc = "deleteByAppid-idc"
val item1a = Item(
id = ida,
appid = appid1,
ct =,
itypes = List("fresh", "meat"),
starttime = Some(,
endtime = None,
price = Some(49.394),
profit = None,
latlng = Some((47.8948, -29.79783)),
inactive = None,
attributes = Some(Map("foo" -> "bar"))
val item1b = item1a.copy(
id = idb,
price = Some(1.23)
val item1c = item1a.copy(
id = idc,
price = Some(2.45)
val item2a = item1a.copy(
appid = appid2
val item2b = item1b.copy(
appid = appid2
val item2c = item1c.copy(
appid = appid2
val g1_1a = items.get(appid1, ida)
val g1_1b = items.get(appid1, idb)
val g1_1c = items.get(appid1, idc)
val g1_2a = items.get(appid2, ida)
val g1_2b = items.get(appid2, idb)
val g1_2c = items.get(appid2, idc)
val g2_1a = items.get(appid1, ida)
val g2_1b = items.get(appid1, idb)
val g2_1c = items.get(appid1, idc)
val g2_2a = items.get(appid2, ida)
val g2_2b = items.get(appid2, idb)
val g2_2c = items.get(appid2, idc)
val g3_2a = items.get(appid2, ida)
val g3_2b = items.get(appid2, idb)
val g3_2c = items.get(appid2, idc)
(g1_1a, g1_1b, g1_1c) must be_==((Some(item1a), Some(item1b), Some(item1c))) and
((g1_2a, g1_2b, g1_2c) must be_==((Some(item2a), Some(item2b), Some(item2c)))) and
((g2_1a, g2_1b, g2_1c) must be_==((None, None, None))) and
((g2_2a, g2_2b, g2_2c) must be_==((Some(item2a), Some(item2b), Some(item2c)))) and
((g3_2a, g3_2b, g3_2c) must be_==((None, None, None)))
def countByAppid(items: Items) = {
val appid1 = 20
val appid2 = 21
val appid3 = 22
val ida = "countByAppid-ida"
val idb = "countByAppid-idb"
val item1a = Item(
id = ida,
appid = appid1,
ct =,
itypes = List("fresh", "meat"),
starttime = Some(,
endtime = None,
price = Some(49.394),
profit = None,
latlng = Some((47.8948, -29.79783)),
inactive = None,
attributes = Some(Map("foo" -> "bar"))
val item1b = item1a.copy(
id = idb
val item2a = item1a.copy(
appid = appid2
items.countByAppid(appid1) must be_==(2) and
(items.countByAppid(appid2) must be_==(1)) and
(items.countByAppid(appid3) must be_==(0))