blob: a8a0e92ea1c9e5bb2dc7fa1c03bbb9fc513479f5 [file] [log] [blame]
package io.prediction.commons.settings
import io.prediction.commons.Common
import org.json4s._
import org.json4s.native.Serialization
* ParamGen Object
* @param id ID
* @param infoid param gen info id
* @param tuneid ID of the OfflineTune
* @param params param gen parameters as key-value pairs
case class ParamGen(
id: Int,
infoid: String,
tuneid: Int,
params: Map[String, Any])
trait ParamGens extends Common {
/** Insert a paramGen and return ID */
def insert(paramGen: ParamGen): Int
/** Get a paramGen by its ID */
def get(id: Int): Option[ParamGen]
/** Get all parameter generators. */
def getAll(): Iterator[ParamGen]
/** Get paramGen by offline tune ID */
def getByTuneid(tuneid: Int): Iterator[ParamGen]
/** Update paramGen */
def update(paramGen: ParamGen, upsert: Boolean = false)
/** Delete paramGen by its ID */
def delete(id: Int)
implicit val formats = Serialization.formats(NoTypeHints) + new ParamGenSerializer
/** Backup all data as a byte array. */
def backup(): Array[Byte] = Serialization.write(getAll().toSeq).getBytes("UTF-8")
/** Restore data from a byte array backup created by the current or the immediate previous version of commons. */
def restore(bytes: Array[Byte], inplace: Boolean = false, upgrade: Boolean = false): Option[Seq[ParamGen]] = {
try {
val rdata =[Seq[ParamGen]](new String(bytes, "UTF-8"))
if (inplace) rdata foreach { update(_, true) }
} catch {
case e: MappingException => None
/** json4s serializer for the ParamGen class. */
class ParamGenSerializer extends CustomSerializer[ParamGen](format => (
case x: JObject =>
implicit val formats = Serialization.formats(NoTypeHints)
id = (x \ "id").extract[Int],
infoid = (x \ "infoid").extract[String],
tuneid = (x \ "tuneid").extract[Int],
params = Common.sanitize((x \ "params").asInstanceOf[JObject].values))
case x: ParamGen =>
implicit val formats = Serialization.formats(NoTypeHints)
JField("id", Extraction.decompose( ::
JField("infoid", Extraction.decompose(x.infoid)) ::
JField("tuneid", Extraction.decompose(x.tuneid)) ::
JField("params", Extraction.decompose(x.params)) :: Nil)