blob: 4a7b134c13b945c0a1ae165333814ec60a80524f [file] [log] [blame]
package io.prediction.commons.settings
import org.json4s._
import org.json4s.native.JsonMethods._
import org.json4s.native.Serialization
* Contains metadata for a parameter that is used in an Info object.
* @param id ID.
* @param name Parameter name.
* @param description Parameter description.
* @param defaultvalue Default value of the parameter.
* @param constraint Constraint of the parameter.
* @param ui UI information of the parameter.
* @param scopes Scopes where this parameter is required.
case class Param(
id: String,
name: String,
description: Option[String],
defaultvalue: Any,
constraint: ParamConstraint,
ui: ParamUI,
scopes: Option[Set[String]] = None)
* Base trait for a parameter constraint.
trait ParamConstraint {
* Parameter type.
* Can be "boolean", "double", "integer", "long", or "string".
def paramtype: String
* Indicates a parameter of type Boolean.
case class ParamBooleanConstraint(paramtype: String = "boolean")
extends ParamConstraint
* Indicates a parameter of type Double.
* @param min Minimum allowed value.
* @param max Maximum allowed value.
case class ParamDoubleConstraint(
paramtype: String = "double",
min: Option[Double] = None,
max: Option[Double] = None)
extends ParamConstraint
* Indicates a parameter of type Int.
* @param min Minimum allowed value.
* @param max Maximum allowed value.
case class ParamIntegerConstraint(
paramtype: String = "integer",
min: Option[Int] = None,
max: Option[Int] = None)
extends ParamConstraint
* Indicates a parameter of type Long.
* @param min Minimum allowed value.
* @param max Maximum allowed value.
case class ParamLongConstraint(
paramtype: String = "long",
min: Option[Long] = None,
max: Option[Long] = None)
extends ParamConstraint
* Indicates a parameter of type String.
case class ParamStringConstraint(paramtype: String = "string")
extends ParamConstraint
* Defines the parameter's user interface that will be used in the
* administration user interface.
* @param uitype User interface type. Can be "text", "slider", and "selection".
* @param selections List of selectable items to be displayed when UI type is
* "selection".
* @param slidermin Minimum value of the slider when UI type is "slider".
* @param slidermax Maximum value of the slider when UI type is "slider".
* @param sliderstep Step size of the slider when UI type is "slider".
case class ParamUI(
uitype: String = "text",
selections: Option[Seq[ParamSelectionUI]] = None,
slidermin: Option[Int] = None,
slidermax: Option[Int] = None,
sliderstep: Option[Int] = None)
* A selectable item for the selection user interface.
* @param value Selection's value.
* @param name Selection's name.
case class ParamSelectionUI(value: String, name: String)
* Defines a section that contains parameters to be displayed in the user
* interface.
* @param name Section's name.
* @param sectiontype Section's type. Can be "normal" and "tuning".
* @param description Section's description.
* @param subsections A list of subsections.
* @param params A list of parameters of this section.
case class ParamSection(
name: String,
sectiontype: String = "normal",
description: Option[String] = None,
subsections: Option[Seq[ParamSection]] = None,
params: Option[Seq[String]] = None)
/** json4s serializer for the Param class. */
class ParamSerializer extends CustomSerializer[Param](format => (
case x: JObject =>
implicit val formats = Serialization.formats(ShortTypeHints(List(
val constraint = (x \ "constraint").extract[ParamConstraint]
val dv = x \ "defaultvalue"
val defaultvalue = constraint match {
case c: ParamBooleanConstraint => dv.extract[Boolean]
case c: ParamDoubleConstraint => dv.extract[Double]
case c: ParamIntegerConstraint => dv.extract[Int]
case c: ParamLongConstraint => dv.extract[Long]
case c: ParamStringConstraint => dv.extract[String]
id = (x \ "id").extract[String],
name = (x \ "name").extract[String],
description = (x \ "description").extract[Option[String]],
defaultvalue = defaultvalue,
constraint = constraint,
ui = (x \ "ui").extract[ParamUI],
scopes = (x \ "scopes").extract[Option[Set[String]]])
case p: Param =>
implicit val formats = Serialization.formats(ShortTypeHints(List(
JField("id", Extraction.decompose( ::
JField("name", Extraction.decompose( ::
JField("description", Extraction.decompose(p.description)) ::
JField("defaultvalue", Extraction.decompose(p.defaultvalue)) ::
JField("constraint", Extraction.decompose(p.constraint)) ::
JField("ui", Extraction.decompose(p.ui)) ::
JField("scopes", Extraction.decompose(p.scopes)) :: Nil)