blob: 22d34b4b9f58993d6db151cb27afe6b68d97fe76 [file] [log] [blame]
package io.prediction.commons.settings
import io.prediction.commons.Common
import org.json4s._
import org.json4s.native.Serialization
* AlgoInfo object.
* @param id Unique identifier. Usually identical to the algorithm's namespace.
* @param name Algorithm name.
* @param description A long description of the algorithm.
* @param batchcommands Command templates for running the algorithm in batch mode.
* @param offlineevalcommands Command templates for running the algorithm in offline evaluation mode.
* @param params Map of Param objects, with keys equal to IDs of Param objects it contains.
* @param paramorder The display order of parameters.
* @param engineinfoid The EngineInfo ID of the engine that can run this algorithm.
* @param techreq Technology requirement for this algorithm to run.
* @param datareq Data requirement for this algorithm to run.
* @param capabilities Engine features that this algorithm can handle.
case class AlgoInfo(
id: String,
name: String,
description: Option[String],
batchcommands: Option[Seq[String]],
offlineevalcommands: Option[Seq[String]],
params: Map[String, Param],
paramsections: Seq[ParamSection],
paramorder: Seq[String],
engineinfoid: String,
techreq: Seq[String],
datareq: Seq[String],
capabilities: Seq[String] = Seq()) extends Info
/** Base trait for implementations that interact with algo info in the backend data store. */
trait AlgoInfos extends Common {
/** Insert an algo info. */
def insert(algoInfo: AlgoInfo): Unit
/** Get algo info by its ID. */
def get(id: String): Option[AlgoInfo]
/** Get all algo info. */
def getAll(): Seq[AlgoInfo]
/** Get algo info by their engine type. */
def getByEngineInfoId(engineinfoid: String): Seq[AlgoInfo]
/** Update an algo info. */
def update(algoInfo: AlgoInfo, upsert: Boolean = false): Unit
/** Delete an algo info by its ID. */
def delete(id: String): Unit
implicit val formats = Serialization.formats(NoTypeHints) + new ParamSerializer
/** Backup all AlgoInfos as a byte array. */
def backup(): Array[Byte] = Serialization.write(getAll()).getBytes("UTF-8")
/** Restore AlgoInfos from a byte array backup created by the current or the immediate previous version of commons. */
def restore(bytes: Array[Byte], inplace: Boolean = false, upgrade: Boolean = false): Option[Seq[AlgoInfo]] = {
try {
val rdata =[Seq[AlgoInfo]](new String(bytes, "UTF-8"))
if (inplace) rdata foreach { update(_, true) }
} catch {
case e: MappingException => None