title: Tuning and Evaluation

PredictionIO's evaluation module allows you to streamline the process of testing lots of knobs in engine parameters and deploy the best one out of it using statistically sound cross-validation methods.

There are two key components:


It is our evaluation target. During evaluation, in addition to the train and deploy mode we describe in earlier sections, the engine also generates a list of testing data points. These data points are a sequence of Query and Actual Result tuples. Queries are sent to the engine and the engine responds with a Predicted Result, in the same way as how the engine serves a query.


The evaluator joins the sequence of Query, Predicted Result, and Actual Result together and evaluates the quality of the engine. PredictionIO enables you to implement any metric with just a few lines of code.

PredictionIO Evaluation Overview

We will discuss various aspects of evaluation with PredictionIO.